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SaganRitual's avatar

President Trump to supporters: the Ds want to erase your vote and destroy you; do you agree?

Asked by SaganRitual (2072points) June 19th, 2019
59 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Yesterday (18 Jun 2019), in Orlando, Florida, President Trump advised his supporters that the Democrats aren’t going after him, but rather, they “are really going after you,” they want to “erase your vote and your legacy…they want to deny you the future…they are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage,” and “they want to destroy you”.

Do you approve of this rhetoric? Do you believe he is accurately representing the Democrat Party, or the Democrat voters in general? Will this attitude encourage unity and cooperation? What effect might the president’s way of thinking have on our political conversation? What is he trying to accomplish, and what will he accomplish by talking this way, And encouraging his supporters to think this way?

I’m especially hoping for answers from you who support the president.

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jca2's avatar

The majority of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit.

Stache's avatar

He’s fear-mongering and he’s been doing this long before he ever ran for president. His base eats this shit up and they fall for it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s quite the opposite. In fact, the last time votes were erased, was in Florida, during GW’s election count.

The Dems care about the environment, clean drinking water, healthcare for all, civil rights etc… Hard to spin that, as them trying to destroy us all…

“What is he trying to accomplish?” Well. He’s just pandering, to whomever is dumb enough to listen. To most of his supporters, everything he says is scripture, and beyond any scrutiny. So. He has license to say anything, regardless of how crazy, and know they’ll believe every word. When the media fact checks his statements, they typically uncover habitual misrepresentation, or flat out lies. Then Trump will call that fake, or conspiracy, and his pathetic sheep will listen to his lies about his lies…

It’s been a very simple, predictable cycle. You wouldn’t want to do an IQ test, for those attending a Trump rally. They are a mindless hoard…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fear mongering !
Maybe if Trump loses, he’ll declare the election invalid and declare himself President Forever, El Jefe !!

Or if he wins his followers will want him to stay for more then two terms Let’s break the Constitution

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog , and @seawulf575 , might be your best contributors @SaganRitual .

MrGrimm888's avatar

CNN reports that Trump made 15 false claims, in 76 minutes…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s utter bullshit. He doesn’t even know himself what he just said.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SeaganRitual Your answer from me begins in the third paragraph, if you are impatient for an answer .. but first a few preliminary remarks—- I hope you like the answers you are getting from the left. I consider YOU to be left of center yourself, but you are NOT like some of these responses. These responses, the hate, the references to “shit” and “excrement” and anything vile, accusations of racism, Naziism, us being ignorant hayseeds, are typical of the pile-ons we get from the Left when a differing view is expressed.

Ironically, I saw a very wholesome, family-oriented crowd gathering at the Trump kick-off rally, and racial epitaphs at a Black reporter from Fox in Seattle (telling hm to Go back to Fox and Pick Cotton and Go Back to Kenya)—the Left is a hysterical and extremely negative mob

Peter Stzrok texted Lisa Page that they had an “insurance policy” just in case Trump wins. This was in the middle of some of their rhetoric about preventing Trump from winning, and the Steele dossier.

On the day Trump was elected, most media were saying that most U.S. intelligence was affirming that Trump won because of Russian interference, But the election wasn’t undone, as most of us were expecting, so the story was fake.

Instead of conceding Hillary called on everyone to ‘resist’.

The Dossier (compiled by foreign National Christopher Steele, using Russian misinformation, paid for by Hillary and the DNC)) was released by several branches of U.S, intelligence to nine major media outlets, including MSNBC, CNN, Buzzfeed), the New York Times, etc etc

Then we went through 2–¾ years of endless accusations, fake news stories, police state actions and arrests and pre-dawn raids of crimes like Tax law infractions fifteen years ago, and four major investigations. all of which turned up nothing that would be considered evidence. The last investigation was the most thorough in U.S. History. —a major library could be filled with the Mueller investigation alone.

Well, Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe and Brennan were not able to be successful with their Insurance Policy” to remove Trump, as outlined in their phone texts. But the Dems in congress and their media are trying to accomplish a do-over.

What they forget is, Trump was elected for a reason and there are many watchdog groups and news sources that have covered every minute and documented everything that was said. SO they have not been able to get away with as much as they hoped, but they are still trying with an insane vengeance and malice to find SOMETHING to remove Trump. All that’s been uncovered is what all they themselves have done to insure a win for Hillary and a removal of Trump. They have involved Russia (the dossier) and the Ukraine, and our own powers of U.S. Intelligence and the FISA courts.

Trump came on the scene and was elected because of the people who elected him, whom the Left has been trying to silence, and have bullied and intimidated — and maybe by some who have seen the nosedive of Obama’s eight years and particularly the last four.

ragingloli's avatar

He is projecting again.
He, who is incessantly trying to undo and erase everything from Obama’s 8 years, ergo, the vote of the majority that voted for Obama.
The party that is wholly engaged in voter disenfranchisment.
The party that commits election fraud.
But of course it is the other side that is out to get them.
Pure Projection.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think many of us that have conservative leanings have seen the truth behind his words on this site repeatedly. He actually downplayed the hate imo.

Yellowdog's avatar

Stzrok said they had an “insurance policy” just in case Trump wins.

If U.S. intelligence tried to sway an election (and they did), nothing more needs to be said. The rhetoric in this thread shows where the hate and pile-on is coming from. That is why Trump was elected.

SaganRitual's avatar

@Yellowdog I’m neither left nor right. The whole system is broken. The Constitution is at least 150 years out of date, we worship the Founding Fathers as though they understood more than we do now about human nature, although they never intended for women or black people to vote. Our justice system is based on centuries-old, defunct hypotheses about deterring crime.

We have mountains of science available that we could apply to governance, justice, public education, tax policy, etc, etc, etc, and make everyone’s lives quite a bit better, but we don’t do anything with it.

As I say, I’m neither on the left side nor the right side. I like to think I’m on the side of the human beings.

Anyway, I’m still awaiting an answer from you. You’ve talked a lot about the sins of the Ds and their government representatives, but you haven’t indicated whether you think the Ds want to erase your vote, destroy you. Are they really driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage? I don’t mean Hilary and her corporate masters, I mean Ds in general. Or did President Trump mean a specific subgroup of the Ds?

@KNOWITALL You’ve seen people on this site who want to erase your vote and destroy you (a couple of loonies don’t count; the Rs have a peanut gallery too)? You’ve seen people on this site who are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SaganRitual Absolutely 100% yes. As I told you already, this is a primarily liberal site now as most conservatives (in any degree), have been run off due to the constant group attacks.

Yellowdog's avatar

Attempting to prevent a candidate from winning, then to invalidate the election, then to remove him from office, are an attempt to erase your vote.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Yellowdog Even Pelosi has affirmed that, which is why she is hesitant and has been hesitant to try to impeach. Duh.

Stache's avatar

Wanting equality and healthcare for all while we have a president destroying those chances is just pure evil and hatred!~

There is a very strong conservative presence on this site. Some of you need to quit playing the victim.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Apparently a few Democrats voted for Trump initially and NOW will not vote for him this time around..perhaps that is what Trump is referring to?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

All of the conservatives on the site need to stop playing “Poor ME ! ! ”

Your orange haired hero does enough !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Inspired_2write He didn’t win a voter majority !
So a slight change of heart by GOP or Dem’s could be the end of his reelection, Most noticed in the high Electoral College voter states.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


“Attempting to prevent a candidate from winning.” – - Isn’t that what the fake Facebook accounts (backed by Russians) did during the last Presidential election? ? ? Asking for a friend ;>)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Yellowdog They are in a different reality.

@Tropical_Willie Which country are you moving to when he wins in 2020? Asking for a friend? haha

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hawaii, he thinks that is a foreign country; where Obama was born, just saying!

The leader of the “Birthers” name, rhymes with Trump.

The have “brown skinned” people there you know @KNOWITALL

Stache's avatar

@Inspired_2write and @Tropical_Willie Trump’s base is stagnant. It hasn’t grown. He also doesn’t have all the Democrats who hated Hillary this time around. Trump is scared so his only tactic is to fear monger. I think you are both correct.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I find it so interesting that conservatives steal phrases that the liberals came up with first, as though the conservatives can’t come up with their own.

MrGrimm888's avatar

When polled, many Trump supporters thought Puerto Rico was a Mexican island…(Disclaimer) That was back when the hurricane, had just fucked PR up. So. I don’t recall the source of the poll…

The inference is that any place with mostly brown people, are outsiders to Trumpers… Add all of their opinions together, and there is a clear pattern of race/culture, is definitely being a big part of how many think…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie lol, you can’t be as clueless as your posts appear.

#1 The Birther movement was about Obama being born in Kenya.

#2 Andy Martin does not rhyme with Trump.
In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004.

#3 Yes, they sure do. Is that a passive-aggressive way of calling me a racist again?
Get over yourself, you don’t know half as much as you pretend to, and your posts clearly show that you don’t actually know the facts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Birther ======>Trump

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie 2017, okay, I’m not saying he didn’t jump on the train, but he didn’t start it.

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, you are right—in fact I remember Trump offering money to anyone who could prove Obama was born in Kenya.

Some of Obama’s own writings, family members, and history in the Middle East, India, and with Pan-African relations, suggest he is Kenyan. He freely visited areas restricted to Americans and flew to places on America’s no-fly lists. In India and Africa his own autobiography shows him working against American interests for the ANC and other Muslim and Pan-African organizations. Rumors of Obama’s Kenyan birth probably come from hints in his own musings and reflections of his past.

Dutchess_III's avatar

His birther bullshit really pissed Michelle off.

The crux of the birther stupidity was whether or not he was a US citizen.

SaganRitual's avatar

You guys are playing right into my hands. I’ve been asking all these provocative questions so you’ll argue your way to exhaustion. At that point, I’ll start planting subliminal messages in my questions, and you’ll be helpless to resist. I shouldn’t tell you what the end goal is; I’m sure you’ll find it repulsive. So, don’t read any further if you can’t hold your lunch down. The goal is for you guys to stop doing the same shit over and over, accomplishing nothing but increasing animosity. So, keep at it. You’ll be putty in my hands soon.


Dutchess_III's avatar

We may be arguing (that’s what we do) but we also learn things.

Stache's avatar

If you have some end goal to deceive I can tell you for certain the moderators won’t take it kindly. That’s not the purpose of this site.They have banned people in the past for stirring the pot.

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Asking a question on a controversial topic because you genuinely believe in the question and want an answer is acceptable, whereas doing so solely because you want to spark off a touchy discussion is not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SaganRitual, also, keep in mind that we have been interacting on this site, most of us for over a decade. There is really nothing you can do that hasn’t already been done. Many of us have met IRL. I met KnowItAll last year (or the year before?)

SaganRitual's avatar

Hi All, I was joking about the mind control and the deceit. I’m shocked and saddened to think that my comments were taken any other way. I have no intention of being disrespectful to anyone here. I’m sad for anyone who has been put on guard by anything I’ve said.

I’m just yanking your chains. I mean, there’s an awful lot of name-calling, and a lot of butt-hurtness going around, but hey, normal families are boring, right? But still, it’s my duty as an American to give you a hard time about it. Cheers

Dutchess_III's avatar

It has gotten a thousand times worse since trump was elected. It was like someone flipped a light switch and suddenly people I had only had minor disagreements with in the past turned into raging, viscous lions. It was really weird.

Stache's avatar

I’m an advocate for minorities. Life was turning for the better when we had Obama. Now that Trump is in office the hate and vitriol espoused by some on the right is disgusting. They feel they received a green light with the bully in chief to spread their bigotry. I feel my butthurtedness is valid. Just sayin’. Lives are on the line.

Please note, I’m speaking about all walks of life and social media. Not just Fluther.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Stache Racial tensions, hatred against law enforcement, the Black Lives Matter movement, and lots of rioting and violence—all of it happened in the Obama years and Obama’s response to them. Things have actually calmed down as far as racial tensions are concerned,

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dang it! I misspelled “vicious” _again! Sry guys.

flutherother's avatar

Very divisive and inflammatory language and dangerous coming from the president. The damage he is doing to the United States is incalculable.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SaganRitual It’s fine, I think you’re great.

And psychological ‘experiments’ here are done all the time. A person can literally post as a Dem one day, a Rep the next, a centrist or independent, and they all treat you differently based on your affiliation.

@Dutchess Shoot that was more like 5 yrs wasn’t it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog….wow You lump “the Black Lives Matter movement” in with “racial tensions, hatred against law enforcement ” like it’s racist and negative. It’s not. It’s simply trying to bring awareness that black people, especially young black men, face a certain danger that whites don’t.

@KNOWITALL It was 2016. We were there for Rick’s nephew’s memorial. I had to look up when that was.

ucme's avatar

He knows they’ll believe him & so is a stroke of genius, a self fulfilling prophecy.
Should be fun watching the veins pop in the temples of the haters when he bags a second term :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Did you see Biden and Dems today on reparations? Yikes. Its bad. “He never called me boy, he called me son”

He’s toast.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Burnt toast at that.

Stache's avatar

@Dutchess Yellowdog lives in a fantasy world. I’m not going to bother acknowledging it.

Demosthenes's avatar

No, and anyone who thinks that (about either party) is buying into tribalist bullshit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Anyone who supports a man THIS stupid, really should have their IQ checked. Today trump said, about the drone that Iran shot down ”“Fortunately, that drone was unarmed. It was not—there was no man in it, it was in international waters but we didn’t have a man or woman in the drone, we had nobody in the drone. Would have made a big, big difference.” ” ABC News

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Democrats mercilessly mocked Bush for his word foibles as well, not too long ago many of you here said you wish he was back instead of Trump.

So he meant unmanned, big deal. The constant outrage was old a year ago, just stop.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow. I’m gonna just leave this here.

MrGrimm888's avatar

GW, was just in way over his head. It’s clear to me now, that he was used, by the GOP, and Cheyney, to make lots of money, at the expense of many lives…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrG Agreed. Its a job hard to properly prepare for though, not all can do it well.

Did you know MAGA was from Ronnie Reagan? He used the phrase many times. Just a fun fact.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It seemed familiar to me, but I had no sense of where I heard it.
Any chance President Reagan took it from one of the movies he worked in?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty No idea. I’m watching a Netflix doc on Trumps life, he apparently is a big fan of Ronnie. They showed some speeches using the phrase.Its been very interesting. Some call Trump a sociopath, some think he’s brilliant.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Tump’s description of the democrats and their agenda is the precise definition of the crowd he is addressing. Again, never mind that the fool’s rhetoric falls once more below what might pass for “Presidential”, as usual the point is being missed in this discussion that the issue is NOT one of liberals vs. conservatives. The point is that a first class all around turd is now President of the United States. The misfortune of the right hitching its wagon to the turd places the legitimacy of the entire movement on intractable quicksand. The necessity to mount a defense of the turd as a credulous substitute for President has led to the assertion that both sides are responsible for the acrimony while the straight up fact that Trump is a lying, dishonest, inept fuckup of a man hangs in the air undisputed. Rather than address the issue of the turd as President, the fact of bringing it up is taken as proof of leftist divisiveness as though no one would notice otherwise. Mistreatment of Bush or the faults of Obama are raised as proof of liberal duplicity while the turd reeks insufferably on .

ragingloli's avatar

Since this is a relevant date, never forget that after the twin towers collapsed, the Orangutan bragged that his building was now the tallest in the city.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, everyone is sentenced to morbid dispute when traumatic events occur?
When I was diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis was dim, humor kept me afloat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Your cancer was a personal thing. You welcomed humor. Do you think the families of the ~3,000 who died that day were just rolling at trump’s wittiness?

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