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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Can you imagine a being that is so advanced we cannot relate to it?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) August 31st, 2013
12 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Or do you suppose that no matter how advanced another being would be, that somehow humans could relate to it.

If so, to what degree?

And if you cannot imagine a super advanced being, is that an admission of believing humans are the most intelligently advanced beings in (or out of) the universe?


Please understand the paradox here before answering.

If you can imagine a being that humans cannot relate to… then you are relating to it in some degree through your imagination.


If you cannot imagine a being that humans cannot relate to… then your lack of imagination may be actually validating the existence of such a being in reality.

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ragingloli's avatar

We can not “relate” to quantum mechanics or a universe with more than 3 dimensions, because we evolved in a macroscopic, 3-dimensional, newtonian world.
However, we can still describe it with mathematics, and any being, no matter how advanced, can be described by, and ultimately “related to”, with mathematics.

yankeetooter's avatar

For fun and a geometrical perspective on this, try reading Flatland, by Abbott. If nothing else, it’s a very entertaining and enlightening read.

Brian1946's avatar

¥¥§¥§©¥§©Ð ¥§©Ð¥§©Ð ΓΘΨάζΘ ΨάζξΘ! ;-o

CWOTUS's avatar

Hare hare hare. Krishna krishna krishna. Hare rama.

Okay. With that out of the way…

I wouldn’t imagine an entity that we could never relate to, but there are undoubtedly entities that we cannot currently relate to.

For example, we imagine that the electromagnetic spectrum has been in existence as long as the Universe has (whatever “the Universe” is), but only for the past 100+ years have we been able to utilize, or even fully recognize, much of this in a practical “relatable” way.

I presume that there are more aspects of the physical universe that we simply don’t yet comprehend, perhaps including black energy, black matter, anti-matter, etc. A being may exist in a manifestation that we simply can’t “see” yet.

FutureMemory's avatar

Sounds like @RealEyesRealizeRealLies is trying to be a clever rascal with this question.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t see this as a paradox. We can’t imagine a being so advanced that we can’t relate to it is the answer. That doesn’t mean such a being doesn’t exist it might be as far above us as we are above the microbes.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We still can’t speak to living organisms here now so obviously we are not as smart as we think.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@FutureMemory This is an honest question, and I’ll demonstrate why.

I did not mention G for numerous reasons.

#1— I did not want to taint the question either way.

#2— Any G that cannot be related to is useless to the promises made by religions.

#3— If humans could relate to a G, but not a super advanced being, then the super advanced being could actually be more advanced than a G. Huge problem there.

Lastly, if I was attempting to be a rascal, I would not have forewarned about the paradox in my OP. I would have withheld that, and instead used it for arguing points later… if I came to argue… of which I did not.

I understand it’s hard to present such a question without appearing to be promoting a theistic agenda. But if you read the question closely, I hope you’ll find that it is equally a paradox for both atheist and theist alike. I came to this question with palms showing.

Everyone got lurve from me on this one. I just want perspectives. I don’t care what they are.

talljasperman's avatar

Yes… I failed my Java programming class it is beyond me and I will have to accept that.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

That’s interesting @talljasperman. I had another related question not asked about this very thing.

So you didn’t grock the Java.

Why do you still believe in Java then? Point being, how can you believe in something that you cannot relate to… based upon the word of others who say they do? Why don’t you wave it away as myth and folklore, and consider Java wizards misled… or misleading?

talljasperman's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies To compete with my peers… I am being blown away in the dust compared to my classmates who are most likely having a cushy $100,000 a year computing job. I am hoping to get back into programming when they make an app that can help me make apps.

Berserker's avatar

Damn man, I don’t know. I ain’t got fuck all to go on other than movies and entertainment and shit. So I suppose my lack of imagination may validate superior life that I cannot understand, or relate to. I mean like, we’re stronger than ants, but only because we can kill them so easily. We can’t make them understand that we are superior to them. And I’m pretty sure ants register humans when one interferes with their lives, but they don’t understand us with their ant minds, and probably can’t relate to us. Except that, without being an ant myself, I can’t actually know if this is true or not.

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