I owe a lot to my father in that he taught me a veritable trove of lessons I will never forget.
That he did it by being my anti hero and having no concept of me is incidental.
I am much the wiser for them.
The biggest one is when people around you are silent, don’t assume its a sign of respect or agreement. It might be a good time to examine your position and behavoir and modify it.
Also talking around subjects will have you going in circles your entire life.
Be willing to admit mistakes and flaws. It is not a sign of weakness but one strength and shows a willingness to learn from them.
Emotions without thought are dangerous.
Kindness and an ability to recognize differences will get you much farther then intolerance.
Life will always continue no matter what choice you make until it doesn’t and then it doesn’t matter. (That is the hardest one for me to act on)
Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones they will turn their back on you.
Control is overrated.
There are some negative ones that I picked up that I have been working on recognizing and undoing. But that is just me putting my own stamp on my life.