I usually stay in my PJ’s until I need to leave the house or until I am doing a zoom call. If I take a shower way before I am leaving, or maybe I am not leaving the house that day, I’m usually in a robe for 5 minutes to an hour, but I am never in a robe all day. If people want to wear a robe for hours have at it, I’m not judging.
I purposely have loungewear (sleepwear that you can wear out and it just looks extremely casual, similar to sweats) so I can be presentable if someone stops by while I’m in my pajamas. Although, most of my pajamas are old and worn out.
When I arrive home from being out, I change into pajamas fairly quickly. When I was younger I didn’t feel the need to do it, but when I was younger I was also thinner and less aches and pains in my body. Clothes weren’t so uncomfortable then. Even my comfortable clothes aren’t as comfy as my PJ’s. I’m also more aware of getting outside germs inside the house or clothes that might damage my furniture.
Summing up, I usually get dressed some time between 9am and noon. I’m usually back in pajamas between 6pm and 9:30pm, but it varies a lot from day to day.