What is the cost of a funeral in your area?
Recently I was told Missouri has the lowest burial costs in the US. I’m curious I’d that is true.
My mother’s actual funeral bill was $3028. Flowers, musician and pastor were another $500.
My cousin in PA buried his mother in CA, totalling $10k but I assumed transporting that far explained the higher cost.
If you have handled arrangements in the last few years, how much did it cost?
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12 Answers
WV – We buried my mom in 2011 and I think the price was around 8,000. I remember the plot was buy one get one free and we got both for 1,500. My dad was buried in his home town that was 2.5 hours away because he died unexpectedly in 1975 and my grandparents took over the arrangements. So we had him moved to be beside mom at an additional 3,000.
We didn’t go all out on the head stone, it was just the flat kind in the ground. So I think you do have a lot lower funeral costs there.
On a side note: when my dog Lexi died in 2007 I took her to the pet cemetery. I was totally distraught and asked for a granite head stone that said Lexi Smith, best dog ever, 2000–2007. They said “that will be 3,000 with plot, headstone and burial.” I founds much smaller head stone that just says Lexi and it was all in at 800.
My brother died in 2019, and we had him cremated. The funeral home picked up the body and did the cremation and supplied a modest urn. Total bill came to about 10 grand. This was in Northern California.
I know 5 years ago, a headstone cost about 5,000 dollars (for an average one – not elaborate but not modest either). Like anything else, it all depends on your taste. Do you want an expensive coffin or a cheap one? You can get a coffin at Costco. The service is all broken down by service. Number of viewings, etc.
I am going to pay for my cremation cost in advance. Looking around it’s about $2400. I told my son what ever they do after that is on them. I’d be happy to be thrown in the lake, or buried with a tree planted on me.
So far it does appear much cheaper here, thanks.
I was surprised at a recent coworker in Kansas not having a service at all, it made me curious as they are not poor by any means. Maybe just a personal choice.
I’ve had a prepaid funeral plan for myself for better than 40 years now. It was one of the first things on my mind after reading a book on the funeral industry. Back then the total fee was eleven hundred bucks, and I am to be gathered up from wherever I expire and then be cremated. I have no idea what they might want to enroll in a plan today. The wife and kids irritate me by constantly telling me they will throw money down the toilet for memorial ceremonial nonsesnse. They know how to trip my switch.
@HP You got a great price, wow.
It’s kind of odd not to have some kind of service, to me anyway.
I just figure I won’t be there to see it. I f they want to celebrate me, they can just pick our house or one of the other oversized places our bunch has and put on one of the usual pre pandemic mob festivals of gluttony.
Apparently, since Covid, I have noticed that lots of people are not having a service. It might’ve started out because no one could attend, but it seems to be continuing.
@chyna I saw a bit of that last year. Now the funeral homes post livestreams so you can watch on your phones or laptops, a free service.
It worked great for us as we’re strung out from Japan to PA to NC. :)
My Dad’s wife had a Life Celebration on the beach. Everyone got together and drank wine.
Yeah that,‘s more like it. I threaten the family that I will have the money cremated along with me, defying the pronouncement that ” you can’t take it with you”. When told that I can’t take it with me, my standard reply remains “Then I’m not goin” And see? I’m older than dirt and still here. I recommend my attitude as the life preserving tonic for you all. And believe me, in TODAY’S America, without money, you’re better off dead.
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