Social Question

shadling21's avatar

Are "dead baby" jokes not funny?

Asked by shadling21 (6506points) March 17th, 2010

I have a friend who believes that the subject of dead babies could never be funny. I believe that it is precisely this belief that makes jokes about dead babies funny. Where do you stand?

Are there any other untouchable topics? A lot of people claim that racist or sexist jokes aren’t funny, but what is it about them that make us laugh sometimes?

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177 Answers

ChocolateReigns's avatar

another untouchable topic with some people: blonde jokes.

Vunessuh's avatar

Dead baby jokes happens to be my middle name.

Lightning's avatar

Laugh or die – like the baby.

Silhouette's avatar

I stand beside you. Why do you stick a baby in the blender feet first?
So you can see the expression on its face!

SuperMouse's avatar

When I was younger I thought dead baby jokes were the shizznet – now not so much. Maybe it is because I am a mom, or maybe it is because they just aren’t all that funny.

mrentropy's avatar

All I ask is that you all stay away from elephant jokes.

Vunessuh's avatar

What’s the difference between a dead baby and a watermelon?

One’s fun to hit with a sledgehammer, the other one’s a watermelon.

Hardy har har…

ragingloli's avatar

What is the difference between a garage full of dead babies and a Lamborghini?
I do not have a Lamborgini.
hurr hurr

Silhouette's avatar

How many dead babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?
It depends on how hard you squeeze them.

dalepetrie's avatar

What is harder to unload, a truckload of bricks or a truckload of dead babies.

The bricks, because you can’t unload bricks with a pitchfork.

Vunessuh's avatar

What’s the difference between a dead baby and an onion?

Nobody cries when you chop up the baby.

Berserker's avatar

I think offensive shit is funny.

I was going to say it’s because it just is in a stupid, immature way, but I would never dream of hurting a baby. Far from it. I like babies.

But the jokes are still funny, and for those who think I’m a child killer because I think it’s funny, they need to get over themselves.

Not much of a justification I know, but the real reason I think it’s funny is because I enjoy seeing uptight fucks clinging to their breast in disgust as I tell them. It’s fun seeing people upset and insulted, at least, those who spend more time bitching at me because of dead baby jokes instead of bitching about actual murderers and pedophiles.

How can you make a baby cry a second time?


thriftymaid's avatar

I would probably not generally think they are funny. A friend started one on Facebook and she cracked me up with it. In fact, she’s on this thread.

Vunessuh's avatar

@thriftymaid Hi, honey. XD

Here’s the worst one I know:

What’s red and creeping up your leg?
An abortion with homesickness.

Cringes. Please don’t assassinate me.

Berserker's avatar

What’s the difference between a baby and a lobster?

None, they both screech if you huck em in boiling water.

ragingloli's avatar

What is white and bobs up and down in a baby’s cradle?
A child rapists ass.

Vunessuh's avatar

@ragingloli Oh man. LMAO.

@Symbeline I’ll complete the joke for you. :)

How do you make a 4 year old cry?
Fuck her in the ass.

How do you make her cry a second time?
Wipe your dick on her teddy bear.

Berserker's avatar

What’s beige and orange, and floating in the pool?

A drowned baby wearing floaters.

What’s green, black, gray and orange and floating in a pool?

The same baby, two weeks later.

CMaz's avatar

Funny, but creepy.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I think they are disgusting. It shows how heartless a person is. I hope someday each person that finds it funny says it to a person who doesn’t take it lightly, and they get their butts beat down to a bloody pulp. There is humor and then there is plain cruelty. Jokes are meant to be funny for EVERYONE!!!

dalepetrie's avatar

How many dead babies does it take to wallpaper a room?

Depends on how thin you slice ‘em.

What’s red and sits in the corner just getting smaller and smaller?

A hyperactive baby with a cheese grater.

ragingloli's avatar

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs hanging on your wall?

Vunessuh's avatar

@ducky_dnlJokes are meant to be funny for everyone.

That is the stupidest thing I have ever read.


What’s funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume.

Pseudonym's avatar

I find dead baby jokes offensive. I simply do. I don’t think of them as something to laugh at. IMO, @ducky_dnl is absolutely right. Jokes should be funny for everyone. Being the subject of many a racist joke, I have experienced first hand being insulted at something that does not apply to others.

Silhouette's avatar

Why did the dead baby cross the road?
It was chained to a bumper

Michael_Huntington's avatar

What do you get when you stick a knife in a baby? A life-sentence in jail.
But seriously, it’s not that I find it offensive (I’m probably not the person to get easily offended, I listen to music like Grand Belial’s Key, Arghoslent, Anal Cunt, The Mentors) it’s just that it’s funny for the first 3 times, then it gets old.

Vunessuh's avatar

If jokes were meant to be funny for everyone, no one would ever tell a joke, now would they?

ragingloli's avatar

What’s purple, covered in pus and squeals?
A peeled baby in a bag of salt.

thriftymaid's avatar

@Vunessuh Ohhh, you’re so bad. Remember what Lucille said—you’re going to hell. I say “nah.” (while laughing, yet again)

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Once I was on a plane sitting next to a baby that wouldn’t stop crying because I was punching it.

shf84's avatar

Kind of funny but not as funny as say mormon jokes or catholic jokes or moslem jokes
If it happens to a baby it’s sort of funny but the others are doing evil and richly deserve it so it becomes hysterically funny at that point.

Silhouette's avatar

What bounces up and down at 100mph?
A baby tied to the back of a truck.

dalepetrie's avatar

@ducky_dnl – NO joke is funny to everyone. But a joke is a joke, reality is reality. In my view, telling a joke about a non-existent, theoretical dead baby is nowhere near as offensive as wishing for someone to get their ass beat because I don’t like their sense of humor. If that were the case, Jay Leno would take a hatchet to the head. And @Pseudonym, I sure hope you can see the difference between a racist joke, which could potentially offend a person of that race, and a joke about a theoretical dead baby, because even if the baby WERE real, being dead kind of makes it hard to be offended.

ragingloli's avatar

What do you get when you dislocate a dead baby’s jaw?
Deep Throat.

DeanV's avatar

Holy crap. Major threadjack…

Silhouette's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy That is FUNNY!!! Bravo!!

Berserker's avatar

@ducky_dnl Oh so someone telling a joke you don’t like is the epitome of evil, but beating the shit out of them for saying the joke is allright? Haha wow, look who’s talking about a display of cruelty.

The_Idler's avatar

What’s the best thing about dead babies?
They don’t get insulted when you make jokes about them!

Vunessuh's avatar

This is my favorite thread.

@thriftymaid And yeah, I figured out I was goin’ to hell a looong time ago. :)

Pseudonym's avatar

@shf84 WTF? Last time I checked, being Catholic didn’t make you evil. Neither did being Muslim or Mormon. This is the essence of stereotype.

Pseudonym's avatar

@dalepetrie That was a good point. Dead babies being theoretical as opposed to an existing race. I do believe that you have a point, and will think about that further.

Berserker's avatar

How many babies you need to paint a garage door red? Only one, if you throw him right.

@ragingloli You’re on a fucking roll man. I’m laughing like mad haha.

Pseudonym's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Okay, I have to admit; that was funny…

Vunessuh's avatar

How do you make a dead baby float?
A glass of soda water and two scoops of baby.

Cruiser's avatar

* How do you make a dead baby float?
Take your foot off of it’s head.

* What’s the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.

ragingloli's avatar

What do you call a baby on a stick?
A Kebabie.

ragingloli's avatar

Why do babies have a soft spot in their heads?
So you can pick them up five at a time

Vunessuh's avatar

What is a foot long and makes women scream?

Crib death.

Vunessuh's avatar

This one’s for Lucille:

What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall?


Response moderated
Pseudonym's avatar

@The_Idler I don’t know what to say other than “no.”

ucme's avatar

If a newborn baby dies in prison is that a miscarriage of justice.

ragingloli's avatar

What’s the best sound in the world?
Hearing dead baby’s hips crack under pressure!

Berserker's avatar

@Cruiser Haha I heard the floating baby joke before, but instead it was a Goth. XD

The_Idler's avatar

@Pseudonym sorry, I just wanted to take it to another level. call me a paki if you want…

Pseudonym's avatar

@The_Idler You mean the level of horrible? That is going too far.

The_Idler's avatar

what, more horrible than child rape and mass infanticide?


ragingloli's avatar

What has 4 legs and 1 arm?
A doberman after playing with your baby.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Let’s get back to answering the actual question. Racial slurs are not permitted.

Vunessuh's avatar

What is green and hangs around trees?

Same baby three weeks later.

* waves to Auggie *

ucme's avatar

As with all satire nothing should be off limits.It’s always been that way & long may it continue.Yeah baby yeah!

The_Idler's avatar

I love babies, but I couldn’t eat a whole one. I also love people of all those different races, but I only have space in my garage to keep their skulls, for measuring whilst quietly chuckling to myself.

Vunessuh's avatar

@The_Idler Eating a whole dead baby can be hard sometimes. Here is a recommendation.

Om nom nom nom.

cbloom8's avatar

Taboo = Funny. Half the fun is the risk and rebellion in telling the joke; it’s so bad it’s good.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Vunessuh -I call it “Bob” ;)

Michael_Huntington's avatar

What’s the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
One is a deceased young offspring of the human species and the other is is a device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs.

The_Idler's avatar

There’s a word for that ^

neverawake's avatar

i never even heard a “dead baby” joke before.

The_Idler's avatar

What do they teach ‘em in school nowadays huh?

Vunessuh's avatar

@bob_ LMAO. Aw, poor Bob.

shadling21's avatar

Wow. I was not expecting so many enthusiastic responses. Thanks for all the dead baby jokes! And thanks to those of you who actually answered the question!

Okay, here are some related questions. If you find a joke offensive, is it simply not funny? Is this true even if other people are amused by it? Does the offensive aspect negatively affect the humor? Does it prevent you from recognizing the humor? If the joke was told by someone else in a different way, could it be funny to you?

Pazza's avatar

On the fence on this one, I wouldn’t tell one myself, though no one has ever told me one, so I don’t yet know if there’s a ‘dead baby’ joke I’d find funny. There is a saying I know though, which goes:

‘Your about as funny as a dead baby!’

I used to use it, although very very rarely, before I had four kids that is!.......

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@bob_ -You look great!!! :)))
@Vunessuh -That’s what she said. :)

Vunessuh's avatar

@shadling21 I’ve never been offended by a joke. I’ve never heard a joke that I thought was pushing it too far. That’s just the way my mind works though. I’ll either not laugh (because it isn’t funny), crack up, or cringe, but not be offended.

Pazza's avatar

Holy shit, so many many sick people. lol

Do you think Hitler told dead baby jokes?

chamelopotamus's avatar

I think the humor we find in Dead Baby jokes originates from our natural-born understanding to automatically protect a baby. People laugh at incorrectness and unexpectedness. It’s the opposite of reality. It’s irony. The unexpectedness is what takes us off guard, and we laugh as we shake our heads. We know the correct answer, and are hearing the wrong answer, and we all know it’s the wrong answer, yet there it is, and the only response is to laugh.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Are there mature adults with their own children who find this stuff funny?

Vunessuh's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence There are plenty of people on this thread who I know have children.

dalepetrie's avatar

I have a child for whom I’d lay down my life, and yet I find this thread laugh out loud funny. Whether or not I’m mature is a different story.

What do you call an abortion in Czechoslovakia?

A canceled Czech.

(OK, so that one was a bit dated).

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I must have a stick up my butt, I don’t enjoy most of these.
I won’t say anything bad about those who do.

dalepetrie's avatar

@shadling21 – imv, a joke is either funny or it isn’t. Offensiveness is a whole different issue. I tend to think jokes are jokes, and to me, very little is off limits. In fact, a lot of humor that’s based on stereotypes can be funny if you tell it in such a way as to be making fun of the stereotype and not the group being stereotyped. But you have to know your audience.

Case in point, in high school, I was the joke master, people always came to me for the dirtiest, most offensive jokes. I had a teacher of Italian heritage who loved my Italian jokes, though I had a Polish uncle to whom I would never tell a Polish joke. Then there was this one girl who challenged me, she said she didn’t find ANYTHING offensive. That was throwing down the gauntlet, and I finally figured out that there was something offensive to her…jokes about women. I proved my point by telling just the right joke, then I never told her another woman joke. You have to know if a person can laugh at themselves, if they can laugh at others or if they can laugh at nothing.

The_Idler's avatar

What does “a Polish abortion”
have in common with “an uneven distribution of electrons within the orbitals of an atom”?
They both result in: dipole!


Blackberry's avatar

These jokes don’t offend me, they are just shocking because you would assume babies are the untouchable cute innocent things, and I actually visualize jokes. But after reading some of these jokes, I see the humor, but some are too shocking because I actually picture it. I do like the abusive baby jokes though, like the one someone said in an earlier post about sitting next to a baby that wouldn’t stop crying because he was punching it.

Blackberry's avatar

@ragingloli and @Vunessuh
You guys are fucking…....hilarious…...... ‘Kebabie’.......lmao!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I don’t think they’re funny, and I agree with whoever said they’re pretty juvenile. I also don’t like them because I’m a bleeding heart and these kind of jokes automatically make me feel badly for any parent that has ever lost a child.

HTDC's avatar

I’ve never actually physically laughed out loud from these types of jokes. Same with yo’ mamma and blonde jokes. They’re used all the time, and have just become a bit of a * rolls eyes *, “here we go again”, situation whenever I hear them. My humour is skewed but not that skewed.

bob_'s avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Well, I have been working out ;)

Response moderated
DrasticDreamer's avatar

@charmander Who is the stupid bitch? You must learn to make these things clear.

Seek's avatar

~gasps for breath~

Oh. My. Gods.

I am going to die laughing at this thread!

@Dr_Lawrence – My husband and I both love these jokes, and I’m sure our toddler doesn’t mind.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t think dead baby jokes are funny, whatsoever but I don’t find them offensive to me or my children. But I agree with @DrasticDreamer in that they also certainly aren’t funny to many people who’ve lost kids or miscarried (I miscarried as well but that’s not why I don’t find them funny, they’re just not). And I hate those halloween costumes where they have the miscarried baby dragging on the floor behind them.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

But I do have a question for all those that do find them funny – why are they funny, to you?

Response moderated
wilma's avatar

No I don’t find them funny. I did try to read a few of yours but was starting to feel sick from them so I skipped to the bottom of the thread.
No absolutely nothing funny to me here.
I’m not saying that you guys are all sickos, but I just don’t get the humor at all.
Now I might go cry.

wundayatta's avatar

They’re just so absurd. I don’t understand how anyone could take them seriously, or think they are actually about their ostensible subject matter. Clearly, a real dead baby is not funny. But a conceptual dead baby acting as a proxy for other things is hysterical when you put the two different ideas across each other.

Chongalicious's avatar

Behbeh! The other other white meat!!!

^^Other than light-hearted ones like that, that shit is not funny.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Chongalicious Didn’t you just get done saying in another thread that you can’t stand people who can’t take a joke?

Chongalicious's avatar

@Vunessuh Oh I can take a joke, unless someone tries to just take them too far; there’s always a limit.

Seek's avatar

They’re funny because they’re so absurd. No one actually wants to put a baby feet-first in a blender, just like no one is going to put a mirror on the bottom of a swimming pool to try and drown me.

I guess I’ve always liked bizarre humour.

phillis's avatar

What is funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume.
What is the difference between a baby and a onion?
No one cries when you chop up the baby.
What is the difference between a dead baby and a water melon?
One’s fun to hit with a sledge hammer, the other one’s a water melon.
What is the difference between a baby and a dart-board?
Dart-boards don’t bleed.
What is the difference between a baby and a mars bar?
About 500 calories.
Why did the family take the dead baby along on the cookout?
So they could light it and toast their marshmallows.
Why was the dead baby kept in the kitchen drawer?
The family used it to crack nuts.
Why do people keep dead babies in the rec. room?
They cut off one leg and use it as a ping pong paddle.
Why do you put babies into blenders feet first?
So you can see the expression on their faces.
Why do they boil water when a baby is being born?
So that if its born dead they can make soup.
Why did the baby cross the road?
It was stapled to the chicken.
How many babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?
It depends on how hard you squeeze them.
How many babies fit in a blender?
Depends on how powerful the blender is.
How do you know when a baby is dead?
It doesn’t cry if you nail its feet to the ceiling.
How do you find the live baby in a pile of dead ones?
Jab ‘em all with a pitchfork.
How do you save a drowning baby?
Harpoon it.
How do you turn a baby into a dog?
Pour gas over it and light a match. Woof.
How do you turn a baby into a cat?
Freeze it solid, then run it through a bandsaw. Meeow.
How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
With a blender.
How do you get them out again?
With Doritos.
How do you make a dead baby float?
Take your foot off its head.
A glass of soda water and 2 scoops of baby.
What do you call two abortions in a bucket?
Blood brothers.
What is red and is creeping up your leg?
An abortion with homesickness.
What is a foot long and can make a woman scream?
What is a foot long, blue, and makes women scream in the morning?
Crib death.
What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall?
What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?
A baby in a microwave.
What is blue and yellow and sits at the bottom of the pool?
Baby with slashed floaties.
What is red and yellow and floats at the top of the pool?
Floaties with a slashed baby.
What is red and hangs around trees?
A baby hit by a snow blower.
What is green and hangs around trees?
Same baby 3 weeks later.
What is pink and red and silver and crawls into walls?
A baby with forks in its eyes.
What is pink and goes black with a “hiss.”?
A baby thrown into a furnace.
What is brown and gurgles?
A baby in a casserole.
What is purple, covered in pus, and squeals?
A peeled baby in a bag of salt.
What is black and goes up and down?
A baby in a toaster.
What is red and hangs out of the back of a train?
A miscarriage.
What is red and goes round and round?
A baby in a garbage disposal.
What is red and swings back and forth?
A baby on a meat hook.
What is red, screams, and goes around in circles?
A baby nailed to the floor.
What is red and sits in the corner?
A baby with razor blades.
What is blue and sits in the corner?
A baby in a baggie.
What is black and sits in a corner?
A baby with it’s finger in a power socket.
What is green and sits in the corner?
Same baby two weeks later.
What is black and charred?
A baby chewing on an extension cord.
What is black and white, runs around the room, and smokes?
A baby with his hair on fire.
What is blue and flies around the room at high speeds?
A baby with a punctured lung.
What is cold, blue and doesn’t move?
A baby in your freezer.
What is pink, flies and squeals?
A baby fired from a catapult.
What do you call the baby when it lands?
Free pizza.
What is red and has more brains than the baby you just shot?
The wall behind it.
What is white and glows pink?
A dead baby with an electrode up its ass.
What is more fun than nailing a baby to a wall?
Ripping it off again.
What is more fun than throwing a baby off the cliff?
Catching it with a pitchfork.
What is more fun than swinging babies around on a clothesline?
Stopping them with a shovel.
What is more fun than shoveling dead babies off your porch?
Doing it with a snow blower.
What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller?
A baby combing it’s hair with a potato peeler.
What bounces up and down at 100mph?
A baby tied to the back of a truck.
What goes plop, plop, fizz, fizz?
Twins in an acid bath.
What is red and pink and can’t turn round in a corridor?
A baby with a javelin through its throat.
What is little and can’t fit through a door?
A baby with a spear in its head.
What is the definition of fun?
Playing fetch with a pitbull and a baby.
What has 4 legs and one arm?
A doberman on a children’s playground.
What has 10 arms and blood all over it?
A pitbull in front of a pile of dead babies.
What is red and pink and hanging out of your dog’s mouth?
Your baby’s leg.
What present do you get for a dead baby?
A dead puppy.
What is grosser than ten dead babies nailed to a tree?
One dead baby nailed to ten trees.
What is worse than a dead baby in a trash can?
100 dead babies in a trash can.
What is worse than that?
There’s a live one at the bottom.
What is worse than that?
It eats its way out.
What is worse than that?
It comes back for seconds.
Know what’s gross?
Running over a baby with a truck.
Know whats worse?
Skidding on it.
Worse than that?
Peeling it off the tires.
What is the worst part about killing a baby?
Getting blood on your clown suit

Vunessuh's avatar

@Chongalicious Well, no. You’re contradicting yourself. If you’re going to say ”People who can’t take a joke get my panties in a bunch” and then say that particular jokes aren’t funny, it sounds very wishy-washy and inconsistent.
I’m not saying you have to like anything in particular. You have the right to dislike dead baby jokes, but I’m always amused when someone hates it when people can’t take a joke and then say there are all these limits. That translates to, ”Only my sense of humor is appropriate and anyone who doesn’t like it obviously can’t take a joke.”
It’s not really respecting anyone else’s sense of humor.

For the record, it doesn’t say much about anyone who finds these types of jokes funny. These jokes don’t make up a person. It doesn’t mean they’re evil or cruel or sick.
Anyone who thinks it contributes greatly to someone’s personality or traits is very, very foolish.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What’s the point of randomly posting tons of these jokes here? That’s not what the question is asking for? You either find them funny or not, fine, there is no need to be a ‘oh you give a shit about this? fine, I’ll stick it to you..look how great my copy and paste skills are!’ kind of person.

phillis's avatar

Sorry, mods. Didn’t see the “get yer ass back on topic” post in the mix of all the dead baby jokes. But it sure was fun while it lasted! Bahahahha!!

phillis's avatar

@Lightning Bite me. I’m pregnant! Bahahahah!!

Chongalicious's avatar

@Vunessuh That’s not what I’m saying…hmm how to put it in words…

Most jokes make me giggle or laugh, ones like dead baby jokes if they’re extra crude just make my jaw drop to the floor like Oooohhh. SNAP! Who comes up with these?!

Not exactly funny in my book but I’m not offended either. Get what I’m trying to say?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Vunessuh I see what you’re saying, but I don’t completely agree about these jokes not greatly contributing to one’s personality, in one form or another. I think, if one consistently makes jokes about the same topic – be it racial, dead babies, or based on one’s sexuality, it is some kind of indicator to someone’s personality.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@phillis really, I’m seeing a completely different side of you lately

Vunessuh's avatar

@Chongalicious I gotchu. I’m just telling you how it all came off to me.
@DrasticDreamer I agree. Good thing I only tell these jokes on the weekdays~

Draconess25's avatar

@phillis * spastically vomits*

Lightning's avatar

@phillis Bite You taste like burnt rubber.

phillis's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir At no time did I ever claim I had no sense of humor :)

@Draconess25 Where are you planning on dropping dead? I can call 911 or CSI. I aim to please :)

@Lightning That’s from all the jokes I was the butt of, darlin’! Hehehehe :)

Chongalicious's avatar

@Vunessuh yea, I can be a little unclear through the computer at times lol >.<

Vunessuh's avatar

@Chongalicious Aren’t we all sometimes? :)

And yeah, if someone tells these jokes consistently to anyone they please, it is a definite indicator into some of who they are. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people you know won’t get offended when telling such jokes. It is disrespectful to tell these jokes to someone you know won’t care for them. Even I have boundaries as far as when and who to tell a joke to.

phillis's avatar

Here’s the thing, boys and girls. You can work your ass off all your life, tackling every problem that comes your way. You can sweat and toil and take on every problem and affliction known to modern humankind, including your own! But if you can’t laugh, especially at yourself, you are screwed before you ever leave the starting gate.

Laugh at the ridiculous, laugh at the sublime, laugh at the irreverent, but laugh, dammit! Laugh like today is the last day you will see this Earth. You may be right.

Draconess25's avatar

@phillis Yes, but there are somethings not meant to be laughed at.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@phillis geez I laugh all the live long day…doesn’t mean I have to laugh at everything

rangerr's avatar

@phillis Oh, I must have forgot how fucking funny dead babies are. Pardon me for letting that slip through my mind.

phillis's avatar

@rangerr Just because you emote does not mean you are living. How many damn times have you been suicidal? How many times have you come to your fluther friends for support because life sucked so bad for you that you flat out needed them? You can spend your entire life (that you have left) not feeling anything except misery or feeling offended, but frankly, darlin’, you need to laugh more than just about anybody I can think of. At this point, I wouldn’t be so picky. I know what being suicidal feels like, sure as hell, I do! But you have to spend some of energy finding joy, or you run the real risk of ending up being just another number in a self-fulfilled prophesy.

That this question ended up having 125 responses in record time stands as living testament that laughter is excellent therapy. It is also a choice.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@phillis I think maybe it’s time for bed. I think you’ve said enough. And all that you’ve said to @rangerr can be said about now that we are all aware that we need to laugh and that there are apparently a horrendous amount of dead baby jokes, can’t we drop it?

phillis's avatar

Edited. Yes, It’s a done deal.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I think the only morbid or non-PC jokes I’m still sensitive about are ones about 9/11. I was in Manhattan and terrified and I knew people who died at the World Trade Center. I cut a friend off that very day who sent a joke via email, not even an hour after the first attack, about people jumping. I’m sure he was just trying to handle his shock, but that was too much for me. Though I can see why they’re funny, I don’t laugh. Maybe one day I will.

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phillis's avatar

I said I am done, and I meant it. I won’t feed into anything else. I’m out.

Vunessuh's avatar

@rangerr Dead babies = not funny.
Dead baby jokes = funny… to some.

I think it’s the idea that dead children, rape and pedophilia in reality aren’t funny at all, so having the audacity to joke about them actually makes it funny. Does that make sense?
Joking about something that in reality isn’t funny, is always funny to some people.
I, myself have a very different sense of humor. I don’t get shocked easily. I can even get through shock movies when most of my guy friends can’t. Therefore, I find myself searching for something to shock me. It’s strange.
Hope that helps you understand a bit better though.
No argument though that everyone has a right to not enjoy or find the humor in something particular..

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Some are kind of funny, but most of them are gross. One or two of these jokes have made me smile, but most have disgusted me. It’s not shocking to me, I just don’t think it’s funny, but that’s me.

Cruiser's avatar

A lot of these jokes are just plain wrong and a couple of them almost got me fired for blowing snot all over expensive computer gear and scaring the secy. Cudos’ to @shadling21 for cracking the nut on this one. GQ!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Sorry; I don’t find them funny. Three of my friends delivered dead infants at 8 months to full term. It was not a laughing matter.

shadling21's avatar

@PandoraBoxx Don’t be sorry. Your opinion is well respected.

bob_'s avatar

Well, damn, things got ugly here.

* quietly tiptoes away from the question *

Violet's avatar

I’ve had a miscarriage, and I still think these dead baby joking are funny. I’m cringing and laughing at the same time.

Just_Justine's avatar

I guess in life you get cat people, dog people and people who laugh at dead baby jokes and also laugh at children or babies being abused or raped. I know which side of the fence I am on.

shadling21's avatar

@Just_Justine I wouldn’t laugh at a real child being abused or raped, yet I laugh at many dead baby jokes (or at least chuckle). To me, the two are very distinct. But I guess your way of thinking explains why some people are offended.

iphigeneia's avatar

Usually I don’t like them. I admit I had a little chuckle for about the first quarter of this thread, then it just got too much. There is a time and a place for everything, even dead baby jokes. The hardest I’ve ever laughed at a joke was this one:

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead.

Just_Justine's avatar

@shadling21 I would have to ask if you think this is funny?

“How do you make a 4 year old cry?
Fuck her in the ass.

How do you make her cry a second time?
Wipe your dick on her teddy bear

posted by @Vunessuh and @Symbeline I might have lost the thread or point in this post as there are so many and I was feeling a bit nauseated. So am unaware if this was really regarded as funny. I just feel disturbed by it is all.

Vunessuh's avatar

Oy vey, honey. We accept your sense of humor. Now accept ours and move on.
Understand that plenty of people are tolerant and immune to stuff like that.
And I don’t apologize for my sense of humor mainly because I know it doesn’t composite who I am as a person. I don’t condone child rape or killing babies. Come on now. Let’s think about this rationally.
Jesus Christ.

bob_'s avatar


Just_Justine's avatar

@Vunessuh you find the idea, joke, perception, of a child being fucked in the ass a hilarious? No matter which way I turn that sentence, look at it, or analyse it I can’t see the funny side. Would you explain how it is funny? I think that may help. (Help me from running away from here for life).

dalepetrie's avatar

@Just_Justine – I will interject, what is funny to some is that there is no real victim here first of all, and it’s simply crossing a line that most people don’t cross. Humor is the result of one hearing something antithetical to what one might realistically expect. Humor has its very roots in exaggeration. The less realistic the punch line, the less likely to ever happen, much less be brought up in polite conversation, the funnier it seems. To some, if the topic matter is offensive, it obscures what is humorous about the joke to those who are offended by it. So, you’re looking at a joke like the aforementioned 4 year old ass rape. You ask how to make a 4 year old cry….well there are about a million ways any person could imagine how to accomplish this in real life, and not a single hypothetical scenario that any sane person would come up with would involve anything as grotesque as ass rape. So unexpected is the punch line to this joke that it’s laughable. You hear that and you feel like if there ever was a line, the person telling the joke didn’t just cross it, they obliterated it. You feel like there’s no way you could go further than that in the pursuit of a laugh, but lo and behold, the joke continues by suggesting to make the child cry again by wiping your dick on her teddy bear. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but people who do find these things funny really find it funny to sort of laugh at the idea that there is a list of things you can and can not say. You don’t “get” the humor by actually visualizing or conceptualizing these things happening, you just laugh because the laughter is shocked out of you, it’s so inappropriate and so far crosses the line that it’s patently ridiculous. That’s what’s funny about it to some.

Just_Justine's avatar

The definition of Humour

humour US, humor [ˈhjuːmə]
1. the quality of being funny
2. Also called sense of humour the ability to appreciate or express that which is humorous
3. situations, speech, or writings that are thought to be humorous
a. a state of mind; temper; mood
b. (in combination) ill humour good humour
5. temperament or disposition
6. a caprice or whim

vb (tr)
1. to attempt to gratify; indulge he humoured the boy’s whims
2. to adapt oneself to to humour someone’s fantasies

Vunessuh's avatar

@dalepetrie beat me to it. Thank you. GA. :)

To add on:
These jokes are done for shock value and I happen to respect shock value in any way, shape or form whether it’s done for the sake of humor, advertising, in movies, etc. because it’s refreshing. It is so uncommon that it’s refreshing to hear. Same reason why I prefer foreign films over anything in Hollywood. Foreign films have no limits. They cross the line all the time, therefore creating something original, a breath of fresh air.

Besides, I happen to laugh more so because I am shocked, not because I’m envisioning a child being raped or murdered. That’s horrible.

You’re coming off as if people who joke about this stuff are somehow cold-hearted and have no compassion for anyone who has lost a child. Someone’s character shouldn’t be diminished because they find these jokes funny. That’s ridiculous.
I won’t apologize for being tolerant or immune to this stuff.
I don’t even know why I have to explain anything to you. The fact that I think they’re funny is a personal preference and doesn’t define who I am or anyone else on this thread.

I also know what the definition of humor is. May I suggest you study it yourself so you can come to the realization that there are many forms of humor outside your own.

shadling21's avatar

Understanding humor goes beyond reading a dictionary definition.

There are many different theories of humor that aim to explain just what it is that amuses us. I believe that @dalepetrie is referring to incongruity theory to explain how dead baby jokes are funny to some people because of the absurdity of the notion that someone would condone such a thing. That’s certainly why I laugh or chortle.

I respect that you are offended by such jokes, but I’d like to hear more about why. What is it that offends you? Is it the crudeness or the ethical concerns? Or both?

Violet's avatar

@Just_Justine why are you still debating this? You disagree. We get it.

Just_Justine's avatar

@Vunessuh you are quite right. You do not have to explain anything to me. You are also entitled to your own sense of humour, along with all the baby joke lovers. Some were quite funny and clever. I guess a clever joke is always better (to my mind). Perhaps because my friends daughter was raped and murdered (and she was 5) left me in a position to be simply shocked. But that does not mean that the joke can still be hilarious to some point taken. However @shadling21 I still don’t find children and rape funny, I guess there is just too much of it around for real. I just think jokes should be “funny” and I can’t laugh at that no matter how hard I try. Consider me off this thread.

shadling21's avatar

Okay. Interesting. It seems that personal experience trumps all. Hm…

Edit: I should clarify. The people who are most offended, and won’t budge, are those who have had people close to them go through the horrible things that are being joked about. This is interesting. Do we always relate jokes to our own lives like this? Are we very conscious of it?

Vunessuh's avatar

@Just_Justine But these jokes are funny to some people.
The ”some people” part seems to be what you can’t fathom.
I respect that you don’t care for these jokes. I think it’s completely valid.
I could throw out plenty of personal life experiences as well about miscarriages and children being hurt, but it is irrelevant to why people enjoy these jokes.

Vunessuh's avatar

@shadling21 Responding to your edit: I personally don’t relate these jokes to my own life.
However, listing my personal experiences about knowing people who have lost children will only give people fodder to call me insensitive.
I’m not insensitive, I just have the ability to separate reality from joking material. I am also capable of being serious when I need to be. Would I laugh at someone actually losing a child. Of course not. Jesus.
For fact, there is one other person on this thread that I know of who has both lost children and known someone who has, and they’re joking around as well.
So there are people with such personal experiences who find these jokes funny.

Violet's avatar

@shadling21 I have had a miscarriage, and I am not offended by these jokes.

wilma's avatar

@shadling21 responding to your Edit.
I have not had someone close to me go through some of those horrible things. So I guess it’s not just those personally affected that don’t find these jokes at all funny.
Perhaps it is generational? or I suppose a difference in personality types.
I can’t summon so much as a smile when reading these jokes. They make me sad and feel sick. I can’t figure out what those of you who find them funny are laughing at.
I’m going to try and accept what you all say, that I’m not “taking” the joke the same way that you are.

phillis's avatar

I’ve been through horrific things. I’ve paid dearly for problems that were not my own. I almost paid for them with my life on numerous occasions. I am thankful that I can see, and participate in, the humor in life, in spite of those experiences. @Wilma, that’s all it is. People find different things funny. There are no bad guys here, nor any need to draw battle lines. It’s okay for us to be happy for somebody else when they can laugh :)

Brian1946's avatar

Some of them are funny to me.

Apparently they’re not to some people who have lost a child and perhaps not to some who are majorly affected by the imagery evoked by the jokes.

jlm11f's avatar

Well this thread got quite a response. Personally, I hadn’t even heard of dead baby jokes until this thread. So I skimmed quite a few of the ones you guys posted but none managed to illicit any laughter in me…or even a smile. I agree with @syz and @DrasticDreamer on this one. There’s an evident shock value, but IMO, that doesn’t make something funny. Just because something is taboo or serious, making light of the situation is perhaps a way for some to make it less realistic, but some things are just not funny. I think I was a fairly objective reader to these jokes too since I don’t know anyone who had a miscarriage nor had I heard of the concept until today. But of course, sense of humor is an individual thing, so this thread just reminds us yet again of how different our tastes can be.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

okay so I see more unique people can copy and paste, excellent…real troopers
@shadling21 I’d love to have a normal discussion but the jokes posted all over make it hard to read the question because I want to avoid them. They’re not funny to me as mentioned and that’s as true to me as the fact that they are funny true to you. There is no humor in them so nothing to realize or recognize, but that’s again just my opinion. And I really don’t think all the people who post them are rebelling or doing a taboo thing, that’s hilarious. Sure tell them about trans people or a child saying he feels he is gay and everyone flips a shit but laughing at the idea of the baby in the blender is where you really ‘think outside the box’.

bob_'s avatar

@PnL Aww, c’mon, give us a smile.

dalepetrie's avatar

I totally get that a person’s experiences can define what they think of as offensive and/or funny, which again is why I say, you’ve got to know your audience when you tell a joke. I think the visceral emotion involved for some people, or just perhaps their ingrained personality types can make some unable to create the cognitive disconnect between reality and make believe that is necessary to enjoy humor which may be somewhat crass. I for example am fat, I’m not going to sugar coat it and use euphemisms to hide from it. But if someone tells a fat joke, if I find it funny, I will laugh. I don’t personalize a joke, I consider a joke to be this thing completely disconnected from reality. To me humor is anything goes, because it exists outside the realm of our world, it’s escapism, if I were to try to relate every joke to real people and situations, many of the jokes I know would NOT be funny.

HTDC's avatar

It’s funny though, I don’t have kids, I’d go as far as to say I dislike them, yet I still think these jokes aren’t funny. I’ve never had any bad experiences with babies or anything, still they don’t amuse me.

augustlan's avatar

I’m a highly visual person, and I actually pictured the baby in the blender. Ick. So, not funny to me. But I won’t condemn anyone who doesn’t agree. To each his own.

JeffVader's avatar

Well…. they pretty much all made me laugh!

wundayatta's avatar

Just a kind of side question. Are people discussing this because they love to debate, because they really are offended, because they really want to understand the other person’s point of view; because they want to change someone’s point of view; or what?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@wundayatta I’m just trying to understand why people aren’t actually answering the question and just randomly posting dead baby jokes which isn’t the point!

Berserker's avatar

I thought that I did answer the question in my first post. Someone else mentioned it here, too. What I think is funny are the reactions that some people get from seemingly untouchable material or highly offensive jokes.

I don’t give a shit that half of Fluther may now think less of those of us who enjoy the jokes.
Draw the line in your head, there’s a difference in telling the jokes and actually doing something like that, which I know nobody here would do-even those of you who seem to think I should receive the death penalty for enjoying them probably would never go through with it, had they the power to do so.

One thing I would like to add about said kinda jokes is that they’re great ice breakers. Wanting it or not, things like racism, paedophilia and such things are pretty taboo in society, unless you’re some self righteous twat online who feels they’re right and everyone else is wrong.
Try telling a dead baby joke in a bar or while waiting for two or three people to show up to the D&D game, it opens up doors for deeper and more constructive discussion and conversation on related subjects. You’ll see then that those who tell such jokes aren’t the spawn of Satan.

Of course dead baby jokes and the like are, by no means, the only ways to abord such subjects, but they do work. Get into something deep with humour, I know of no better way. And for those thinking that my sense of humour should be in accordance the the definition given in the dictionary, you’re probbaly the most boring people on Earth.

Look at this very thread. Simone is wondering why nobody answered and just proceeded to tell random baby jokes. It is a hard subject to approach, perhaps even online. Maybe telling the jokes is a way to set a comfort zone for more proper discussion. Of course the thread wasn’t actually about that, but close enough. On the other hand, people just started bickering amongst one another, but this is Fluther what else am I to expect haha.
Still the point remains, I can’t speak for everyone or inscribe it in stone, but these kinda jokes can indeed serve as a good eye opener…especially for those who think that the material is the worse thing that could happen in a society.
But no, this is not my justification. I do not seek to be justified. I think they’re funny due to people’s reactions, and I can’t quite explain it, but I get a kick out of swigging gulps from the holy water chalice so to speak.

The point here is that it’s harmless. I can certainly understand the discomfort that people who have had bad experiences, (A real baby they knew having his or her life snuffed away, a miscarriage, victim of paedophilia.) feeling sad or uncomfortable, but personally, my intent isn’t to mock or make light of their experiences. If it upsets someone for real in relation to personal experience, I would apologize and cease telling the jokes.

But for those who merely think me the epitome of immorality, fuck you. Get out and live, and see just how wonderful your world is.
For those who just don’t find them funny, that’s totally fine- I’m not saying you have to find them funny. My beef is with uptight folk who act as if I raped a baby for real.

Just_Justine's avatar

I popped in to see how this thread was going and it was! I tried the one about the 4 year old being raped in the ass.

So anyway I was at work, I’m like “hey, how do you make a 4 year old cry ? rape her in the ass ” guffaw… every one just stared at me blankly. It went like that most of the day. I guess baby jokes are not going down well in my area, with the people I know.

I know you all are not baby killers, or rapists “what’s white and bobs in a pram” see further up, I also know you are not horrible people. I guess the deduction is some people find making a “joke” about blending babies, raping them funny and other do not. So I suppose the question has really been answered all the way through. Like any joke of this nature, for e.g 9.11 or people falling off buildings or whatever are appealing to only some. I don’t think they’d be ice breakers though. I think they would fall in the psychotic humour section? perhaps. Now that is funny ha ha ha!

Vunessuh's avatar

@Just_Justine You’re still misunderstanding. We’re not laughing at the reality of a 4 year old being raped or a baby being blended. The laughs come from being shocked, from the fact that someone has the audacity to tell these jokes, from the fact that they cross the line, push the limits. We don’t laugh because we stop and think a minute about an actual 4 year old being raped. It’s the idea that something so horrible in real life has been made into a joke. That’s what we find the humor in. We have the ability to separate reality from joking material. That’s all. It has nothing to do with someone’s life experiences. We just had people admit that they’ve had miscarriages and have small children and find these funny. My friend’s daughter was raped and murdered 3 years ago. – But when I hear these jokes, I don’t stop to think about that. It never crosses my mind because I understand the definition of a joke. I understand that people aren’t laughing at a child being raped, but that the joke is just so outrageous. We aren’t mocking these occurrences that actually happen in real life. Actual life experiences are irrelevant (in my mind) for why I choose to laugh at a joke.
I really don’t care whether or not you like these jokes. Your reasons why are valid. I’m not trying to diminish how you feel about them. I just don’t like to be thought less of because I find these funny and I feel like that’s how some of you are trying to make us feel.

wilma's avatar

I’m giving all of you who find these jokes funny, the benefit of the doubt. I believe you that it isn’t the blended baby that is funny, but something else.
If there was someone here who really thought that the idea of blending a baby was funny they would probably never admit it.
Apparently my mind doesn’t work the same way that yours does, because when I hear it, I can’t get the image of a baby in a blender out of my head.
I’m not judging you, so please don’t judge me and assume that I have no sense of humor or that I don’t live life or that I like to bicker. That isn’t the case.
Now I need to read another question so that I can get that image out of my head.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@wilma I feel the same. I’m slightly OCD – so these jokes are just too vivid for me, as well.

Vunessuh's avatar

@wilma Well yeah, of course everyone’s mind works differently. Everyone has a different sense of humor. Thinking everyone would be on the same page with this stuff is silly.
However, instead of saying “I don’t find these funny because…” people began indirectly telling the one’s who do find them funny that they’re sick, disgusting, cold, insensitive. That’s what bothers me.
I don’t think you have a skewed or boring sense of humor because you don’t find them funny. I said a million times that I respect your reasoning, but don’t make me feel like I have no compassion when this stuff happens in the real world. It started sounding like people were using their personal experiences to make us look bad for having a chuckle or two. That’s a complete cop out and a way to ignore the fact that plenty of people with similar life experiences find these jokes harmless and funny.

Berserker's avatar

To me dead baby jokes are no more harmful than Tweety Bird fucking up Sylvester the cat on every occasion he gets. I know it’s hard to imagine, but my mind doth not constantly seethe with darkness and murderous intent.

Mickeyymouse's avatar

I can’t get the images out of my head when i hear dead baby jokes. I don’t really have any problem with them because I know (for the most part) that the people who say this stuff wouldnt ACTUALLY do it. I just think they are probably only jokes you should say to people you know very well because if one day you say it to a new friend who had a miscarriage or their baby had a rare disease and died or something like that, you would probably not be friends with them for very much longer for a start, but unless you truly were heartless you’d regret it. That’s all.

casheroo's avatar

They aren’t funny to me.

Not every parent is the same, but for biggest fear during pregnancy and delivery is losing my childs life. People act like pregnancy and childbirth are a walk in the park..but women die from it every day, and the US has the highest mortality rate. That’s scary. I know many women who have had miscarriages, and I’ve had three myself. I also know of a woman who went in for a c-section and by the time they opened her up, her baby had passed away :( I can’t imagine the pain they feel every day.
To me, it just hits too close to home.Even without being a parent, I still don’t think I’d find them funny. It’s just gross to me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@casheroo I thought Sierra Leone had the highest maternal mortality.

casheroo's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I thought it was the US did, but Google says you are correct. I thought it was the US for the developed countries. I know it’s too high.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@casheroo Oh really? hmm, didn’t know.

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