Meta Question

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Are there more than 20 active members here on Fluther?

Asked by Dan_Lyons (5527points) April 16th, 2014
173 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I’ve been here less than a month and have noticed the same members asking and answering questions.
Do you think there are even 20 active members?

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Cruiser's avatar

@Dan_Lyons It’s more like 11 and we are all paid and amazingly the checks have yet to bounce.

janbb's avatar

I’m Number 3!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dan_Lyons It’s a small community, but it’s tight and it’s cherry. I’d rather have quality over quantity any day.

Berserker's avatar

All of us are actually just Andrew.

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe It’s “cherry”? Whose?

janbb's avatar

No – we’re all Astrochuck!

chyna's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Get your mind out of the gutter. Cherry also means high quality

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb Shhhhhh….don’t blow our cover…that is part of the employment agreement! I’m flagging your post!

talljasperman's avatar

Present…. my computer crashed…

AshLeigh's avatar

Pretty sure there are more than you think.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Active? No, I’m rather sedentary, sitting at my computer all day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Can I count?

filmfann's avatar

Some of us are radio-active!

Blondesjon's avatar

I don’t believe you can actually prove that I am here at all.

Coloma's avatar

Looks like the regular gang’s all here. haha
I fluther early mornings and after the dinner hour.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

42 but that’s already and answered.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Some of us just talk more, and a lot depends on the sort of questions you’re into. Some avoid the serious topics; others avoid the games. In any case, you’ve got 16 of us here already, and I can think of more than four regulars who haven’t chimed in yet.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a talker more-er type, should see what a babbley wonder I am in real life. I can’t type nearly as fast as I can talk, but I try. 400 words a minute. hahaha

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.

gailcalled's avatar

Checking in and then going to bed.

(MIlo counts as two.)

dappled_leaves's avatar

@gailcalled Then there are three of you?

Adagio's avatar

You can add another oneā€¦

gailcalled's avatar

@dappled_leaves: Milo again: I’m worth two and Gail about ½.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@milo Just wait ‘till @gailcalled reads this…

cookieman's avatar


SavoirFaire's avatar

(So that’s 20, and we’re still missing several regulars.)

rojo's avatar

Actually, I think I make twenty-one.

at least on this thread

dappled_leaves's avatar

@SavoirFaire I’m not sure it matters whether the number in the OP’s question was 20 or 50. He is right – at any given time, only a small number are regularly posting.

However, comparing the current group of regulars to the regulars of 6 months ago, or the group of regulars in 6 months time would probably show a difference.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@dappled_leaves I understand that. I’m taking that part of the question literally on purpose. I already gave my serious answer above.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Thanks to all for your great answers. I didn’t mean anything by the question, just curious how many jellies were left. Where do all the jellies go after they tire of flutherring?

At least the ones left behind give some marvelous answers and ask some pretty good questions, too.

ragingloli's avatar

You are all just programs pretending to be people. I am the only real person here.

Berserker's avatar

I thought you were The Devil. But it turns out that you’re just some dude?

GloPro's avatar

We would be so much easier to count if you jellies would sit still and post once. Having to count and keep track of who got back in line is exhausting. Run to the end, @Adirondackwannabe! @dappled_leaves Stop wiggling around!
Anyway, present and accounted for! I will assume to be one of @SavoirFaire‘s regulars.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m here.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve already posted 6 times here so don’t count this one.

gailcalled's avatar

@SavoirFaire: Do you count the hyperactive members as a separate sublist?

By which I mean those who post 40 or so responses in a 24-hr. period or who hijack a thread in order to wander down weird and often predictable sidetracks with paraphrases, bloviations, repetitions and tautologies.

Brian1946's avatar

23 have posted here so far, including me and the OP.

Mimishu1995's avatar

OK, let’s sum up a bit:

From my experience, here are the list of the active jellies here.
@Mimishu1995 :D
@GloPro maybe…
@SavoirFaire seems likely…
@Tropical_Willie not very sure…

Let’s count: what? Only 15?

Brian1946's avatar


Using the participant list generated by the @ symbol seems like it would be a good idea, except that it doesn’t always show every poster.

However, the whispered comments you’ve added to some the names are delightfully intriguing. ;-p

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m not sure, but I’m very sure!

@Brian1946 I think the @Name will show all posters above that quip.

jca's avatar

(regular user raises her hand).

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (4points)
Brian1946's avatar

^ # 24.

hominid's avatar

@Mimishu1995 – ahem..

Brian1946's avatar

^ # 25

Mimishu1995's avatar

^ OK, 25…

livelaughlove21's avatar

Ooo, me! Me!

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL comes around pretty often too as do @Hearkat, @PhiNotPi, @SeaofClouds and @thorninmud. (The last several are mods.) @hominid is here a lot too. And many others I’ve not mentioned.

So….we’re at least a band of 35 – 40! :-)

Brian1946's avatar

^^ 31

Cruiser's avatar

<<<chopped liver

cookieman's avatar

<<<more chopped liver

GloPro's avatar

Well, call me onions! Don’t cry…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey! I’m standing right next to @jca here.

GloPro's avatar

@Mimishu1995 They already got counted.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LuckyGuy Did I count you already?

Brian1946's avatar

Cruiser, cookieman, and LuckyGuy have already been counted.

The count is still 31.

jca's avatar

Let’s just list the regulars and that way there will be no dispute about the count.

Who will do the list? How about @Mimishu1995?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
GloPro's avatar

What’s the timeline for regular? Once a week minimum? The number of posts in a decided timeframe? Something else?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I didn’t make the Most Wanted list, but I’m here reasonably often.

gailcalled's avatar

^ It’s self-selecting.

Mimishu1995's avatar

OK, let’s list again at @jca‘s request.

I’ll list every active one, no matter if they post here or not.
@LuckyGuy maybe…
@SavoirFaire seems so…
@jerv not sure about this one. He is mostly seen on tech thread.
@Pachy maybe…
@Dog is she?
And me, @Mimishu1995!

Well, there are more than just 20 members! Congratulation!

GloPro's avatar

There are several left off of that list, too. I’ll go with Hitchhiker’s Guide number 42, as well.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@GloPro Can you help me name more?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

ZenZen just started an answer.

AshLeigh's avatar


SavoirFaire's avatar

@gailcalled I would think that the list of hyperactive members is a proper subset of the list of regulars. And while I’m sure we could easily create such a sublist, I suspect that its creation would be (a) against the rules and (b) interrupted by predictable sidetracks with paraphrases, bloviations, repetitions, and tautologies from those we were attempting to put on it.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Could you repeat that, please?

filmfann's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I’m feeling like Bruce Willis in “The Sixth Sense” here. I participate, but no one sees me.

janbb's avatar

I see dead @filmfann ‘s.

janbb's avatar

And we left off my favorite verbose Crow @Espiritus_Corvo. He’s not always around but if the amount of words were counted, he’d be up near the top of participants.

And have we mentioned the succinct but wise @zenvelo?

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Yes, how can we forget these two gems!
Hi @picante! Another spicey addition the pod. :-)

picante's avatar

I actively spy on y’all pretty regularly, but my general absence from asking/answering has me labeled as “inactive,” I see. Thanks, Coloma—I’m glad to see my spiciness trumps my inactive status!

janbb's avatar

We love you @picante and always like the flavor you add to the pot!

@marinelife has been less present of late due to life pressures but she is one of the small, sane voices at the center of the tidepool.

jca's avatar

Don’t forget Augustlan. Poofandmook.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
GloPro's avatar

How about @Leanne1986?

janbb's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

Short end of the long stick once again!

Berserker's avatar

@jerv not sure about this one. He is mostly seen on tech thread

Lol that sounds like a discovery show about Fluther wildlife. XD

jca's avatar

Jaxx (spelling?).

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Cruiser's avatar

That would be @Jaxk

downtide's avatar

I’m here most days.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just had an idea! Let’s look at it another way and let Fluther statistics tell us.
This is not a perfect method but it can be a good first guess: look at award results.
Privateer…. Reached 10,000 lurve. Awarded to 263 users.
Admiral… .. Reached 20,000 lurve. Awarded to 87 users.
Blackbeard Reached 30,000 lurve. Awarded to 30 users.
Titan. . . . . .. Reached 40,000 lurve. Awarded to 8 users.
Poseidon. . Reached 50,000 lurve. Awarded to 3 users.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@LuckyGuy – not all of them are still active

SpatzieLover's avatar

I rarely answer this type of question however there are traffic websites that show Fluther has more than 20 active members.

Here is the chart for unique visitor count.

Even on a slow day, I see more than 20 unique individuals participating here.

OpryLeigh's avatar

And me!

janbb's avatar

@Leanne1986 Someone did add you to the list.

Adagio's avatar

@Mimishu1995 you forgot about me, I’m not super active but I am here most days.

muppetish's avatar

I’ve been lurking for the past couple of weeks trying to get my life in order. I think that’s fairly common around here. Most users will at least log-on for a quick peak at the daily questions, but may not have the time (or interest) to post as frequently as others. Then we rotate.

tedibear's avatar

FWLIW, I’m over here.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SpatzieLover Thanks for the really interesting graph. The slope of that curve sets one to wondering.

Cruiser's avatar

Hey @tedibear and @muppetish Great to see you!

Mimishu1995's avatar

A sincere apology to anyone I didn’t add: I only list jellies based on how frequently they are seen here by me and how many times they post :( That’s the reason why I missed so much.

dxs's avatar

Roll call?? Present!

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Coloma's avatar

Raising hand, 8:02 pm, just had a cool shower after a long day and am lying on my bed with my laptop having an ice cream sandwich with the fans on and windows open. :-)

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’ noticed a couple of weeks back that a number of the troopers from the Askville regiment are MIA.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Coloma You know how to live!

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I’m certainly glad I asked this one!!! Nice to meet all of you other jellyfish.

rojo's avatar

damn @SpatzieLover they’s more of us than I dreamed!

rojo's avatar

How many Askville refugees are there anyway?

Mimishu1995's avatar

How many Yahoo! Answer refugees are there anyway?

jca's avatar

When I read a thread like this, I think of all of the users who have gone (Fluther Cemetery in my head). I joined in 2008 and if I look at an old thread from 2008, 2009, 2010, many users then are no longer around now, and vice versa.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
OpryLeigh's avatar

@janbb So they did! Thank you @GloPro :)

tedibear's avatar

I am a long-time Askville refugee. This was back when I was with the banned. (I wasn’t banned, but was with the AV16 in spirit.)

lillycoyote's avatar

I could always come back and there would be one more. One more what, I’m not sure.

Hey, I am back. That’s me, the red, green and purple thing to the left.

Just pretend I’m not here. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Never mind, I crossed myself out.

Berserker's avatar


Dude. Welcome back. :)

lillycoyote's avatar

@Symbeline Thanks. It’s been a while. I haven’t even been lurking… up until 4 or 5 days ago and then decided to pop in and say something silly.

janbb's avatar

@lillycoyote We missed you.

Berserker's avatar

@lillycoyote You gonna stick around for a bit? :)

lillycoyote's avatar

I’ll have to see. I have been going through a sort of raging misanthropic phase and the internet, at least the parts of it where people say stuff, only aggravates the beast within me so I have been staying away from those kind of places. I yell and rant at people on TV and they can’t hear me so one gets hurt.

Well, only half kidding on the above. I am getting kind of cranky in my old age.

Good to be back. Thanks. I don’t know why people go in for those big, showy dramatic exits when just slipping quietly away for a while and coming back generates such a nice, warm welcome back from your friends. And I really didn’t mean to go away for so long. How is everyone?

Edit: I forgot to whisper so no one knows I’m here.:-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lillycoyote Too late, we know you’re here. I’m having the same cranky issues with other drivers or shoppers. My patience is gone for stupid people. Any suggestions?

lillycoyote's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I wish I had an answer for you other than do you’re best to avoid stupid people and hang with smart, wonderful people but that doesn’t work when stupid people thrust themselves upon you. I am less and less able to just let stuff roll off my back so I avoid whenever possible and think about the wonderful people I know. It works sometimes.

As for other drivers? Get more insurance.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lillycoyote I used to be able to ignore the stupid people too, but now they really annoy me. I know wrong but I think I’m like you. I get cranky as I get older.
Awesome video.

zenzen's avatar

I sometimes sign in as Chyna.

Hi @lillycoyote – long time no see love.

lillycoyote's avatar

When I start having too many of these moments online I have to walk away physically because I can’t walk away mentally.

Hi @zenzen, my dearest. Good to see you and I get two zens now, I see… double the pleasure and double the trouble, no doubt.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@zenzen I see the resemblance. I can’t decide who’s prettier.

zenzen's avatar

I resemble that remark @Adirondackwannabe – hi Lily sweetie. Let’s PM a bit shall we…

lillycoyote's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe @zenzen is twice the zen you’ll ever be… for what it’s worth.

zenzen's avatar

I’m half the coyote you ever were, Lil. And poof – derailed thread.

Coloma's avatar

@lillycoyote So good to “see” you again. Yep, I’m there too, stupid people die! haha
After 50 something you have just had enough of idiocy. No need to apologize, hey, we’ve EARNED our crankiness! lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Okay, back to how many jellies are here.

zenzen's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Here! I shall write a poem.

Here, here, having a beer
I shall remain, never fear
just excuse me for a bit
I need to shower and take a sh… eat my sushi lol

stanleybmanly's avatar

@zenzen Hitch on, Jackie Robinson!

Buttonstc's avatar

Define active :)

Mimishu1995's avatar

Oh man! This place’s screwed up! Now I can’t even list anyone!

Seaofclouds's avatar

I check in multiple times each day, I don’t post much though.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Seaofclouds Then you’re out! ~

Coloma's avatar

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Good morning jellies!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Good evening jellies :(

Berserker's avatar

Greets, peons.

Paradox25's avatar

I’d say there are maybe about 50 users that post on here daily, or at least very frequently, and maybe about 50 more that post on here often, but not regularly. There’s probably at least 50 more users who post on here rarely or sporadically. Some users take long breaks, or have active accounts, but who have not logged on to here in several years. Some users delete their accounts and come back under other names, or newer users start accounts that make up for the ones who never come back.

Fluther is a smaller site when compared to others, but there are other similar sites that remain low key too. The amount of users on a site has little meaning to me if the majority of them are like they are on places like yahoo, answerbag, and several even more vile sites that I don’t care to mention here.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Paradox25 at least it’s not “20 users” :)

PhiNotPi's avatar

I’m an active member!

Seek's avatar

Somehow @hominid didn’t make the list. But thanks for catching me, @Mimishu1995

Seek's avatar

Oh, and @fundevogel.

Seek's avatar

Never mind, I see hominid now.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Okay, so I do have some statistics on the number of users. This was gathered using the awards page in conjunction with my other answer here. Pay attention to the fact that this includes all users, even if they have gone inactive since attaining these awards. Rather, I feel that the growth is more important.

Jelly-Helper (wrote first answer)
2012: 25302 users
2014: 30397 users (+5095 or 20.1%)

Deckhand (reached 100 lurve)
2012: 3684 users
2014: 4026 users (+342 or 9.3%)

Sailor (reached 250 lurve)
2012: 2440 users
2014: 2667 users (+227 or 9.3%)

First-mate (reached 500 lurve)
2012: 1720 users
2014: 1884 users (+164 or 9.5%)

Mariner (reached 5000 lurve)
2012: 433 users
2014: 481 users (+48 or 11.1%)

In summary, we haven’t grown much in two years. Although we have over 30k “users,” only 4k users have reached 100 lurve. Furthermore, the small rates of growth indicate that very few users are active on this site.

In terms of mainstream users (5k+), there have been only 48 additional users in two years. This really shows that our current userbase is stagnant. Almost every user on this page is over 10k, and there have only been 263 users who have ever reached that rank.

To put an upper bound on the number of active users, we can assume that any reasonably active user has crossed either 500 or 5k lurve milestone sometime in these past 2 years, or has already reached 10k. This gives an upper bound of 164+48+263=475 active users over two years. Of course, chances are that not nearly all of those users are currently active.

So, in terms of active users, I think that “a couple hundred” is a reasonable estimate.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Furthermore, I have conducted some sampling which gives a pretty good estimate. I looked through the general section and looked at the OP of each question for the past several days. The sample consisted of 70 questions, from here to here.

There were 51 unique users in the sample.
Of those unique users, 39 appeared only once in the sample. (12 of them appeared multiple times.)

Using something called a “Good-Turing estimate,” here is the expected number of active users who ask General questions:

E = 51 / (1 – 39/70)
E = 115.161

So, there are about 115 active users who post questions in General.

Seek's avatar

For what it’s worth: When I do ask questions, I nearly always put them in Social. I know there at least used to be a few others who followed that practice as well.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I just conducted similar sampling for the Social Section:

70 questions, from here to here.
37 unique users
24 only posted once

E = 37 / (1 – 24/70)
E = 56.304

So, there are about 56 active users who post questions in Social. There is considerable overlap between the two sections, however, which is what I will find next.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Here is the aggregate data:

140 questions
79 unique users
50 only posted once

E = 79 / (1 – 50/140)
E = 122.889

So, in conclusion, there are about 123 active users who post questions.

The incorporation of the Social section made little difference in the final estimate, showing that there is substantial overlap between the Social and General sections. In fact, there are a lot more users who only ask General questions as opposed to only asking Social questions. Here are the straightforward estimates for how many users post questions in each section:

Both sections: 48
General-only: 67
Social-only: 8

Also, if anyone is interested, user @pleiades asked the largest number of questions in the sample, with 7 in total. User @ibstubro was in second place with 6 questions.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@PhiNotPi I think you should go spend some time outside. ;)

Seek's avatar

Oh, please. This is like playing video games to him.

janbb's avatar

Let’s hear it for @PhiNotPi ! Our resident geek along with @johnpowell!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@PhiNotPi Thanks for the info. It seems that I’ve got a loooooooooooong quest crafting my active jellies’ hall-of-fame.

And why don’t you make a statistic for Meta too?

Cruiser's avatar

@PhiNotPi You also have to consider that of those 48 users that have hit 5K half of them are because of Zen.

PhiNotPi's avatar

@Cruiser That would lower the upper bound I originally gave, but would not affect the estimate of 123 users. (There was only one Zen copy in my sample).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Since may of us have already maxed out our lurve to others we need to get fresh new users to join.

~Maybe we should let spammers stay and lurve a few folks for a while before we send them to the meat grinder.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LuckyGuy, you kind of remind me of @jca‘s lurve party on some spam thread…


Dog's avatar

Late for roll call again…


Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Berserker's avatar

I’m all reminded of those Fluther roll call questions that sometimes used to pop up here.

dappled_leaves's avatar

At least the roll call questions are voluntary.

Cruiser's avatar

@dappled_leaves and why they are obviously so inaccurate!

Berserker's avatar


dappled_leaves's avatar

@Cruiser Numbers can easily be posted without usernames.

Zaku's avatar


talljasperman's avatar

Here, its hard to edit my questions with my smartphone. So I lurk and answer questions that are easy to type up answers for.

Here2_4's avatar

Am I too new to count? I participate nearly every day, but I haven’t been here two months yet, and I don’t have lots of points.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Here2_4 Well, you didn’t count at the time because you weren’t here yet. But you certainly count now!

Here2_4's avatar

Thank you! I was actually reading the new question, clicked a link, and this page came up. By the time I got to the bottom of the page, I forgot I had two pages open. I answered this forgetting that it was the older model.
Yes, I do feel kind of silly answering a roll call that was taken months before I got here.

rojo's avatar

Well, I for one have certainly enjoyed your company.

Here2_4's avatar

That is so nice! You guys help me get over the embarrassment of posting on the wrong question.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Everyone has their moment. Beside, I think your answer do fit this question too :)

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Here2_4 Sorry! That was my fault. I’m the one who linked to this question. But don’t feel silly. We’re happy to have you—past or present!

Here2_4's avatar


linguaphile's avatar

I’m here—in and out because my schedule is insane these days, but still here!

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