General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Have you been watching the Democratic National Convention?

Asked by jonsblond (44446points) August 20th, 2024
59 responses
“Great Question” (12points)

Does anyone remember the days when there would be a question during a political event and we’d all have a watch party and discuss? (Sigh)

My 89 year old father was invited last minute to the rally in Milwaukee tonight but it would have been too much for him without planning. He would need a wheelchair. He was a Republican way back when but most recently he was a Bernie supporter and now supports Kamala. He wanted to go but we’re hopeful Kamala will be back to Wisconsin before November. Ugh, it would have been an amazing moment.

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Kardamom's avatar

You bet! It’s like a Taylor Swift concert for news junkies. I am feeling hopeful for the future.

jca2's avatar

I watched BIden’s speech Monday night and Michelle and Barack’s speeches last night. All three speeches were great. Very inspiring. I especially liked Michelle’s.

janbb's avatar

I watched most of the roll ca which was kind of fun and I’m seeing some of the speeches. I’ll watch the Obamas and Pritzker on YouTube today.

ragingloli's avatar

Why would I waste my time on that?

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Oh, just go eat some schnitzel and let us colonials have our moment. JK

Forever_Free's avatar

Watching yes. Hope springs eternal.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Of course, regardless of who wins it behooves us all to stay informed.

cookieman's avatar

Just clips on TikTok but I’m excited by what I see. So hopeful. I REALLY hope this translates at the polls. Get out and vote! Particularly Gen Z.

mazingerz88's avatar

Fun and a real hope-fest to watch but I will only breathe that one sigh of relief if and when Harriswalz actually wins.

chyna's avatar

In the words of Barrack Obama “I’m feeling fired up!”

janbb's avatar

Michelle was wonderful!

Pandora's avatar

@janbb She was and Obama didn’t disappoint. I loved Bidens speech. I have nothing but love for the man and deep gratitude for his years in service.
Love Michelles question. Is someone going to tell Trump that he may be trying for one of those “Black Jobs” ? I laughed so hard.

jca2's avatar

I loked when he made the joke about Donald’s obsession with crowd sizes.

Brian1946's avatar

Not that much, but I’d love to see a clip of Mamma Obama’s joke about Orange Julius Caesar’s crowd-size fetish.

Do you think you’ll be getting a blue MAJA hat? ;)

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve been hearing it discussed on podcasts. That’s about all I can take. (The same thing for the RNC, just to be clear).

filmfann's avatar

I have been watching, while also zooming with friends commenting on the party event.

JLeslie's avatar

I thought day one was fantastic! Hillary Clinton, James Clyburn, Jasmine Crockett, and Biden stood out to me, AOC was very good too (I have been annoyed with her in the past at time, but I am thinking maybe she has changed a little).

The second day was good too, Michelle and President Obama were great, and the roll call was great, but for me the first day was stellar.

Brian1946's avatar

I just got an email from the Representative who said that Empty (MT) Green had a “badly built, butch body”, Jasmine Crockett.

Her message asked, “Will a vindictive villain violate voters’ vision?”.

Jasmine, you are the ace and avatar of alliteration! ♥♥♥ I’m not worthy of your donation solicitation! ;-P

jonsblond's avatar

Amanda Gorman was amazing tonight!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s amazing Republicans are speaking at this DNC and say they have had it with the party of Trump, and even though they are still a Republican this time they are voting for a Democrat, pretty powerful stuff.

jca2's avatar

I was out, missed Clinton’s, saw Gorman’s and then fell asleep before Walz’s.

Was Walz’s good? I have to try to find it on YouTube.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 It will be on YouTube. I’ll watch it today.

jca2's avatar

I also saw Oprah’s. She looks incredible for 70.

janbb's avatar

I’m watching Walz now. What a brilliant choice he was for Harris!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I got to see Obama again.
That man, makes me weep for better times and cooler heads.

The crowd was hanging on his every word.
I think if there WAS a shooter at an Obama speech, the shooter would be too mesmerized by Barry O to shoot.

I miss him, SO much…

canidmajor's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Me too. When intelligence and grace were recognized as strengths. <sigh>
Well, hopefully this ticket will keep those qualities in the forefront. I believe the Bidens embodied those qualities as well.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Walz was fantastic! I feel like Pennsylvania will go blue if Walz campaigns there.

Strauss's avatar

Looking past the Prez and VP slots, let’s compare some of the supporting players: the D’s have Josh Shapiro, Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Senator Cory Booker, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, not to mention the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens. The R’s have Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Loren Boebert, James Comer, and a few others

chyna's avatar

^Have any of the Bushes spoken up on their votes?

Pandora's avatar

@chyna George Bush has taken retirement to heart. He refuses to say anything about any presidential candidate. His last know public comments to about Trump was about the shooting last month, basically they are glad he is fine, before that it was on January 6. Saying this is what fascist do. He is no Trumper but basically he doesn’t think he holds any sway and think its respectful to stay out of politics once you retire. He did joke at some group function in private that he is younger than both Trump and Biden and he’s too old for the job.

jca2's avatar

I just saw Walz’s speech. What a great speech it was.

I remember thinking that Bush was a buffoon but after Trump, I started to think Bush wasn’t that bad after all lol. Trump made my memories of Bush become a little more rosey.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Strauss Excellent point!

@MrGrimm888 Supposedly took two months or so for Obama to write his speech. Hence its bullseye effect on hearts and minds. But 90 percent of the speeches in this convention were all electrifying!

Makes me wonder which speechwriter wrote which speech and if they got paid. And if so how much? lol

Strauss's avatar

@mazingerz88 I also think the concept of joy is really palpable in this convention. The R’s have been preaching doom and gloom and telling us they’re gonna take us back; the D’s are telling us they’ll lead us forward.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Glad that’s the main thrust of their messaging. I was ready and been waiting for it the first day trump sat at the Oval Office in 2017.

flutherother's avatar

I’m hoping vibrant black will be the new orange.

Strauss's avatar

@cookieman So hopeful. I REALLY hope this translates at the polls. Get out and vote! Particularly Gen Z

The best way to translate that hope into reality is action. Even if it is only to encourage everyone you see in the next seven weeks to vote. Statistically speaking, from the 1970s forward, the higher the turnout, the better the Dems do.

jonsblond's avatar

Kenan Thompson from SNL was on stage last night and poked fun at Project 2025.

jonsblond's avatar

“Kamala has been black a lot longer than Trump has been a Republican.” D.L. Hughley (Thursday night)

I’m watching again tonight and it reminds me of a variety show. I’ve never been more entertained by a political convention. This is a good crazy!

mazingerz88's avatar

Kinzinger, a Republican, aptly described trump MORE than any Democrat who spoke in there! Kinda surprising.

jonsblond's avatar

Kamala’s speech was powerful! All I can say is wow!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Must show you how deranged the Republican party has become with ole orange hair, that you have moderate Republicans now voting democrat in this up coming election.

JLeslie's avatar

There were at least two former Democrats who spoke at the RNC and a few famous people who were/are minorities. I didn’t watch the whole thing.

My Democratic friends on facebook are writing how great the speeches are (I think so too) and that they feel the country is united again. Seriously? United? It’s like a drug this feeling of happiness and thinking everyone in the country must be on board with the Democrats now. No they are not. The country is still divided. Most Republicans aren’t watching the DNC. If they are, they hear the information very differently, Democrats just have to hope Independents like what they hear.

Oprah was the only one that I’ve seen who specifically talk to Independents. Gabby Giffords started with “hello Americans” instead of what most have said, which was “hello Democrats.”

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie People are not as naive as you seem to think they are. Everyone at the convention, from the speakers on down to the delegates, knows the country is very divided. The purpose of the convention was to whip up enthusiasm for the ideal of unity – and to elect Harris – and hopefully they succeeded. One has only to listen to the conservatives on here, and presumably your Trumpy neighbors, to know that different truths are being sold to others.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLeslie Of course they said ‘hello Democrats’. They’re speaking at the DNC. It’s literally the audience.

jonsblond's avatar

Kamala delivered a nice speech but she avoided all the tough issues:

1. Electric boats vs sharks
2. low-flow toilets not flushing it all down
3. Steam vs electric carrier catapults
4. Bird graveyards under windmills
5. No position on The Late Great Hannibal Lecter

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^^ But them is important subjects,that and2020 was stolen , and of course the documents are no more than over due library books.
The Democrats missed all the real important topics.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb I absolutely KNOW a ton of people around the country are naive and live in their bubble. People on facebook saying the country feels united again. Maybe, we could say the Democrats feel united again, but the country?

I know the main purpose of the convention, and it was done exceptionally well in my opinion. I think it was brilliant to take back the word Freedom for the Dems. Clair McCaskill said this morning (I’m paraphrasing) the Dems have back the three F’s: Freedom, the Flag, and Football! I totally agree. I felt great watching that unfold.

Call me stupid, but like I said, Oprah thought to address the Independents, Gabby thought to say hello to all Americans, what could be wrong with that? Kidzinger said he sees now that Democrats love America too. We Democrats already know that. Maybe they are naive too.

I would think some Independents are watching.

@Hawaii_Jake It is being broadcast to anyone who wants to watch. Don’t you want everyone in the US to feel included? Welcome them to vote for the Democrats if they will contemplate it.

Many speakers made a point to say Harris will be a president for all Americans, even if they didn’t vote for her. Who do you think they are mainly talking to when they say that? Democrats?

I finally watched Kamala, I fell asleep too early last night. She said, “good evening everyone, thank you, thank you…,thank you all.” She didn’t say, “hello Democrats!” Maybe someone needs to tell her speech writers who her audience is.

Edit: there are never Trumpers who are not Democrats who are paying attention and who want to feel comfortable with who they vote for.

Brian1946's avatar

During her speech she said something like, “we must continue to have the most powerful and lethal military in the world”.

I wouldn’t consider this to be a 3 Dog Night part of her platform, in that the US military hasn’t really brought a lot of “joy to the world”.

JLeslie's avatar

@Brian1946 I felt like that was her letting our adversaries know she won’t be afraid to fight, so don’t try anything crazy.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLeslie Have you read this thread? Just curious.

SnipSnip's avatar

No to both questions.

JLeslie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Yes. Have you read all of my answers? Why do you ask? Have you read the thread?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^honestly just curious

JLeslie's avatar

@Hawaii@Jake Please, do explain. What did I say that you think was off?

Dutchess_III's avatar

He probably did not read your TL/DNR answers.

jonsblond's avatar

You can now find a playlist of the music played for each state during roll call. I’ll use this for my next road trip.

Forever_Free's avatar

@jonsblond love this idea

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