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syz's avatar

How did you express your midlife crisis?

Asked by syz (35953points) January 18th, 2016
22 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I finally did it and got a half-sleeve tattoo. Sure, it’s a mid-life crisis thing, but I’ve wanted one for years. So why not?

What did you do?

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Pachy's avatar

I started having my midlife crisis in my early ‘30s and went through the whole megillah: divorce, sport car, job changes, beard, and endless dating. It lasted longer than I’m willing to admit. I look at photos of myself from those years and wonder… WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING… AND WHY CAN’T BE THAT YOUNG NOW !!!

janbb's avatar

I got crushes on inappropriate people. Never acted on them but they were probably part of the reason my marriage ended.

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, I got crushes on inappropriate people and DID act on them. I still shudder to think of some of the consequences.

Cruiser's avatar

Pretty much just like this

cazzie's avatar

I’m still waiting, I think. Too many other crises to deal with. Perhaps it passed by and I was too busy being a parent, who knows?

jca's avatar

I’m waiting for my midlife crisis, unless it’s already passed and I didn’t realize it.

@janbb: Your hubby knew?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Don’t think it has happened yet but I did some crazy stuff in my early thirties.

janbb's avatar

Rethinking the premise a bit, I would say I didn’t really have a midlife crisis, it was more a marital crisis.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I haven’t, there is not enough money to even come close yet.

Stinley's avatar

After I turned 40 I decided I wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle. I got a learners licence and bought a 125cc scooter. I also decided to bleach my hair blonde. Both phases didn’t last long. I’m over it now

YARNLADY's avatar

I may have had mine early, age 32, I married a 24 year old man and after 5 years, we had a baby, who is now 35, married with two sons.

We just celebrated our 40th Anniversary this year.

Adagio's avatar

I’m not sure I did have a midlife crisis, but it could explain the increase in freedom I have felt in recent years to be a great deal less tolerant with people.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m still waiting to have mine.

rojo's avatar

I got on Fluther.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t think I’m a good candidate for a midlife crisis. I’m not the kind of person who can be disappointed by how life turns out, or who develops a fear of aging or dying. It’s just not my nature.

@syz I must comment, though, on your characterization of your tattoo as a midlife crisis expression. I have wanted a tattoo for many years, and will probably get one in the period that many would call midlife. But that is mainly for financial and other personal reasons – partly that I would like for it to mark a milestone that I haven’t achieved yet. I’m wondering why you choose to categorize your sleeve that way?

CWOTUS's avatar

The great thing about planning to live forever is that there is no “midlife”. I don’t think I’ve had a crisis of this sort.

kevbo's avatar

I was morbidly depressed roughly from ages 20–40, and then my life turned around completely. No midlife crisis to be had. I’m just at peace.

mazingerz88's avatar

Express-? Feeling totally devastated.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m 65 and haven’t had a midlife crises. Too late now! HA!

msh's avatar

Gosh. Huhn. I can’t think of anything tha….Why? What Did You Hear????
Lies All Lies, I tell you! Wait, which phone number?

ibstubro's avatar

When I was 39 and single with no debt I got the opportunity to take off 14 weeks during the summer. The day that started, I got a windfall of $10,000 and I spent the summer driving from the Midwest to Vegas via Mexico and to Niagara Falls via Canada.

A black friend of mine told me that when I got back to work she saw me across the room and thought “Now, who’s that new brother?” lol I was thin and dark haired then, and had spent my time in the West in shorts and tennies.

It was really the first and only ‘footloose and fancy free’ period of my life.

Inspired_2write's avatar

went on a self improvement kick.
Got in physical shape, hiked the mountains,biked,took up photography,took up writing courses,took courses ( computer) to upgrade my skills where needed to adapt to new technology etc
Took better care of my body.( dental etc).
Worked on becoming more positive and making short term and long terms goals.
Learned the hard way in which people that were not good for me and worked on getting more positve relationships in my life.
Had gratitude for the good in life everyday.
The Sun shines everyday regardless of what kind of day you are having so adjust your attitude. Be glad you are living to experience what gifts of life we all have.

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