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I'm sorry for troubling you all at this late hour, but here I am, naked on the toilet as usual typing up a question about puppy dogs: Why do they sometimes "pounce" and bark at particular types of dog treats?
Asked by Lovelocke | 20 responses -
Volleyball alert: How do I get my knee-pads from smelling?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 8 responses -
Political posturing or genuine concern?
Asked by Judi | 44 responses -
What are some games an entire audience can play?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 8 responses -
In games, are you more likely to claim items as your own than you are relationships?
Asked by ragingloli | 6 responses -
Can anyone help me with NBA 2k11?
Asked by ShipwrecksInSand | 3 responses -
Looking for the name of an old hand held fishing game?
Asked by nightwolf5 | 3 responses -
How can you prevent cheating?
Asked by mignondefleur | 26 responses -
Why is World of Warcraft such a popular game?
Asked by damien | 20 responses -
How about a game with our usernames?
Asked by Notreallyhere from iPhone | 37 responses -
Activities for 10 - 20 children ages 5 - 12?
Asked by judyprays | 12 responses -
Nerd question for all you RPGers out there...
Asked by jtvoar16 | 17 responses -
Given the fact that 15 years ago I still played on my zx spectrum and now I play xbox360 on a hd projector with surround sound, what do you think we will be playing in 15 years time, or what will be the next big technological advance?
Asked by TheFonz_is | 8 responses -
What board games allow couples to compete with each other on knowledge of their own partners?
Asked by girlofscience | 5 responses -
Can anyone find the rules to the Korean rochambeau (sp) game "kai bai bo"?
Asked by andrew | 8 responses -
Would anyone like to play Words with Friends with their fellow Flutherites?
Asked by poofandmook | 10 responses -
What are some things to do during the first pet club meeting?
Asked by pcmonkey from iPhone | 5 responses -
In any Nintendo games do you ever get to use the triforce?
Asked by talljasperman | 5 responses -
What is your favorite role-playing game and why?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 13 responses -
Where can I find a quick loading, easy, flash shoot-em-up game?
Asked by seazen_ | 4 responses -
I'm looking for a book trilogy/saga/series (NOT a standalone) in which a group of people are cut off from the world and each of them starts dying.
Asked by luigirovatti | 9 responses -
What celebrities/politicians/famous people would you put in all the circles of hell?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 11 responses -
Is it wrong not to play your a game in life until it's worth it?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 13 responses -
How many Unown are there in Pokemon really?
Asked by Sja4710 | 5 responses -
Who won skiing big air tonight?
Asked by Ito | 2 responses