When I was younger up into my twenties, I would go trail riding from time to time. I too never really felt comfortable having the horse gallop, although it’s actually easier than when they are trotting because it’s much smoother. And then about 10 years ago or so, my brother-in-law, although he was just my sister’s boyfriend at the time, treated her to two sessions of horseback riding because she really missed doing it. But he didn’t want to go, so she invited me to come. Well, I found out that as you get older, your body does not adjust as well to being on horseback for a couple hours. I remember my sister drove to the place and she had a very low car, some sports car, but I can’t remember what she had at the time. So by the time we got back home, I could barely get myself up and out of her car, LOL!
Oh, and one time when I was a teenager we had a youth retreat where you could go horseback riding for an hour. And I forget exactly how it happened, but I think we started running, which could happen if you were in a group of people riding horses, because if one horse start running then the others would too. Well I fell off! And I was like the next to last person in the line of horses, or it would have been much worse, but I remember laying on the ground momentarily and seeing the horse behind me jump over me! But then I got up, and I wasn’t hurt, thank goodness, and I got right back up on the horse, which they say you’re supposed to do. But I’ll never forget that happening to me.