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If you were asked to give a testimonial for yourself, what would you say or write?
Asked by zenth | 16 responses -
Love & marriage, love & marriage. Go together like a.........?
Asked by ucme | 33 responses -
What are some classic scenes from movies that never fail to make you laugh?
Asked by ucme | 31 responses -
Is there a way to bookmark questions on Fluther?
Asked by ninahenry | 9 responses -
What is your reaction when someone is telling a lame joke?
Asked by rebbel | 27 responses -
Do you have any funny stories like this?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 28 responses -
Ladies, do immature jokesters (fellas) get old after awhile?
Asked by Jude | 55 responses -
Ever notice any weird juxtapositions between Fluther questions and siblings?
Asked by janbb | 11 responses -
Have some funny or cool youtube videos/channels to share?
Asked by Steve_A | 9 responses -
You're an olympic sprinter & as you approach the finish line destined for gold, what could distract you that would scupper your bid for glory?
Asked by ucme | 27 responses -
Are there any weird "things" that you just have to do?...
Asked by NaturallyMe | 31 responses -
Name your favorite saint.
Asked by AliasTJ | 51 responses -
Now that the World Cup is over, can you think of any alternative uses for the much maligned vuvuzela?
Asked by ucme | 17 responses -
If one is good, two is better. Can you help me come up with "doublewise" (combined) sayings?
Asked by phaedryx | 10 responses -
What are some unintentionally funny moments you can recall from movies/tv?
Asked by ucme | 12 responses -
Know any good (bad) puns?
Asked by LostInParadise | 14 responses -
Have you been to a wedding with an outrageously disruptive guest?
Asked by MissAusten | 12 responses -
Is the count from sesame street a true depicition of a vampire?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Do people on any of those candid camera shows get anything?
Asked by Zone36 | 5 responses -
Worst questions to ask on a first date would be?
Asked by ucme | 40 responses -
If you were an outlaw in the wild west, what would be a suitable nickname for you &/or your gang?
Asked by ucme | 21 responses -
What would be something inappropriate to do/say in a staff meeting at work?
Asked by ucme | 35 responses -
What have you heard that made you go "Huh??"?
Asked by Cruiser | 26 responses -
What interesting family stories do you have?
Asked by Coloma | 20 responses -
Can you imagine anything more horrifying to a Vegan than head cheese?
Asked by dalepetrie | 37 responses