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jackm's avatar

Why do we urinate from our sex organs?

Asked by jackm (6212points) December 17th, 2009
93 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I think every mammal does, why is this?

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DominicX's avatar

Because it would get too crowded down there if we didn’t. Imagine having two penises. Also doesn’t seem to have any negative effects.

I don’t know, you do better. :)

MrItty's avatar

Uh. Males do. Females, not so much.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t. TYVM.

shilolo's avatar

Because that’s how the body has developed (and evolved). Here is an image that depicts male genital development. The cells of the urogenital sinus go on to develop into the urethra and bladder, while the ureteric bud becomes the ureters that connect to the kidneys.

Frequently, when evolution arrives at a successful mechanism for achieving a certain result, subsequent changes are infrequent. For example, individuals born with genital malformations (like hypospadias) have a hard time reproducing, or get recurrent infections and die. One can view those as evolutionary “attempts” to alter the basic structure of the penis, for better or, in this case, worse. In summary, natural selection has led us down this path.

jackm's avatar

Females urinate from very close. The urethra is inside their vagina.

tinyfaery's avatar

Uh…piss does not come out of my vagina.

Merriment's avatar

To put the whole sex thing in perspective. :)

MrItty's avatar

@jackm Time for you to go back to high school biology.

MissAusten's avatar

I think the urethra is just above the vagina…

In case you need a refresher course on the female body.

dpworkin's avatar

An accident of evolution. Things could have gone billions of different ways. It’s a blind process. It’s an interesting question for people who believe in Creationism, however: why would God do that to us (males), make us piss and fuck with the same organ, just like dogs and monkeys and pigs and dolphins?

jackm's avatar

In my head I have always counted the whole thing as a vagina. From the clitoris down.

MrItty's avatar

@jackm Then your head needs to go back to high school biology.

DominicX's avatar


In a colloquial sense, “vagina” refers to the entire “vulva” (the external female genitalia), but there is a difference. Likewise, colloquially, the “penis” includes the scrotum and refers to the entire external male genitalia.

MissAusten's avatar

@jackm Well, that explains a lot of the ineptitude girls suffer through with inexperienced boyfriends.

MrItty's avatar

@jackm do you also consider the testicles and scrotum part of the penis, since they happen to be near by?

shilolo's avatar

@MrItty @tinyfaery I think being pedantic here is counter-productive. We all got the gist of the question. No need to make a mountain out of a molehill. Perhaps if the question had been worded “Why do humans urinate either directly from or in the vicinity of the sex organs?” it would have been better, but still, the question is a reasonable one.

MissAusten's avatar

@MrItty Isn’t the entire male body part of the penis?

jackm's avatar

I am not inexperienced and I am probably not alone in referring to the whole thing as a vagina.

Its all beside the point though…

MrItty's avatar

@shilolo it’s not being pedantic at all. The female urinary tract is 100% separate from the female sex organs. Thus, the question’s premise is a falsehood, and cannot be rationally discussed.

MrItty's avatar

If the question is “why do we urinate from within (males) or nearby (females) the sex organs”, the obvious answer is “why not?”

Harp's avatar

Interesting article on the evolutionary development of the urinary/reproductive tract.

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, so ambiguity is okay in this case. I guess since you say so…

jackm's avatar

I would call the clitoris a sex organ, and it is different from the vagina.

MrItty's avatar

@jackm yes… and?

proXXi's avatar

Obviously the OP isn’t into peeplay…

jackm's avatar

If you are really not getting this then I would like to end the conversation. Don’t be argumentative just to be argumentative.

Thankyou @pdworkin @Harp and @shilolo for answering my question

shilolo's avatar

@MrItty The embryologic development of the female genital tract and urinary system are remarkably similar to the male system. Obviously, it can be rationally discussed, as I am fully capable of it (with the additional fact that I have studied embryology). And since, at its heart, this is a question about evolution and development, it makes sense to discuss both male and female urogenital systems, outward appearances aside.

MrItty's avatar

@jackm I’m not getting what point you were trying to make by pointing out that the clitoris and vagina are both sex organs and separate from each other. Did I say something previously that contradicted that fact?

tinyfaery's avatar

Is the clit a sex organ? It isn’t necessary for reproduction.

azlotto's avatar

Because doing #1 and #2 wouldn’t make sense.

MrItty's avatar

@shilolo you and I may have a different opinion on the definition of “rationally discussed”. If you need to alter the definition of the question to answer it…. Eh, but yeah, now I’m being pedantic.

@tinyfaery You could make the argument that testtube babies render both the penis and the vagina unnecessary for reproduction. ovum and sperm are all that are really required

dpworkin's avatar

Instead of debating the form of one response, I would love to see everyone opine on the OP. It’s kind of an interesting question.

jackm's avatar

Yeah, according to wikipedia at least

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I just want to chime in as a female and scrowl that I don’t pee from my vag either! I also don’t call my clit or my vulva a vag.

dpworkin's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence Yeah, but then why do males?

tinyfaery's avatar

Test tubes aren’t part of our bodies.

ucme's avatar

Stop taking the piss!

shilolo's avatar

I think too many people are taking this literally. Yes, we know, women don’t urinate from their vagina. But the truth is that we share a significant number of developmental stages, all of which start with the same material and end with urination from similar locations.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

For the same general reason that we breathe through the same passages that we use for eating, drinking and communicating: unintelligent design. I once heard your example explained as, “What engineer or planner worth his wages would plan to install a playground—in such close proximity to a toxic waste dump?”

(And yes, I do realize that some people communicate more with their eyes and hands, too.)

MrItty's avatar

@CyanoticWasp I’ve heard that one too. :-)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@pdworkin: if men can’t differentiate between a ureathra, clitoris, vulva and vagina then why would gawd give them anything else but the simplest equipment on their own bodies to work with?~

dpworkin's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence It all differentiates from the same tissue.

CMaz's avatar

Some people urinate from a tube, connected to a bag.

Sarcasm's avatar

You guys are really nitpicking. The urethra may not be the same room as the rest of the vagina, but it’s all in the same house.

denidowi's avatar

For the males, it keeps the narrow tract cleaned out and active during the many times and stages of life where it is not used for whatever reason.
Even the much larger female tract is emptied and cleaned out once per month, except after menopause, which I cannot explain.

jackm's avatar

Its all genitalia.

CMaz's avatar

What about women that squirt. What is that about?

Oxymoron's avatar

Girls don’t actually pee from their sex organ. The girl sex organ is the vagina and the pee comes out of the urethra opening seperate from the vagina. Guys pee out of the sex organ but I don’t know why. The only reason why I can think of is because the urethra and the vas deferens connect to one another and serve as a sperm pathway and a urine pathway.

CMaz's avatar

Thank God it works that way.

I have enough trouble keeping one in its place.

ubersiren's avatar

I had a traumatic urinary catheter experience once, and I can tell you it didn’t go in my vagina.

Not to be too graphic, but pee does come out of the same “slit” that encases the vaginal opening, but doesn’t come from the same organ. Just like in men, it comes out of the same “hole” but doesn’t come from the same organ, or even share the same tubing.

janbb's avatar

To get back to the original question, beats the shit out of me. :-)

jackm's avatar

In men it shares the same tubing

ubersiren's avatar

@jackm Not ‘til the very end of the line.

shilolo's avatar

Not quite the end of the line. In any event, as I said above, the issue is one of embryologic development. Men and women share the same basic structures, which develop in roughly the same way. Thus, this pattern of placing the urethra close to the sex organs is consistent between men and women.

JessicaisinLove's avatar

@MrItty The clitoris is the part you can easily see. All that is attached to it is equally important and runs along the upper part of the Vagina to the G Spot and beyond.
I only speak from personal experience. Never have seen another one in person but I assume we are all similar.

tyrantxseries's avatar

well at least we don’t piss out our ass that would suck

Blondesjon's avatar

I would rather piss from my toes.

i’m a sandals guy.

DominicX's avatar


When I was little I used to think that’s what girls did. :P

MrItty's avatar

@JessicaisinLove I’m sorry, at some point did I indicate I didn’t know what the clit was? confused

MissAusten's avatar

@DominicX That’s what my boys think, in spite of my attempt to explain otherwise. I guess life without a penis is just incomprehensible to them.

jackm's avatar

I think every woman in this thread just has penis envy. Just ask Sigmund

fundevogel's avatar

@jackm No, I have mustache envy. It’s an entirely different thing.

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, please

mattbrowne's avatar

You have to study the body plans of fish, reptiles and mammals and understand the evolutionary changes. Parts of a jaw can end up in the middle ear of mammals. I think something similar happened to our sex organs. I would have to look it up.

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne I’m pretty sure my sex organs haven’t ended up in my middle ear but I’ll have to look it up. :-)

dpworkin's avatar

you’d just better watch it in case someone else’s sex organ gets lodged in your middle ear.

Harp's avatar

There once was a girl from Nantucket…

janbb's avatar

Puts a whole new meaning to the term ear-ache, don’t it, Rocky?

mattbrowne's avatar

@pdworkin and @janbb – Well, and eventually our ancestors split into humans and Ferengi. And look where all the sex organs ended up.

Ready for an ear massage? Oo-mox is pure orgasmic delight I am told.

shilolo's avatar

@mattbrowne Your hypothesis about misplaced organs fits nicely with the plot to the classic movie, Deep Throat. Maybe they were on to something….

fundevogel's avatar

This reminds me of the rather excessive hoops the testicles have to jump through to get in the sack (not unlike the hoops we women put men through to get in the sack). Apparently, because of the our evolutionary ancestors, the testicles are stuck taking a very strange route from the abdomen to the sack. They have to travel up and over the bladder. This is a little like traveling from Los Angeles to Denver by way of Houston. You’ll get there, but it isn’t the best way to travel. Most of the time it works out fine, but sometimes there’s a snag and yours balls get stuck in Houston.

I wish I could remember where I read about this, but it was a while ago. It may have been related to hernias or testicular torsion. I’d be thrilled if any of the doctors or nurses here could let me know or explain it better.

MrItty's avatar

@fundevogel “Sometimes your balls get stuck in Houston” may be my new favorite phrase.

mattbrowne's avatar

@shilolo – Well, I wouldn’t call the origin of the three-boned mammalian middle ear a hypothesis. Evolutionary evidence is pretty strong. You’re a doctor, so you know that the middle ear contains three tiny bones known as the ossicles: malleus, incus, and stapes. Reptiles only got one tiny bone in their ear.

The evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles is one of the most well-documented and important evolutionary events, demonstrating both numerous transitional forms as well as an excellent example of exaptation, the re-purposing of existing structures during evolution.

How Linda’s clitoris ended up in her throat remains a scientific puzzle.

dpworkin's avatar

It’s a good thing there are fossicles, or we wouldn’t know as much as we do about the ossicles.

janbb's avatar

Who are you, Dr. Seuss, @pdworkin ?

dpworkin's avatar

Dr. Science

MissAusten's avatar

@pdworkin You’re so clever, you get a possicle!

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, a very good thing. Especially fossiliferous ossicles. But I wouldn’t get too fossorious about it. I mean it’s almost impossicle, isn’t it?

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne made a joke! I never thought I’d live to see it. :-)

dpworkin's avatar

shhh! he doesn’t know it’s a joke.

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh my.

janbb's avatar

lions and tigers and bears.

proXXi's avatar

“Muzzleloading” and peehole fucking.

Oh my!

Who’s to say one can’t sex through their urine organs?

Sarcasm's avatar

Me. Because that’s gross!
No, not subjectively! Quite objectively!

mattbrowne's avatar

I guess there’s a first time for everything. Well, ah, you see, from a scientific point of view jokes are really— no, no, I do rest my case… my ossicles are making me dizzy.

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne You’re cute when your ossicles are showing.

SABOTEUR's avatar

The eye sockets were taken…there was some confusion generated from the decision to shift the voice box from the arse to a section on the face..

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@SABOTEUR, apparently it wasn’t a universal change. I know a lot of people with the alternate voice box location.

SABOTEUR's avatar

This is true, @CyanoticWasp…these unfortunate units were classified “beyond repair”.
aka “Azzholes”

liliesndaisies's avatar

Because it’s not fun pissing from the eyes as if they were tears.

SABOTEUR's avatar

God was big on multitasking.

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