Forgive my ignorance, but this question has been bugging me all day.
What strings? I am right now eating a stalk of celery with almond butter, there ain’t no strings. Is this ome kind of east coast string theory? Do we in California get stringless celery? Thses aren’t string beans!
I never used to, and one day my MIL commented that I don’t remove them, and she found that unusual. I never even thought to do it before her comment. I didn’t know it was a thing. Now, I pull of a few sometimes, but very little.
I just became curious if most people were similar to my MIL in how they prepared celery.
@filmfann Do you use a peeler? You can just grab them at the top of a piece of celery with a knife and pull them off.
Additionally, I sometimes put the celery leaves in salads. I throw them away most often, always seems like a shame, but they can be used in salads and to flavor soups.
Sure do. Especially when I put it in a tuna salad. I hate it when you can’t tell if the string is celery or hair. But I don’t use a peeler. I cut at the bottom of the stalk and then with a knife I peel the edges up and grab a few strings at a time and pull them off.