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Good songs for a work out playlist?
Asked by JesusWasAJewbot | 36 responses -
Mixing rap/hip-hop and metal/rock what do you think?
Asked by Steve_A | 21 responses -
What 90's song does this sound like?
Asked by jaketheripper | 12 responses -
Did your parents ever push you into any doing anything?
Asked by Cruiser | 44 responses -
What is the song in the AT&T commercials?
Asked by redsfan1324 | 5 responses -
Muse concert, has anybody been and did you likey?
Asked by Jude | 15 responses -
What happens if DJ equpiment dies midsong?
Asked by windex | 11 responses -
Where do you find your inspiration?
Asked by warribbons | 6 responses -
Why do people bother playing music out-loud on their phones? The speaker is so tinny. What's the point?
Asked by Kraigmo | 16 responses -
Where can I find a super easy version of party in the usa on piano?
Asked by lexipoorocks | 3 responses -
Can you help me start a new play list?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 8 responses -
What are your 3 favorite albums of all time?
Asked by life_after_2012 | 49 responses -
It says on here that I will receive "a chorus of answers." Lets test that out. Can you answer this question with a song that is often used to inspire people?
Asked by ucme | 39 responses -
What is the best program for creating/mixing music on my computer?
Asked by LKidKyle1985 | 6 responses -
How can I avoid stage fright for a musical performance?
Asked by Kokoro | 16 responses -
What music did you just listen to?
Asked by Steve_A | 106 responses -
What's involved in establishing a low power FM station? The FCC materials are lawyer-speak to me.
Asked by Dan_DeColumna | 5 responses -
How to mix music with software?
Asked by cjunifer | 8 responses -
How can I easily and efficiently organize my Itunes library?
Asked by TexasDude | 5 responses -
Who is Muse touring with?
Asked by Russter | 4 responses -
What is the song playing in the Dear John trailer?
Asked by desiree333 | 10 responses -
Looking for a song that starts off with pulsing accordion...
Asked by hatgreeting | 3 responses -
Whats the name of the band with the song '37 stiches'?
Asked by DOMINO | 7 responses -
Can you tell me some good indie bands?
Asked by sunshinedust | 30 responses -
On this MLK day, what's your opinion of "songified history"?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 4 responses