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Justnice's avatar

What if someone has compromising pictures of you?

Asked by Justnice (923points) March 15th, 2010
34 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Someone has some very racy pics of me and I’ve asked for them back. He keeps telling me to wait. So Im sick of waiting and want them now, how can I get them back asap?? Do I need to involve the police?

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coogan's avatar

Probably your best bet. He may try to blackmail you.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Do not let this person sense your desperation. So they have the pics, that sucks but if you gave it to them, there’s nothing the police can do. I would act like it doesn’t matter and if they surface in some manner, then I’d consider involving the authorities.

MrItty's avatar

Did he steal them from you? Or did you give them willingly?

If he stole them, absolutely, talk to the police.

If not, I doubt you have any recourse. Consider it a life lesson – don’t allow any pictures to be taken that you’d be ashamed for anyone to see.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would be pissed enough to club him like a baby seal if he didn’t hand them over. I’d get those pictures back if I had to take it out of his hide.

Trillian's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille :“Ork, ork ork!” (translation; Please don’t club me nice lady!!) ;-)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Trillian -Hand ‘em over!...and take down thjat billboard too! lol

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

You should get in there and take those pictures back before he posts them online. Don’t wait because it won’t happen.

MrItty's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy there is no such thing as “take them back” in the digital world. You have no way of knowing how many digital copies he’s made, where he’s stored them, or who he’s given them to.

This isn’t the 20th century anymore. Getting a photo back isn’t as simply as retrieving the negatives.

njnyjobs's avatar

I don’t think police will intervene… you may have to resort to some form of “arm-twisting” tactics to gently nudge him to give up the pix.x.x.

Val123's avatar

Good luck.

poisonedantidote's avatar

’‘give me back the pics, or ill post them online and send copies to everyone my self so they are useless to you, and once i have done that, i will tell your mother how much you like BDSM and gimp masks as well as telling everyone how small your dick is and that you never managed to give me an orgasm.’’

CMaz's avatar

Send me their name and address…
Enough said.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Honestly, if someone had those pictures of me and refused to give them back, I might resort to trying to steal them in order to get them back. Moral and legal implications aside, I really would feel uncomfortable with someone else having them, and having the ability to post them online. @MrItty is absolutely correct, you have no idea of knowing where they are located, how many copies there are, if they are backed up, etc. Still, my gut says it would be worth a shot.

njnyjobs's avatar

In the lines of what @poisonedantidote stated, you may want to “promise” him that if at any point in time such pics were to surface or be exposed to other people without your explicit consent, that he better prepare to meet his creator. . . or something like that…

Val123's avatar

If the person in question actually posted them for others to see, without your permission, I believe you could involve the police then.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Personally, considering the number and nature of “racy photos” of people from all walks of life, all age and economic groups, and nearly all cultures abounding on the Internet… I wouldn’t give this a second thought. Yeah, when those photos come to light online it could be somewhat embarrassing for some period of time, but you’ll get over it.

If you gave him the photos and now you’re having second thoughts, then it’ll be a good lesson to you to:

1. Not take photos of yourself in those positions or allow others to, and

2. Use better judgment on who you give such photos to.

Since @MrItty is absolutely correct that you have zero control of this issue any more, you may as well admit that “I no longer have control of this issue” and change your mind about how important it is. Otherwise it’s going to eat you up.

Val123's avatar

What @CyanoticWasp said. However, if you ever want to run for a public office at any time in your life, well…..

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

True, that if they’re already online, you’re done.

njnyjobs's avatar

you can always deny the allegations and say that it was photo-shopped. Of course, if asked under oath, then you have to state the truth

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@njnyjobs… and the truth might be “At this point in time I have no recollection.” It’s practically guaranteed to get you into office or keep you there.

So, either that, or “It depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.”

Val123's avatar

@CyanoticWasp Why do you look like Astro Chuck??? You’re confusing me!

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@Val123 actually, I look much more professorial than AstroChuck… or much more engineerial. (Engineerish?)

Val123's avatar


Justnice's avatar

Well you guys are funny! I did give him the pictures and I know he wouldn’t put them on the Internet. He’s not that type of person. He’s had them for a while. But I just really want them back because you never know what’s going to happen. I should probably threaten him with immigration or something lol

Val123's avatar

Are they digital pics? I just don’t know how in the world you could “get them back.”

MrItty's avatar

@Justnice We’re not being funny (at least, not all of us all the time). You can’t “get them back”. It doesn’t work that way. He can give you digital files, he can even give you prints. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have them.

Once you’ve given them to him, he has them, and can do what he pleases. You have no way of knowing what he’ll do with them now or 10 years in the future.

Val123's avatar

Yeah. I think you’re SOL, and just don’t ever, ever do it again.

bummer's avatar

Get pictures of him and a chicken and trade off. Or, have a sex change and change your name.

gorillapaws's avatar

The other lesson to learn from this is that as a guy, if you can manage to con your girl into letting you take some sexy pics of her, you’ll never have to worry about her keying your car, smashing your tv, taking your dog, etc. if the relationship ever goes south.

Justnice's avatar

@gorillapaws that’s so true but I really don’t think he’ll do anything with those pictures! And yes, they are digital pics. He has them on that chip that you put into the camera. I don’t think he has copies

Val123's avatar

So, he hasn’t downloaded them to his computer??

MrItty's avatar

@Justnice it takes all of 5 seconds to copy pictures from that “chip” (by which I assume you mean an SD or XD card) to the computer. And another 5 seconds to make a hundred copies in different folders on his computer. And maybe another 30 seconds to email them to everyone he knows.

If he’s immoral enough to not give them back to you, what makes you think he hasn’t already made plenty of copies, so that he can later give you the “chip” and claim that he “gave them back”?

JeffVader's avatar

In your position I would involve the Police…. but only if he doesn’t have a legitimate reason to have the pics, such as he stole them form you. Otherwise I think a little vigilante action wouldn’t go amiss. 3 or 4 big male friends, a couple of baseball bats & the threat that you’ll crack his knee caps should do the trick.

mattbrowne's avatar

I’d assume an Adobe Photoshop job.

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