Social Question

Eggie's avatar

Would you start a fight with someone if they insulted your S.O?

Asked by Eggie (5921points) August 10th, 2013
40 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

For the guys, what if someone called your S.O a slut in your presence or for the girls what if someone insulted your S.O in a really rude manner. Is it customary for the guys to slug the offender?

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livelaughlove21's avatar

Slug them? No. Shoot back with a better insult? Yes.

It really depends on how rude the comment is. I might not say anything at all.

Eggie's avatar

What if it is at the movies or a party and someone called your girlfriend a stinging whore, wouldn’t you slug them I mean, as a guy shouldn’t you? Ladies, wouldn’t you feel better if your guy or girl did?

ragingloli's avatar

It would not be a fight.
It would be genocide.

Eggie's avatar

@ragingloli Well you see my point. So you would say “Fight!” then?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Eggie If my husband punched a guy for calling me a slut (or any other stupid insult), I’d leave him at the party or theater and go home without him. Guys who solve conflicts with their fists turn me off. Unless a guy puts his hands on me, I don’t need my guy to beat anyone up for me. Fights are stupid.

And I certainly wouldn’t yell, “Fight!” High school is over, no need for that mess.

ragingloli's avatar

No. “fight” would imply equivalence of power. I would go up to my spaceship, and incinerate the planet.

Eggie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Well that too. What if a guy grabs your butt with your hubby, should he slug the guy and if he doesn’t wouldn’t you look at him “soft”?

Headhurts's avatar

I would want him to look out for me. I wouldn’t want him to get hurt for me. I would like to think that I am safe with him, and I do. I know he wouldn’t let any harm come to me. I wouldn’t want to risk losing him if some idiot called me a slut, because for him to do that, he is looking for the fight. You would be the bigger person to walk away. Put your arm around your girlfriend, and walk away, unharmed.

ucme's avatar

I wouldn’t be required, the wife would be in like a flash before I had chance to blink, she throws a mean right hook.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Eggie Uh, no. If a guy grabs my ass, my husband would say something to him. If he dud it again, he’d probably get physical at that point.

However, a guy not hitting someone for acting a fool doesn’t make him soft. Masculinity is not measured in how often you use your fists. And I stay far away from men that believe it is.

Eggie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 So you wouldn’t feel any bit of attraction if your husband just grabbed the guy, broke his nose and twisted his wrist and put him on the ground and made the guy apologize for insulting you?

Seek's avatar

Generally, this does not occur. People see my husband, and cautious respect is immediately granted.

If for whatever reason a person doesn’t know whose wife I am, and he is not around to make it known immediately, I’m more than capable of slugging the bastard myself. I follow the “three strikes” rule.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Eggie Not at all. I’d be annoyed, not attracted.

JLeslie's avatar

Physical fight is completely ridiculous to me, and If my husband did such a thing because someone insulted me, I would be extremely pissed. I think both of us would tell the idiot who insulted one of us to leave us alone, and we would walk away. Especially if it was a stranger I would write them off as nut cases and ignore it. If it was someone we knew, I might be inclined to state why they are out of line.

gailcalled's avatar

Skip the fisticuffs and go strainght for your loaded revolver.

filmfann's avatar

I made a friend in the 8th grade. I was best man at his wedding. When they divorced, I spent many nights talking to him, getting him through it. I set him up with some women I would have liked to go out with. He would break their hearts and their spirits. He went through alcoholism, and I stayed friends through his abuse.
When I married my wife, he was unhappy. 2 weeks after we married, he asked when the baby was due. I told him my wife wasn’t pregnant, and he said “Of course she is. There is no other reason you would marry her.” I hung up the phone on him, and continued to till he got the message. I didn’t talk to him for 15 years, when we ran into each other while I was working. We exchanged brief greetings, and left it there. 13 years later, he friended me on Facebook. I accepted the friending, but we haven’t spoken.
Now, 29 years later, I think I let him off easy. I regret not punching him. I think it would have been better for both of us.

Blackberry's avatar

No. The world is not that small. Why would I risk physical harm and possible jail time for a few words? We have words (or the lack of them) and they can be used to deescalate situations like mature adults as well. There’s nothing with a witty retort, though.

Blackberry's avatar

” a guy shouldn’t you?”

This is an unfortunate thought process. @Eggie, how would you feel if you moved in with the love of your life, only to discover he planned on you doing all of the housework and cooking, with his reasoning being “Well, you’re a woman, shouldn’t you?”

OneBadApple's avatar

Self-restraint is indeed a beautiful thing. But if some asshole spoke that way to my wife, it would be the last thing that he’d ever say using his customary teeth.

Sorry, but that’s how it would definitely go down.

I could be sued, or go to prison, you say ? Well, guess what ?......I don’t care…..

livelaughlove21's avatar

@OneBadApple What a narrow minded way to think. Why hit him for saying something rude? What’s the purpose? What would happen if you didn’t go off in some mindless rage over a comment? Does him saying this comment make it true? Is your woman such a fragile little lady that she can’t defend herself? Will the comment scar her for life if you, apparently a knight in shining armor, don’t use your fists to defend her virtue?

I don’t believe in doing things for absolutely no reason. Or for a stupid reason, for that matter.

Blondesjon's avatar

No, but I would finish the fight they started with their comment.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Depends on whether I agreed or not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Six years ago my husband had a long time friend who got really drunk one night and insulted me. He actually shoved me. (I shoved him back and escaped) We left, and haven’t seen him since, even though he did try to apologize when he sobered up.

LornaLove's avatar

I would resort to physical violence if necessary, using my bare hands! Or any garden implements that I had nearby!

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ I did that when I shoved him, but I felt bad. Ok, he was little taller and much stronger than me, but he only had one hand. The other one was cut off at the wrist. I mean, I shoved a handicapped person. That is just wrong man, even if he did shove me first, and call me a dumb, blond pencil pusher!

Seek's avatar

Yeah, Dutchess, he deserved it. Not having a hand doesn’t give you an excuse to be a douche.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not physical violence, unless they went after him with physical violence, but even then. If it’s a verbal insult, I’d destroy them with same.

Seek's avatar

Some how, I was reading this as a physical insult. Grab-assing and the like. Touch me after I say “no”, I, my husband, or take your pick of my scary dude posse (and I almost never go somewhere that I’m not a well-vouched-for regular) will end you.

But verbal ass-slapping? That’s generally met with some verbal kung-fu on my part, or on my hubby’s, an invitation to discuss the matter outside.

augustlan's avatar

The only time I would welcome my husband’s physical defense of me would be if someone were trying to physically harm me. Not touching my butt, mind you, but inflicting actual violence on me. I’d do the same for him.

But I’d be beyond pissed if my husband hit someone because they insulted me. I am not made of spun sugar, and I’m quite capable of dealing with a verbal insult all by myself, thank-you-very-much.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann Are you sure the friend didn’t just mean why would anyone get married? That it wasn’t directed at your wife, and it was a big misunderstanding? When my husband and I got engaged many people told him not to do it. It did bother me a little I must admit.

poisonedantidote's avatar

It depends where I am and what the local laws are like, at the moment I am here in Spain, and I would assault the guy for the insult. The reason being he probably wont go to the police cause that kind of thing is looked down on, and also if he did go to the police, I am basically walking away trouble free, because we don’t really jail people for fights unless there was a weapon involved.

If it where some big brother police state like the UK, full of cameras and petty laws, I would walk away and just hope I bump in to the guy again when there are no cameras.

Paradox25's avatar

It would depend on my mood, and probably a few other factors. I’ll just say that it’s possible. Sometimes people get down in the dumps, or are depressed so if I sense this in a person I’m usually very humble. I’m basing my assumptions off of how I’ve reacted to others throughout my years, though I never had to defend a SO.

filmfann's avatar

@JLeslie When I was first dating my wife, I was also dating a legal secretary. My friend didn’t like my wife, and urged me to marry the other girl. He felt my wife was lazy and practically retarded because of her deafness.

tranquilsea's avatar

My hubby’s brothers like to put him down a LOT as he is the baby of the family. They are really quite mean about it. The last time they did it around me I turned and said, “he’s a wonderful husband and a loving and caring father and he never says anything bad about anyone.” Then I turned around and left the room. I haven’t heard anything since.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann I see why you think he is an asshole now. Did he ever apologize? Does he know why you cut off the friendship?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Start it and end it fast. Hubs and my mom are off limits for anyone.
I’m ten foot tall and bullet-proof when it comes to them.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ Has anyone ever insulted your mom?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KNOWITALL Your mother was a hamster and your hubs smelt of elderberries. Now whatcha gonna do???? :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Oh woman, you’re so sassy. Your mother has the dumbest apples! (Amish insult)

Back in my young, dumb days, I did pull a knife on a guy messing with my mom. Needless to say, I’m glad it worked out the way it did, which was me not using it. Aaah, the folly of youth.

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