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rockfan's avatar

Your opinion on Jim Carrey slamming Kick-Ass 2 for being too violent?

Asked by rockfan (14627points) June 25th, 2013
41 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

This is a recent tweet he posted:

“I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence. My apologies to others involve with the film. I am not ashamed of it but recent events have caused a change in my heart.”

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livelaughlove21's avatar

I’ve never seen the movie, so I couldn’t say.

ucme's avatar

While his intentions are undeniably honourable, I think he’s pulling a bit of a movie star drama queen moment.
The Kick Ass films are comedic tongue in cheek superhero fantasy, hardly hardcore violence, chill bro.

Pachy's avatar

I haven’t seen it and won’t. Not my cup of tea… and increasingly, except for very limited quantities of it, neither is violence in movies. There’s enough of that in the news.

But here’s the thing: to an impressionable kid whose sensitivity to violence gets ratcheted down with every violent movie or TV show he watches, or to a nutjob with guns or bombs who might be into copycatting, there’s not much difference between “comedic tongue in cheek superhero fantasy” and “hardcore violence.”

ucme's avatar

^^Massively flawed logic, the same could be said for Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I never saw KA1, and won’t see KA2.

But I give the guy credit for speaking his mind, and not just accepting the bilgewater that Hollywood spews out.

This isn’t going to make Hollywood very happy with him. Maybe he no longer cares.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Did he comment to boost movie revenue? I had not heard of either movie until now.
I won’t be going to see them.

cutiepi92's avatar

I respect his opinion. I really enjoyed the first KickAss and will definitely go see the second one. I guess I just don’t relate violence in movies or on TV to violence in real life because it isn’t the same…’s just a fictional movie, nothing more. And I’m with you @ucme. I mean, I play violent video games where I’m literally stabbing people in the back (assassin’s creed) and I am too scared to even touch or hold a pocketknife or gun in real life. It’s not the same

ucme's avatar

@cutiepi92 I chainsaw the fuck outta locusts on Gears & slit throats of noobs on Black Ops…teabagging pwnage & can’t stand the sight of blood even, big wuss that I am.
It’s not movies/games or anything else media related, it’s about knowing right from wrong.

jonsblond's avatar

I liked the first movie. I’d also like to know what Mr. Carrey plans on doing with all that money he is making from being in the film.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Oh for fucks sake the movie is called Kick Ass what do you expect? And it’s not like he didn’t know about all the violence when he read the script, agreed and then filmed the movie. I think it’s rather silly to say that because of Sandy Hook that one should look negatively on a completely unrelated movie.

ragingloli's avatar

He still makes movies?

JLeslie's avatar

I think he just helps the movie, because now people are more curious to see it. Anyone over the age of 30 who can’t evaluate whether a movie is violent or not has some thing wrong with them in my opinion. You need Sandy Hook to have a change of heart? Sorry, but that is extremely dissappointing to me. It’s like that preacher guy finally having a change of heart about pray the gay away now that his former lover committed suicide. Too little too late, many many people have committed suicide before his exboyfriend. I just don’t understand how adults can be so clueless.

SuperMouse's avatar

My first reaction is that one does not crap where one eats. He seemingly didn’t have any trouble taking his paycheck for the film. Frankly he should be happy to get work these days considering how irrelevant he has become.

How about Mr. Carrey put his money where his mouth is and donate his entire salary to victims of gun violence. He could help out Richard Castaldo, a Columbine victim who is now paraplegic because of his wounds and was recently losing his home to foreclosure. He could donate to groups that lobby for stricter gun control. Until he does I think he is a two faced publicity whore.

The first Kick Ass was an awesome movie and after seeing the trailers for the second, it looks like its biggest liability is Jim Carrey.

Rarebear's avatar

The name of the movie is “Kick Ass”. ‘nuff said.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Until he gives up the paycheck he got for making the movie, he is all talk and no action IMO.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Why is it such a big deal that he has regrets about a film he made after a tragedy occurred? Sometimes we don’t realize what we’re doing until the consequences are thrown in our face. He wouldn’t do the project again if he could go back. So what? Is he an awful person for making such a comment in a tweet but not be willing to hand over his paycheck? It was just a statement.

Again, I haven’t seen the film, so I have no clue how violent it is, but people are sure being harsh because he made a simple comment about it. He wasn’t unduly rude or nasty about it – give the guy a break.

Berserker's avatar

Isn’t he the dude who came out of a rhinoceros’s ass or something? Anyways I haven’t seen it, so I can’t say nothing, and either way it’s his opinion.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@livelaughlove21 so it is okay to denounce a movie for violence while getting paid for making the same movie you are publicly denouncing? If he is contractually bound to promote the movie he will have to give back some of his earnings anyway, why not do it now instead of after a lengthy and expensive trial?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Symbeline Yep.

@WestRiverrat I seriously doubt he’ll be going to court for this. If Shia LeBeouf can get away with what he said, I think Jim Carey will be just fine. Again, it was just a comment on Twitter. So? I get why the Kick Ass people would care, but why anyone else?

jonsblond's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Why should we give the man a break when he is a multimillionaire biting the hand that feeds him? We are also just giving our opinions. I call bs that he had a change of heart. Lets see some proof. What did he do with all that money that was given to him for making the movie? besides, he’s a terrible actor anyway. His only good movie was Cable Guy. I’ll bitch about him as much as I want to. ;)

rockfan's avatar

@jonsblond Have you seen The Truman Show or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Two fantastic movies in my opinion.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@livelaughlove21 you hire me to cater and promote your next big party. You would be ok with paying me my full fee if after I finished cooking but before the party, I tweeted that I have no problem with you having the party, but the menu sucks and I wish I had never made the food for you.

Jim Carrey is doing that to his studio if he was hired to star in AND promote the movie.

jonsblond's avatar

@rockfan Yep. Didn’t like them. I did like Dumb and Dumber, so I was wrong, two good movies. imo

livelaughlove21's avatar

@WestRiverrat Like I said, I get why the Kickass people might be mad. No one would give a hoot if this was an article about some Joe Schmo. Jim Carey is different because he’s rich and famous. If he wasn’t, no one would care except for the people directly involved. Personally, I don’t hold celebrities to a higher standard than us regular folk. They’re just people.

ucme's avatar

If he did come out & say he waived his fee, would folks call him a Liar Liar?
I liked the Ace Ventura films & The Mask, err…kicked ass :)

livelaughlove21's avatar

@ucme Jim Carey was huge when I was growing up, so I like him quite a bit. Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber, The Mask…all movies that I still love. I’m not a big fan of his more “serious” movies and I hated The Truman Show (probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen), but I thought Bruce Almighty and Fun With Dick and Jane were pretty good. He’ll always be Ace Ventura Pet Detective to me, though.

“Excuse me, may I ass you a few questions?” :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I feel the same except I liked The Truman Show, thought Man on the Moon was great and Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite movies. I don’t think too much of him anymore but yea, I always remember him as Ace Ventura

ucme's avatar

“Well alrighty then!”

SuperMouse's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Jim Carrey is different because he took a paycheck for this movie then went out and bad mouthed it. He gets the same fee whether the film makes money or not (he has long since passed his prime when he could get a percentage of the gross).

I only care to the extent that I think it is dick move. It would be like me going out and bad mouthing my employer – just not cool. I caused me to lose respect for him and when it comes down to it it means nothing to victims of Sandy Hook and other gun tragedies.
I would have a lot more respect for him if instead of bad mouthing the movie, he actually did something to promote gun control of help victims of gun violence.

I also wonder how much gun violence is actually in Kick Ass 2. It is a super hero movie and while those do have a lot of ass kicking, typically very little of it is done with guns.

ucme's avatar

Maybe he suffers from Johnnydeppitis, Carrey was considered for the leading roles in Edward Scissorhands, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl & Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@ucme Jim Carey as Jack Sparrow? Oh, hell no! I like him, but Johnny Depp is Jack Sparrow. They made the right decision on that one.

JLeslie's avatar

He is failing to fufill his contract I would assume. Doesn’t he have to make the rounds and promote the movie?

I can’t watch him anyway. I literally have a very hard time looking at him. Add, that he used to distort himself all the time—yuck.

jonsblond's avatar

will studios be reluctant to hire him for fear he’ll find reason to blow them off too? Publicity, promotion and marketing are just as important to the success of a film as the quality of the film itself, and it is crucial for a distributor to tightly control all aspects of the branding and imaging of the film,” Hollywood producer Gary Michael Walters told FOX411 Pop Tarts column….
A well-placed industry insider noted that there is almost always “a publicity clause written into the contracts, even into the initial Talent Offer” which Carey most likely violated.
The success or failure of Kick-Ass 2, due to be released Aug. 16, may end up having little to do with Carrey, according to one film insider.
The studio could cut Jim’s scenes from the film entirely and the audience wouldn’t know the difference. I don’t think anyone respects his voice anymore because Hollywood knows his Hollywood stock has dropped tremendously. source

Personally, I’d rather see the film without him in it.

dabbler's avatar

@ucme I think you prove @Pachyderm_In_The_Room‘s point with “Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes”. Those have in fact inspired plenty of injuries among imitators in playtime scenarios.

Still, I totally believe you can balance game experience with real life good judgement.
The difference between you and the vulnerable is that you were exposed to, and understand, good judgement.

dabbler's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I don’t think @ucme means that Jim Carey should have got those roles. I think he means that Carey has an ailment resulting from being considered for those awesome male fantasy roles, and getting declined for them all, in Depp’s shadow.

dabbler's avatar

I haven’t seen KickAss yet.
But if Jim Carey said he was surprised at the violence in a movie called KickAss – that he made – then as far as I’m concerned he was in character when he said it.
And he could have been wearing that hyper-dimple radiant “ok bye then” face, with those wild and defocused eyes, ready for anything.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@dabbler I’m aware of what he meant. I was simply commenting on the ridiculousness that Jim Carrey was even considered for that role when Johnny Depp was clearly the only choice.

dabbler's avatar

roger that

augustlan's avatar

If he’s had a change of heart, that’s his business and I won’t judge him for it. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between your personal integrity and your contractual obligations. But he should have waited until after the film release dies down. Going about it the way he has looks ungrateful, like he’s biting the hand that feeds him. He may not really care if he ever works again, of course.

I do think he takes himself way too seriously in general, though.

I loved the first Kickass, and my favorite Jim Carrey performance is in a little-known TV movie from before he got famous: Doing Time on Maple Drive.

ucme's avatar

@dabbler Yeah, coz all the neighbourhood cats live in fear of kids hacking their tails off with a set of shears & bashing their heads in with mommy’s frying pan…not!
@livelaughlove21 The list of roles he was either considered for or turned down is fascinating.
Phone Booth/Colin Farrell
Chaplin/Robert Downey JR
Buzz Lightyear/Tim Allen
Dr Evil/MikeMyers
Elf/Will Ferrell

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