Aw, @KNOWITALL, snotty remark aside, we understand that you’re too young to remember that it was the boomers that really kept the civil rights movements and activism going in the 70s.
That’s OK, we get that it’s easy to blame an enormous demographic for the stuff that the next ones did.
@canidmajor What?! I was not insulting Boomers or activists, both of whom I generally admire greatly.
@smudges There’s a reason the KKK wore masks. If you arent raised here in it you’d be considered an outsider. Same with Amish, Mennonites, Off Grid families, etc. We have a lot of pockets of ‘none of your business’ ypes. Ha!
I call bullshit, @KNOWITALL. You said, right up there, third post, ” The Democrats here are more old school racist Boomers than anyone other than WS.”
How is that ” not insulting Boomers”?
Boomers (especially Democrat boomers) are the demographic that brought you Peace Corps, the nuclear test ban treaty (JFK), the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Medicare (LBJ), Departments of Education and Energy (Carter), the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in history (Clinton), Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama).
^^ The Democrats here are more old school racist Boomers than anyone other than WS.
That’s a huge generalization. You’re saying all Boomer democrats in Missouri are racist. A more accurate statement would be, “My 70 year old cousins are democrats and racist as hell.”