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Skippy's avatar

Have you heard about this Pastor of a chuch of 14 people and his Halloween Plan?

Asked by Skippy (2166points) October 22nd, 2009
57 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

He actually thinks that other than the King James Version, all other Bibles are Satan’s work!,2933,569121,00.html


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SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m Catholic <shakes head> I’ll be at a Halloween fest at my Church tomorrow night. My son will dress as a witch.

The bible is a compilation. As far as I know Satan was not asked to pen any of the Gospels. ;P

patg7590's avatar

sadly, more people believe this way than you know…

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 I don’t want to know then…cuz that’s scarier than Hades could ever be

aprilsimnel's avatar

People who are so threatened by any idea different from theirs, I don’t know what to say. What are they afraid of? How does this show faith in their god? If they were of true faith, they wouldn’t behave like this.

It’s as if they’re trying to convince themselves of the correctness of their beliefs instead of actually living as they believe. It’s very sad, and worse for the kids who have to grow up with these lessons being drummed into them.

patg7590's avatar

So is Fox News sponsoring the event? juuust kidding :]

MrItty's avatar

I have to wonder where they’re going to get all these heretical books they’re going to burn. If they’ve had them lying around their houses, doesn’t that make them heretics who’ve been doing the Devil’s work for years? And if they’re going out to buy them specifically to burn… doesn’t that help the Devil’s minions by financially aiding them in continuing their evil works?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@MrItty I was wondering the same.

@Skippy I just can’t understand book burnings at all. Not one bit. Why not just focus on one’s own religion, ignore the other Bibles? Such ignorance.

ragingloli's avatar

Book burning, eh. I wonder who was the last Person who did this. I think you all know.

syz's avatar

@ragingloli Is that a reference to Hitler? I hate to tell you this, be he’s hardly the last person to burn books.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (4points)
ubersiren's avatar

I understand that people believe the word of God is infallible, but it was transcribed and translated by many different quite fallible humans. You have to have some balls to follow anything as literally as this man. I constantly see stories about how this and that were translated incorrectly from the original text.

Facade's avatar

Poor guy

AstroChuck's avatar

Apparently Pastor Grizzard must think that the KJV omits gluttony as one of the seven deadly sins.

Btw, nice overalls.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@AstroChuck Nice observation…I was wonderin’ how many BBQ’s that “pastor” attends

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

The King James version is the most edited version of the bible. Many of the other versions have things that King James saw fit to leave out, so as not to offend people with ‘delicate sensitivies’. These people are Baptists, what do you expect, intelligence?

Baptist is just another way to spell Nazi.

A wise man once said, “We don’t know for sure if Satan is as evil as he is made out to be; we’ve only heard one side of the story.”

Skippy's avatar

I just don’t get it. How can a guy with 14 followers gather this much attention?
Could we be looking at the beginning of a new cult?

Maybe the books have been stolen or purchased at a half price type place….

And what makes the KJV any better than the NIV or NLT or NEW KJV?

SpatzieLover's avatar

What makes Mother Theresa a heretic for that matter, @Skippy ?!

Fyrius's avatar


Moving on.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Holy CRAP!!!! THEY are serving BBQ at the book burning


patg7590's avatar

This guy is burning some of my favorites! Rob Bell, Erwin McManus, Donald Miller, Shane Claiborne, Brain Mcclaren

Skippy's avatar

@SpatzieLover Mother Theresa’s beliefs in general were not accurate and it’s been said that she taught a “false gospel”. She had followers, as does Pastor Grizzard…..

Yes each has their own way of passing information along and getting their followers to believe. Mother T was able to gather “big names” to follow her, and her changes and thoughts were close,,,,

patg7590's avatar

From his own website…I know very little, but that doesn’t matter.
* facepalm *

patg7590's avatar

We will also be burning Satan’s music such as country , rap , rock , pop, heavy metal, western, soft and easy, southern gospel , contemporary Christian , jazz, soul, oldies but goldies, etc.

wouldn’t it just have been easier to say…
We’re burning music in it’s entirety

I seriously can’t stand people like this, I’m drafting a sarcastic email right now

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Share it w/me via PM?

patg7590's avatar

@Skippy Mother Theresa’s beliefs in general were not accurate

Are you like the judge of the world?

Who are you to say? according to what church? What denomination? What tradition? She did more good in her life for more people than you will ever even consider doing good towards, and inspired countless others.

shame on you

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Skippy Clearly this view point of Mother Theresa is not shared amongst the majority of Catholics.

Menekali's avatar

I wonder if he knows King James was infamously gay. Not that I care, but he seems like the sort that just might heh.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Skippy That statement bothers me so…able to gather “big names” to follow her

Clearly you haven’t read up much on MT. She asked anyone and everyone for time and assistance not just money from their pockets. Many celebs wanted to just give her a donation. MT would not let them off so easily. She insisted they touch the poor, they feed them, they spend time with them.

back to the BBQ & book burning now

Jeruba's avatar

I’m sure he wouldn’t care to know that the KJV was written and compiled by a committee. A brilliant one—I happen to believe that this work is the crowning achievement of the English language—but still the work of men.

I do believe we are heading for a new Dark Ages. My only consolation is that a New Enlightenment will follow.

Meanwhile, there’s the Inquisition to get through.

ubersiren's avatar

@patg7590 : So, Satan’s music includes such harmless lyrics as, “I’ve got a brand new pair of roller skates,” and classics like, “Home on the range?” That’s hilarious. He and Fred Phelps should join churches.

Way to turn people away from Christianity, douche bag!

scamp's avatar

He even says Billy Graham is a heretic! I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone go after Billy Graham! Well if this guy is doing it for publicity, he got it, but I doubt he is getting the kind he wants.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@Jeruba maybe this time the Inquisition will be the zealots being the ones getting burned at the stake.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@ubersiren funny you should mention Fred Phelps, he’s got a small following, and he gets on the news pretty often.

DominicX's avatar

His name is “Grizzard” and he wears overalls.

/end of discussion

Jeruba's avatar

@DominicX, wait, there’s that congregation of 14 too. I’ll wager my copy of The Satanic Bible that at least 12 of them are his family members. Some of them might even be related to him more than once.

SpatzieLover's avatar

14 followers will join him for the BBQ book burning. I’d guess form the website he has a fair amount of followers, but those 14 are certain to be relatives.

patg7590's avatar

@Jeruba more than once

RareDenver's avatar

So God waited about 1600 years after the birth of his only begotten son to instruct 47 guys in England to write his one true book?

God truly does work in mysterious ways

patg7590's avatar

@RareDenver amen brother

fundevogel's avatar

@patg7590 @SpatzieLover @Skippy

Whatever Mother Teresa’s religious thoughts were her thoughts on suffering were scary.

“the most beautiful gift for a person that he can participate in the sufferings of Christ”
~ Mother Teresa

Which is probably why she liked to hang out with poverty stricken, suffering folks, and why, despite all the donations she raised the the conditions of her charities remained appalling.

laureth's avatar

But… but… doesn’t this mean that even the versions that King James’ committee worked from are also Satanic?

Satan must have hid the Dead Sea scrolls while he was busy burying dinosaur bones to fool us, too.

Jeruba's avatar

Psst, @laureth, don’t look now, but logic and facts both seem to be missing from this picture. Who needs those when you KNOW?

DarkScribe's avatar

Does anyone notice the “religiously specious” attitude that is consistently displayed whenever Satan is mentioned? People who claim to be devout Christians commonly scoff at the idea that the devil ever actually does anything or even exists. They claim to believe in God, but treat Satan as an amusing myth even though the Bible and Jesus illustrate that he is supposedly very real.

This unbalanced dichotomy has fascinated me for decades.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra- I can tell you from experience that Satan is every bit as evil as written in the Bible. I was married to her for six years.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@DarkScribe from my discussions with Satan, turns out his name is actually Stan; seems his name isn’t the only thing that Christians misspell.

filmfann's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra I am a Baptist, and it does hurt me when statements like you made are tossed around. I try to be very tolerent of others views, and a blanket statement like that is just unnecessary.
Not all Christians are dicks.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra from my discussions with Satan, turns out his name is actually Stan; seems his name isn’t the only thing that Christians misspell.

Ah well, my dog lives in hope.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I’m not really surprised. I have had contact with lunatic Christians like this in the past. The real classic was when a certain group decided photography was evil because of the commandment “Thou shall not make graven images”. They also believed the KJV only, but for some reason it didn’t matter if it was the 1611 version or not.

patg7590's avatar

@fundevogel but who are you to judge her? What if she was right? What I’m there’s something beautiful and loving in particiapting in another’s suffering, even if it can’t be helped or cured as we believe it should. What if there’s a strange art to the agony, and something spiritual and healing in someone else coming alongside you and being able to honestly say “I know how you feel”

Maybe, just maybe, she discovered something greater than their apparent needs, maybe she healed and helped people with more than just thier circumstances, I’m not a fanboy of Mother Theresa, I’m not even Catholic; but I do think its rather intolerant and judgemental of you to judge someone who has done so much obvious good.

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” MT

valdasta's avatar

I have not viewed the link, but I have read most of the comments and it makes me cringe.
I am a Christian, a Baptist, and I believe the KJV to be perfect…But don’t put me in the same lump with this guy or his crowd.

I am a bit dissapointed by the generalization of those who are baptists or who prefer the KJV. I thought the Fluther was beyond that.

I am confident about my beliefs, not arrogant. I am compassionate with people, not ‘in your face’. I came from a rough background and have plenty of faults; I am not going to be the judge of any.

aprilsimnel's avatar

“And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matthew 6:5–7

Mr Grizzard’s works (and that all I’m judging, because I don’t know him), IMO, are doing nothing to show the love and compassion of Christ or to honour his god, if that is his goal.

fundevogel's avatar

@patg7590 but who are you to judge her?

I judge her no more or less than I judge anyone else. And no more or less than I would expect other people to judge me.

I have to judge people so I have some means of knowing who is trustworthy, and who it is best to avoid. My criteria are personal but they are reasonable. Among them I think that if anyone prioritizes an abstract concept (religious or not) over human wellbeing their priorities are destructive and hurt the efforts of mankind to live harmoniously with eachother on a personal and potentially a global scale.

There is nothing right or admirable about cherishing someone else’s misfortune, no matter who you are. She wasn’t offering them comfort. She refrained from delivering the real help they came looking for because she thought it was holier for them to suffer. Even if suffering was holy, she had no place imposing it on them when they came to her for help.

Judgement is not a bad thing. It’s necessary, and ideally, imposed uniformly and without preferencial treatment.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

This is what I feel…......

The Inquisition has returned…....and in strange ways. Two incidents of gays being murdered in the streets has happened in the UK in the last two weeks. Just for walking on the street and minding their own business——killed by young street thugs including girls who finished off the job. One of the victims was a police officer off-duty. Jewish cemeteries are being desecrated and looted in London and anti-Semitic crime is up by a lot in the UK.

Now books are being burned by fundamental fanatics….fanaticism is on the rise everywhere. It’s really tragic.

Why? Bad food, people angry that they can’t control others, people that just hate…all that sort of thing….how many Twinkies do you think this reverend has eaten….quite a few IMO. I hope he is burning his cookbooks, too.

Very sick.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@filmfann First of all, the Inquisition was not just in Spain…it was all over Europe and continued into Mexico until the 1840’s…I should know as my ancestors were fried.

I didn’t mean that the Inquisition was returning, but the “consciousness” of hate that propelled such heinous acts is present on the planet…and it is disturbing.

That’s all.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus It is a joke. Why not look at the link?

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