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LSixx's avatar

What would happen if I shrunk and Dannica, my friend's girlfriend, swallowed me whole?

Asked by LSixx (2points) December 10th, 2018
13 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

If I shrunk to ant size and my friend’s girlfriend (Dannica) swallowed me whole, what would happen to me? would I survive?

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elbanditoroso's avatar

Several options:

You would get to her stomach and the strong acids in the stomach would kill you.

If you survived that, then you would spend 24–48 hours touring her intestines and then you would take a swim in a toilet bowl. Then… into the sewage system.

zenvelo's avatar

Your first words would be, “you’ve gotta be shitting me!”

ragingloli's avatar

You would drown in an unholy stew of acid, bile, and half digested food, also known as vomit.

rebbel's avatar

It would mean the end.

josie's avatar

Game over

LuckyGuy's avatar

Don’t listen to what they said above.

You know in your heart that Dannica is sweet all the way through. Even her poop comes out in heart shaped pellets that waft the aroma of fresh rose petals.
If she swallowed you, you’d enjoy a gentle french kiss before you traveled down and through her plumbing. Her peristaltic action along the way would give you a continuous warm body massage as you reluctantly traveled to the end.
When you reach daylight you’d be greeted by a glimpse of her sweet, smiling face….

exactly 250 milliseconds before she pushes the flush lever.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@LuckyGuy has increased his dosage of happy pills.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@elbanditoroso Hey, I figure why not let the poor guy fantasize a bit?
I just hope in his travels he doesn’t end up stuck in one of her diverticula.
That would be gross!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If you managed to cling onto and enter one of the orafices in her tonsils you could survive quite well. There would be breathable air, climate controlled at 98 degrees, plenty to eat…

LSixx's avatar

love the answers, guys!

SergeantQueen's avatar

Do you have a vore fetish?

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