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Vignette's avatar

You are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?

Asked by Vignette (2890points) November 23rd, 2019
54 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Any kind of fight. Pick your battle and the soundtrack that will herald your presence on the battle field.

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Dutchess_lll's avatar

Oh Baby I Love Your Ways….

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Eye of the tiger. Or nes music.

si3tech's avatar

Who’s sorry now?

stanleybmanly's avatar

“Roll with the Punches”

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I sing this before I annihilate them.

Yellowdog's avatar

When I was a kid and was bullied and cornered and had to fight, and had to beat the daylights out of a crowd, I imagined the Popeye music when he eats the spinach. Or Camptown Races (instrumental only). They are inspirational and livening.

I’d rather destroy my enemies with sound, like in the movie Dune.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans

We fired our guns and the British kep a-comin’
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin’
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We looked down a river
And we see’d the British come
And there must have been a hundred of’em
Beatin’ on the drums

They stepped so high
And they made their bugles ring
We stood by our cotton bales
And didn’t say a thing

We fired our guns and the British kep a-comin’
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin’
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Old Hickory said we could take ‘em by surprise
If we didn’t fire our muskets
‘Till we looked ‘em in the eyes

We held our fire
‘Till we see’d their faces well
Then we opened up our squirrel guns
And really gave ‘em – well we

Fired our guns and the British kep a-comin’
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin’
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah, they ran through the briars
And they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes
Where the rabbit couldn’t go
They ran so fast
That the hounds couldn’t catch ‘em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We fired our cannon ‘til the barrel melted down
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with cannon balls, and powdered his behind
And when we touched the powder off the gator lost his mind

We fired our guns and the British kep a-comin’
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin’
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah, they ran through the briars
And they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes
Where the rabbit couldn’t go
They ran so fast
That the hounds couldn’t catch ‘em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Sound off, three-four
Sound off, three-four


And after that I would play “I’m the train they call the city of New Orleans” so everyone would know it all worked out and t’was not in vain.

kritiper's avatar

“Funky Town.”

Demosthenes's avatar

Probably Let’s Fighting Love from South Park.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No soundtrack. Just concentration. Time slows down, and you just focus on one thing at the time.
It’s hard to explain. In fact , I don’t usually hear anything. I am just focused on the fight. I can’t remember hearing anything. I was just focusing on the other man’s anatomy. Liver, spleen, throat, kidneys, stomach, whatever. It happens fast, but when you look back, it’s slow. I personally don’t think of any music. I’m listening to the room. Is someone coming from behind me? Are my other guys ok?
It’s a moment of total concentration.
Is there a guy about to hit me from behind? Is someone crying out for help?
All my senses focus on what’s happening, and how I need to handle it. If someone is hurt, I pick them up and defend them.
If someone was a weapon, I zero in on them.There’s no song in my head. It’s total concentration on the situation.

When I’m working out, I like Rage Against the Machine, or Audio Slave, or White Zombie.

In an actual physical confrontation, I have nothing on my mind, except what to do. I focus on taking my opponent down. As a bouncer, there’s usually music playing anyway. But I ignore it. When it’s time to get nasty, I am driven by one goal, take out the threat….

I often think of songs after, but when it’s time to get the job done, I think of nothing. I get shit done. Then it’s usually time for music. I am often startled by the initial event, and go through a stress period afterwards. I didn’t want things to unfold the way they did . There is no happiness, or pleasure, in hurting another person. And therfore, no music, going on in my head. Only regret, and wishes things went a different way….

ucme's avatar

I’ve never been much of a fighter & so I’d dazzle them with dance
Wouldn’t lay a hand on me!

SEKA's avatar

This followed by this

LadyMarissa's avatar

Being born & raised in Georgia, I think that this would be my song

KNOWITALL's avatar

Never been in a physical fist fight in my life. Bodies hit the floor is how my rage feels, I suppose.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess Good song, I sang along with your words. Wonder if @ucme ever heard that one?! Lol

LadyMarissa's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’ve NEVER been in a fist fight either. When I was 22, I pissed off a girl at work & she told me that IF I showed up for work the next day that she was going to kick my ass. I couldn’t afford to take off work, so I sucked it up & decided to go in & see what would happen. The best way to learn to fight is to get hit & react. Well, I walked in the front door, she walked up to me & got right up in my face & said “So you showed up” Then she turned around, walked off, walked out the back door, & NEVER came back. So, I still don’t know IF I can fight!!!

I’m a lover NOT a fighter, so I might die not knowing!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyM Lol, hoping you never do! Calling her bluff made her think twice. Ha

LadyMarissa's avatar

^ I hope I NEVER find out either. I’m way too old to start fist fighting!!! HaHaHaHaHa

MrGrimm888's avatar

Everyone has a plan, until they get hit. Then, almost anything is possible. Even a veteran fighter, can duck into a punch. I’ve seen big, bad guys duck into some punches. Getting sucker punched, is no fun. Keep your eyes on your opponent, and their feet. That’ll tell you what they’re up to.

Even if it’s a planned match, you keep your eyes on them. In a street fight, there’s actually a lot of dumb luck. I always did my fighting in a “phone booth.” Although I am kind of tall, and have reach on most, I like to limit what the other guy can do. I’m known to step on the other guys foot. It takes away their mobility. I can absorb some punches close up, then a lot of strategy goes out the door. If it comes to it, I just grab their shirt, twist, and throw a few rights. Usually 1, or 2, to the abdomen, and then when they lower their hands, upper cut, or elbow to the head. That’s worked, a lot. That’s usually all it takes. If I have to use a closed hand. Most of my altercations involved me grabbing a wrist, and going after the ball and socket, in the shoulder.
If it was really bad, I went for the neck. People seem to have a prey instinct, and when you get them by the throat, they typically give up. Like a gazelle, bending to a lion.
Of you grab my throat, I’ll bite shit out of you. My brother tried it once, and I bit his arm, hard. He was shocked. He said, I was just playing around. I told him, well, I don’t play with my throat. He’s never tried it since. When someone has you in a rear choke, you have about 30 seconds, before you are out. You’ve got to get a few fingers in, and then bite.
It’s not “honorable,” but I’m a bitter. I also head butt, a lot. A forehead, in someone’s nose, will have an effect.

I once heard a great wrestler, say how he never got beaten. He said “I pretend I’m drowning.” That gave him strength, and determination. I have not seen him in a while. But he was undefeated, in Greco-Roman style…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@MrGrimm888 So what song is it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

There’s no song. I don’t hear much. I am focused on the fight. I’m focused on the man’s eyes, his feet, hips, and whether he is armed. In fact everything becomes silent. Slow motion. I’m watching the other guy’s every move. If his right pectoral muscle moves, I have a right coming. Fighting, is about balance. Most men adjust their bodies to a certain way, to bet maximum leverage. If you watch their eyes, feet, and hip movement, it gives you a split second idea of what they’re about to do.

In the moment, I hear nothing. Sometimes, you get a ringing, in your ear if take a punch right on your ear. Something that happened to me a lot. I didn’t duck, or dodge, I usually turned my head, and took the punch. Many times, the fucker would smash my eat against my skull.It rarely hurt my head, but but hurt my ear. Not a wise move, because then I felt open to full attack mode. Then, they get blasted.

No songs. Most fights less than 30 seconds, once it becomes a “fight.” I am scared after most, or shaking. My hands are shaking, and sometimes my feet. There were only two, maybe 3, where I had to be pulled of of the man. I would have likely killed them. I was not in control. I was in a mode I’ve almost never been in. If it were not for my guys, I’d have killed them. You don’t punch me, in the face, or stab me, and get away with it. I’m willing to sustain some damage, but don’t put us in a serious fight. I’ll fucking fuck you up. I usually stop, when the guy is unconscious, but when I go red, I don’t stop. The only way I really fight, is to try to kill you. I’m not happy about that, but if you threaten my life, I will definitely go hard against you.

My father killed two men, in Vietnam. His foxhole partner, was decapitated. He killed both men, with their own machetes, and had to be pulled of buy multiple men. I guess I have that same gene. He hacked two men, to pieces, and had to be restrained, buy multiple soldiers.
When I see red, I can’t stop. I guess that means I am a bad person….

MrGrimm888's avatar

Me too. It’s just something instinctive. I hate it… I’m sorry about it, but I haven’t been able to control it. When it’s on, it’s on.

I am embarrassed by it. It’s one of the reasons why I retired from law enforcement.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@MrGrimm888 -My dad was a Korean War vet who was very quick to react after he left the service. Completely understandable for anyone with certain jobs, training and experiences.
He told me about a guy who worked as a bouncer at a club that he used to go to.
The guy would be smiling away before, during after the fights he got into.

janbb's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Were you a police officer or a security guard?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I would much prefer not to fight but I think I could hold my own against most females if I had to. And I’ve had to, twice. :/

Yellowdog's avatar

How about that part of ‘The Girl Is Mine’ where Michael Jackson says to Paul McCartney,

“I think I told you. I’m a lover, not a fighter” then?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

^ What?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess Yikes. I cant imagine you fist fighting?!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I took Tae Kwondo when I was in my early 20s. I was pretty good. Then I quit because I got some stupid notion it was evil and against Christianity.

KNOWITALL's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

@janbb . I was always a SLED officer. That gave me the power of a sherif, on properties, I was hired to protect. But it made me a LEO, with all the potential to arrest, or subdue, or search a person. I could arrest someone, and they would be sentenced to death, if they killed me. In some places, I carried a gun. In many places, I didn’t. Most places, I was unarmed, and thankful for it. I could use mace, or batons. I just used my wits, and my mitts. And officers under my control, were under my control. We didn’t try to kill someone, unless they had a weapon. Then, my orders, were to killl. And it come down to me, in court, to defend my decisions…. I had to “stand tall,” before a judge , multiple times. It was NOT a fun job. But I did it, for the money. I had no other real talent… Like I have said, I took no pleasure in hurting people. Our watching my guys, go to work .It was offense, and gross. We sent a lot of guys, to the ER. Under my command. I live with it every day…. Something that I sruggle with, all of the time. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, but it happened…

chyna's avatar

What is a SLED?

ucme's avatar

He was security for Santa’s reindeer.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s a division of law enforcement.

ucme's avatar

“Grimmy the red nosed bouncer
Had a very heavy punch
And if you ever felt it
You’d be walking with a hunch…”

MrGrimm888's avatar

I only punched like two guys. But I had to. I sometimes fought multiple people. Even then, I didn’t use a closed hand. I did use a knife hand, and elbows… I bit, head butted, and kneed my way through some big time fights. None of it was legal, but I was facing multiple guys. I could have killed many of them. But, I was just putting them down. Like I said, it’s a curse, not a talent. I’d take most of it back, if I could. I am ashamed of my actions, but they seemed necessary, at the time. When seconds count, and other people are being hurt, I did what was instinctive.

I took plenty of pain too. I’ve got multiple broken bones, and my fingers don’t even line up right anymore. And I never had the heart of a warrior, just the skills. Do YOU know, what it feels like, to tear a man’s shoulder up? I do, and it makes me feel like shit… I am a piece of shit, and hurt a lot of people who just drank too much. I had my guys do the same thing. It’s nothing I’m proud of…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You have to STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP!!! It was a job!

ucme's avatar

Yeah, no more or less than it was a job to Ali, Foreman, Frazier, Hagler, Leonard & Hearns. Heck, they even got fame, fortune & big shiny trophy belts. Give yourself a break man, do as Elsa did & let it go!
Okay, so that last bit was a joke but hey, laughing beats crying eh?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme You singing Let It Go is now my favorite imaginary memory….lol

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I reckon I could pull it off too :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme I know you could, I love thay song. I went and got the sing a long version myself lol

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I bet you smashed it out the park sister lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme If enthusiasm counts, yes. Ha, not so sure about vocals.

ucme's avatar

Hey, enthusiasm is all you need, who cares about talent right?

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s not as simple as you all describe. It was a job, and there were reasons, for what we did.
It doesn’t change the way, I felt, after the shit hit the fan. Tearing some guy’s shoulder up, suckered. But I changed their lives, forever.
From now on, many men, won’t be able to pick up heavy objects. And they will think of me, as why. That hurts my heart .
I also had dozens of men, who probably suffered permanent damage, because of *my *decisions.

I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I just can’t accept it. I’ve tried to, but it breaks my heart.
I’m not a violent person. I just had to do what I thought was necessary. I wonder if there was a way, not to do it….. But I can’t think of ways, out other sideways situations…

It’s not the shape of my heart. What could I have done differently? I can’t think of different ways, but there must have been something that I did wrong…. I must have had something that would have avoided these situations….

I hurt/injured, many men. I must have made a mistake, in some situations… I just can’t figure it out….

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Theres 12 steps to it that work for a lot of people. All I knpw is you have to learn to love yourself first. Lots of cops deal with it, some suicide, so you gotta get over it or get help, bro.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I quit. That helped. But I haven’t gotten over it, yet. Maybe I shouldn’t. It’s never OK, to hurt people.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Hugs. Even murderers and rapists often get out of jail, so dont sentence yourself to life.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m aware of the this, but it not so easily overcome…

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