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sad_girl's avatar

How should I approach this situation?

Asked by sad_girl (57points) August 23rd, 2013
22 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have had a boyfriend for about a month, everything seemed great until the other day when he had a Saturday night dinner with a female friend. Firstly, he was the one who pursued our “exclusivity”, I never pressured him on this. He volunteered this information, and told me it was because she was thanking him for taking care of her cats while she was away (LOL). He also told me he wasn’t interested in her but that “fatty could really cook”. One or two clicks later via Facebook I ascertained that his ex girlfriend had two cats and had been abroad. I also knew that at the end if their relationship, she had gained a lot of weight, and also that they remained friends.

Never on any planet would dinner with an ex at her house fly with me. Would it you?

I also found out he is still on a dating site, and logs on regularly, despite telling me that he no longer uses dating sites. (LOL)

He did not want to update his Facebook status to show that we are in a relationship because it is too “new” (do I need to write another lol?)

Anyway, after all this, it’s needless to say that my butterflies for him have flown far, far away…and even more interestingly, I have been asked out by someone else…wow!

Man #2 does know that I had been seeing Man #1, and the other day when #2 asked about my situation, I told #2 that I was no longer exclusive with #1, because I knew what I was looking for and he just was not it.

#2 has been a friend for awhile, and knows a little about me finding out about the dating site, etc. I shared some information with him, as at the time, we were simply buddies.

I am a little embarrassed that #2 knows about some of the things that have just gone on with #1, should I be? How can I make #2 know that I am no longer interested at all in #1?

Also, #1 doesn’t know that I know all this about him. He is still taking to me daily as if nothing has happened, although I haven’t been responding as I usually do. I wanted to think about everything before rushing into some kind of tirade. I’m also thinking, is it even that necessary to say anything to #1…given his dismissive attitude towards the “relationship”? Why even give him the satisfaction of knowing that I cared or looked?

I feel like I’m ready to write a novella!

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

” “fatty could really cook”.” And you’re still with him because…?

sad_girl's avatar

No, no, I’m not with him.

keobooks's avatar

Just tell #1—See ya! And don’t bother with explanations. He’s not worth it. He sounds like the type that will start chasing you once he figures out you’re not into him any more. He’ll suddenly turn really nice and start apologizing for anything he can think up that he might have done to tick you off.

As for #2, he’s a friend so you can just talk it out and be honest.

I don’t see what the problem is here.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dump #1 (going out with another chick on Saturday date night without you is pretty rude, not to mention the stupid dating sites), give #2 100% shot at being your dream guy, you never know.
And being honest with #2 about #1 is okay, honesty is a big plus in a relationship, and being open with each other is important.

sad_girl's avatar

Woohoo! Reality isn’t so bad after all.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@sad_girl Because you’ve moved on to #2? I think you can just make it clear to him, in a conversation, that you are not dating anyone else.

sad_girl's avatar

Yes, #2 has been pretty persistent about finding out exactly what’s going on with #1. I let him know that the metaphorical axe has fallen, and that plans I had with #1 are not going to come into fruition. I’m still embarrassed that he knows at all, but what can you do….I mean I didn’t start dating #1 with the knowledge that he would become such a jerk!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@sad_girl I have to say that kind of embarrassment is not unusual. Just today, after yelling at my ex-husband again, I banged my head into the wall and wondered how I could have married him, etc and how embarrassed I am that I did and how much time I wasted.

LornaLove's avatar

It’s all a learning curve, we meet people that teach us what we really don’t want in our lives. You don’t have to over explain yourself to anyone.

marinelife's avatar

Don’t treat him like he is treating you. Break up with him.

Be up front about it. Tell him that you have met someone new that you want to date. Let him know that you felt his dinner with his ex (and the fact that she was his ex) was out of bounds, and that you found out that he is logging onto dating sites.

sad_girl's avatar

Just told him everything…. eat that number 1. And I bet he thought I’d just put up with it all… he had another thing coming.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@sad_girl Will you change your name to Happy_Girl now? ha!

sad_girl's avatar

Indifferent_Girl might be more accurate, haha.

hearkat's avatar

The first guy was a jerk, it seems. You’re better off without him.

As for the new guy knowing some of the dirt that you went through with the ex, I think it’s a good sign that he still wants to be with you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would stop talking about #1 to #2 . I would not say that he was a loser, or how #2 is much nicer, or how I was sad about leaving or how I cut him off, or anything more. . It is not #2’s business. It is over and not a topic for discussion. You do not know if your info is getting back to #1. Stop it! You don’t have to mention you are stopping it. Just stop. Talk about the weather. Talk about the meal you just had. Talk about the latest movie, or music, or politics. Just stop talking about #1. That is over. If you must , say you have already closed that chapter and do not care to reread it.
You might ask why #2 is so interested in it.

LostInParadise's avatar

The dinner with the ex is the least important of the things that you mentioned. At least he was honest in telling you about it. It could very well be a one time thing. That he is lying to you about using other dating sites and that he won’t acknowledge you as his girlfriend on Facebook are red flags. Tell him that his behavior is unacceptable and that you have found someone else. I go along with @LuckyGuy about talking to #2 about #1. The previous relationship is history. There is no need to discuss it.

janbb's avatar

Didn’t you post about this situation already?

deni's avatar

He sounds like a conniving loser. I would give #2 a chance. Being lied to within the first month of a relationship is a terrible sign. Get out before its too late.

Louisalice's avatar

say byebye

jca's avatar

If I were you I would be totally done with #1 and not invest any more time or energy on him. I would then be available for #2 more often, and he will see that. I agree you should stop talking to 2 about 1, and if you’re done with 1 totally, you’ll have nothing more to say about him anyway.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
sad_girl's avatar

#1 seems pretty upset about all this. He is adamant that nothing has been going on and that he logs on to delete messages. A really weak excuse. He then gave me his username and password so I could log on and look at it to see he hasn’t been talking to anyone. I didn’t log on. I’d love to believe him, but really, it’s just bad…in every way.

You are right, he is now apologizing for a lot of things, messaging me all the time, it’s just not becoming.

It’s hard when someone is trying to explain something, not to want to give the benefit of the doubt…but I just can’t reconcile this as being anything innocent. It’s hard not to read the writing on the wall.

jca's avatar

@sad_girl: I’d just chalk it up to “some things were just not meant to be.”

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)

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