March 30
So, just how does the Fluther system know what the chupacabra looks like, anyway?
Asked by ru2bz46 | 16 responses -
What's up with all these sex-questions?
Asked by klaas4 | 43 responses -
Just curious as to how many moderators we have here and who are they?
Asked by Jude | 6 responses -
What are some good adjustments that you think fluther could make to it's user interface?
Asked by TheIowaCynic | 31 responses -
Would you prefer fluther to be light hearted or deadly serious?
Asked by allen_o from iPhone | 33 responses -
Anyone havign trouble with coral reef?
Asked by Dr_C | 7 responses -
March 29
How do they choose what the capital of a state is going to be?
Asked by CrazyRedHead | 10 responses -
How many people have their spouse or S/O on Fluther?
Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra | 19 responses -
If you could (technically, and also felt inclined to) start your own QA type website, what would you call it and why?
Asked by Zen | 10 responses -
March 28
If I stop following a question, and someone directs a comment at me, do I get some sort of notification?
Asked by _bob | 18 responses -
What are your thoughts about using a different fluther identity for really personal questions?
Asked by YARNLADY | 31 responses -
Would you say Fluther.com is geared more towards social interaction , or information sharing? Is it a combination of both?
Asked by Flucker | 8 responses -
How many regularly active users does Fluther.com have?
Asked by Flucker | 10 responses -
Do they roll out software modifications regularly on Fluther? When were the last software updates installed and what were they?
Asked by Mr_M | 36 responses -
What are peak days and times to a. Post on Fluther, b. go to the chatroom on Fluther.
Asked by Mr_M | 5 responses -
When do you (you is emphasised) add someone to your fluther, and why?
Asked by Zen | 27 responses -
How does one remove and prevent certain users from adding you to their fluther?
Asked by Halliburton_Shill | 35 responses -
March 27
Did this happen to you today on here?
Asked by sandystrachan | 18 responses -
March 26
Shall we thank the mods for their wonderful job this week/end?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 48 responses -
So how do you feel about the 'whisper' text option?
Asked by ABoyNamedBoobs03 | 51 responses -
Do you keep in touch via e-mail with some Fluther members?
Asked by 2late2be from iPhone | 18 responses -
Any sites out there thats like fluther?
Asked by A_Beaverhausen | 35 responses -
To all the people that HAVEN'T come from wis.dm, how did you find Fluther?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 58 responses -
Sometimes less is more - My first days on Fluther - Have you made similar experiences?
Asked by mattbrowne | 12 responses -
March 25
What is your real name?
Asked by 2late2be from iPhone | 89 responses -
Is there a place we can find our own past quips/comments, or even those of other users?
Asked by resmc | 11 responses -
Does the whisper tag sometimes not work?
Asked by resmc | 16 responses -
I can no longer post questions or answers when I use Firefox and am using IE to ask this one. Does anyone else know why I can no longer Fluther in Firefox?
Asked by Michale | 9 responses -
At times (like last night, midnight ET), this site gets REAL SLOW for me, especially for comments. Anyone else?
Asked by Mr_M | 5 responses -
Has anyone ever questioned your gender online?
Asked by Dr_C | 61 responses -
How many fluther surges have there been now?
Asked by shockvalue | 24 responses -
March 24
Did they just delete my bloody question?
Asked by TheOptimisticPessimist | 24 responses -
Has anyone lost a S.O. over their Fluther obsession?
Asked by chyna | 19 responses -
How long did it take you to get your Lurve to 1,000 points?
Asked by drClaw | 37 responses -
Fluther newcomers: have you been bitten by the lurve bug?
Asked by marinelife | 35 responses