These Scünci bobby pins.
Can’t find them on the Scünci page any more, but there were a lot of posted complaints, including mine, so this is from eBay.
They’re very pretty, shiny, solid, nice metallic colors; but they’re no bobbi pins. Bobbi pins are made of lighter metal, with rubber tips, and they part easily so you can slip them into your hair and then they hold. These are more like hair clips, but they are so firm that they’re hard to open. It takes two hands—and you can’t fasten them in your hair like that, with one hand holding the end that’s supposed to go in.
Let me say that again: you can’t get them into your hair. That’s what all the comments that I read were complaining of: pretty, but you can’t wear them. No wonder people are trying to unload them on eBay.
No use to try to return the item. I guess I’ll throw them away. They don’t even work as paper clips.