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DandyDear711's avatar

What Wii games would be good for our whole family?

Asked by DandyDear711 (1512points) March 6th, 2009

We like to play family games especially when our daughter comes home from college. Are there some Wii games you really like that we might like too? We are a family of 2 teens and two fifty YOs. I prefer games where the adults don’t look like clods. Once in awhile we play Mario Cart on a N64 – kinda funny to watch the old folks screw up but that is only fun for so long… BTW – I have very little depth perception. We have Wii Sports and Wii FIT. We will have 3 remotes and 3 nunchucks. Plan to get at least another remote. Thanks all!

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28 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

The mario kart wii is a really fun game – gets high points from everyone! (the depth thing might be hard with this game,as it’s first person)

another fun family game is Samba De Amigo – it’s dancing and music, but not as complicated as, say, dance dance revolution. Rabid Rabbit’s TV Party i’ve heard is good, but i’ve not played it as of yet.

You could go for a game like Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero, where everyone could have an instrument, and you pick the difficulty level appropriate to you and your instrument. In September, a Beatles Rock Band game is coming out – i’m sure that’d be fun for 50 YOs and college kids.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I second Rock Band as super fun. It’s got a pretty high up front cost, but is totally worth it. On the Wii, I think you cannot download songs, so I’d check out the various Rock Bands and figure out which has the most songs you’d like. I strongly recommend Rock Band 2 at this point, because the drum kit is better. But of course, you don’t have to get them bundled and the RB2 drum kit works with RB1, and the RB1 drum kit works with RH2.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@EmpressPixie no, they’ve opened DLC on it. most songs are 200 wii points (~$2 US). a few are free, as well.

Les's avatar

My brother got Super Mario Galaxy for my mom’s Wii (she’s in her 50s). First of all, that game is insane. I would buy a Wii just for that one game. She didn’t think she’d be able to do it at first (“I can’t catch the little bunnies!!”), but now she has gotten pretty far, and she loves it. I highly recommend that game.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Les would that game cause a problem if you have depth perception?

MrItty's avatar

I think I just answered this over on Askville, but to restate: I recommend Boom Blox and Mario Party 8 (neither of which require the nunchuck. :-) )

dynamicduo's avatar

Boom Blox. I cannot recommend it enough. It’s a great game, so many game modes, great for all ages, young and old alike. My partner and I (both in our 20s) play it ourselves and with friends who visit. It’s a casual block game (that’s an understatement and a disgrace, as is calling it similar to Jenga [it does have one mode that is a pull-the-block, but that’s one out of 50 or more modes]). Rent it at least and give it a shot – but I really think you’ll love it. Cute music too (it was done with some of the algorithms they used for The Sims 2 music, it has the Sims flavour as I like to say, and that makes me love the game even more).

dynamicduo's avatar

Regarding Mario Party: I was disappointed with 8. Bowser is not mean in the least bit, in fact the bonuses are not as great either, and the game seems really devoid of soul and desire, unlike Mario Party 6 or 7 or even 5. Since Gamecube games work with the Wii (not sure about backwards compatible controllers since I have wireless Wavebirds which work), I recommend giving those ones a try. You can probably find a used copy easily.

Les's avatar

@epony…: I don’t think so. My mom has poor depth perception, and it seems OK for her. It may just take a little longer to get used to.

@dynamic: Boom Blox is awesome!

TenaciousDenny's avatar

You can’t go wrong with Mario Party.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i enjoyed Boom Blox. It’s a very different kind of game, but a lot of fun. Just make sure you put the wrist strap on! i got to play it on a Wii, hooked up to a digital projector – which was awesome.

DandyDear711's avatar

Amazon has little trailers so you can see what game looks like!

MrItty's avatar

Oh, for the ultimate in uncomplicated, you can also download Tetris Party from the WiiShop channel. I think it costs somewhere between $15 and $20. It lets you play the classic game of Tetris, with a multiplayer aspect of attacking your opponent by clearing multiple lines at once.

And when you’re not all together, you can still play it together, online. Very cool.

DandyDear711's avatar

I know this may sound really stupid… Can I rent Wii games from Hollywood Video? If yes, are the good games readily available?

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party looks really fun – will need 4 remotes and nunchucks…

DandyDear711's avatar

Boom Blox looks good too!

MrItty's avatar

@DandyDear711, yes Hollywood Video will rent games. Like new release movies, new release games might be hit-or-miss as far as availability goes. But you should be able to find more than a few. I always rent a game before I buy it.

DandyDear711's avatar

@MrItty – Oh Good!!

Those games are expensive to buy. I already feel like I have taken a vacuum to my checking account for this Wii.

Mr_M's avatar

I like the first person shooter games and two recently came out where the players shoot zombies. Nunchuk not needed.

eponymoushipster's avatar

there are services like gamefly, which is sort of a netflix for video games. but it’s not cheap either, imo. i think $15/month once the trial 9.99$ period is over.

at least that was the case last time i looked.

@Mr_M do you have the Quantum of Solace game?

Mr_M's avatar

No. Any good?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Mr_M it employs the same engine as CoD4, so you are 1st person, then go to 3rd for cover/shooting around corners. It has a great online mode, including levels from Goldeneye on the n64 (classic!). The storyline mode is frustrating though – i’m not sure if it’s a glitch with the game or my nunchuck – i can’t get past a certain point, as in – it prompts me to do something, i do it, and nothing happens. then it doesn’t prompt me again.

FWIW, The Force Unleased was a fun, if repetitive, game.

ladytmerie's avatar

My suggestion for a fun multiplayer game is WarioWare. You share a remote ( the game tells you when it is your turn) and do different poses with it to complete each stage. It is hilarious to watch and play.

cdwccrn's avatar

My grown kids have not socialized until recently. Now they come over and the two kids and their SO’s and their kids all play Wii bowling. That and fresh chocolate chips cookies warm from the oven makes a lovely family evening.

amirman's avatar

wario ware is a highly under rated game – it’s amazing and my 3 year old can even play it.

DandyDear711's avatar

@amirman – Do you mean WarioWare: Smooth Moves? If yes – looks like fun. Perhaps I can even do it! :-P

DandyDear711's avatar

@eponymoushipster – I am bidding on Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party on Ebay. Wish me luck!

amirman's avatar

@DandyDear711 – yeah, that’s the one, it’s the most fun i’ve had with others on the Wii.

DandyDear711's avatar

I won the auction for the Rabbids TV Party. Can’t wait for it to arrive! Will post after we all try it.

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