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Which programming language for win apps?
Asked by Alireza from iPhone | 2 responses -
Do you know of a good desktop-based "list-making" software for Windows?
Asked by delta77 | 3 responses -
How do I change the default save for text files from ansi to utf-8?
Asked by anartist | 1 response -
What Windows updates should I install, or which ones do you install?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 7 responses -
Any video card experts out there? (see details for problem)
Asked by llewis | 3 responses -
Program to pop up a small windows from my webcam feed?
Asked by XOIIO | 2 responses -
Steam gamers: would you like to join the Flutherites group?
Asked by brotherhume | 1 response -
Is there a website with a lot of pictures of the cars that are seen on the road today?
Asked by mathwhiz1 | 4 responses -
Why are 2 computers all of a sudden not detecting iPhone?
Asked by mcbealer | 5 responses -
I have problems accessing folders shared on the network on a Win7 machine from a virtual WinXP machine. What can I do to fix it?
Asked by ragingloli | 3 responses -
Help finding a video program?
Asked by hungerforpizza | 4 responses -
Is there a way to disable window shadows in Mac OS X 10.6?
Asked by vekteur | 3 responses -
How can I fix these two technical problems I am having with installing my OS and GPU?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 37 responses -
Could someone help me with my XP problem?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 8 responses -
I need to reinstall xp, but I don't have the original xp recovery disc, what do i do?
Asked by jdogg | 11 responses -
VMWare Fusion, does it work better with XP or Win7?
Asked by Lost_World | 2 responses -
What files do I need to copy if I transfer Windows 7 from laptop to pendrive ,for later installation on new HDD ?
Asked by IAMGOD | 5 responses -
Has Microsoft created a zombie?
Asked by jerv | 14 responses -
What's a good ultra-lightweight e-mail client?
Asked by Fenris | 6 responses -
Is it really worth it to switch computer preference from Windows PC world to Apple's Mac world?
Asked by citizenearth | 39 responses -
Best way to remove window tint film from a vehicle's windows?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
How did windows vista get on my computer?
Asked by Harrow185 | 10 responses -
Why is my Boot Camp installation freezing when I try to install Windows?
Asked by nikipedia | 3 responses -
Can you set a microsoft word font to be the system font on your computer, and if yes, how?
Asked by XOIIO | 2 responses -
Are there any Xbox emulators for Windows?
Asked by HungryGuy | 6 responses