Social Question

harple's avatar

Would you like to share something amusing you've found on the internet, just for the fun of it?

Asked by harple (10455points) January 25th, 2012

It may be a video, it may be a photo or a cartoon, or perhaps something interactive? Just something to put a smile on fellow Jellie’s faces :-)

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25 Answers

harple's avatar

This DRAW A STICKMAN has put the biggest smile on my face today – enjoy!

HGl3ee's avatar

Edit: By some crazy force in the universe I copied @harple‘s response >.< So sorry!

New response: Ultimate Dog Tease :3

harple's avatar

@King_Pariah lol
@HGl3ee erm… beat you to it! (Have made my link more obvious now… no one steals MY thunder ~ lol!)

harple's avatar

Lol @HGl3ee Bless you! :-D

HGl3ee's avatar

@harple : hahaha! I can’t believe that happened! I actually went and Google’d it because my SO had showed it to me awhile back.. This gave me goosebumps O.O

flutherother's avatar

This model solar system is fun.

JilltheTooth's avatar

This seems to fit with the place…

6rant6's avatar

@poisonedantidote That puts a smile on your face? Sick, dude.

smilingheart1's avatar

The Miller Ad – so bad it’s good…

“She told me we couldn’t afford beer anymore and I’d have to quit.
Then I caught her spending $65 on makeup.
And I asked how come I had to give up stuff and she didn’t.
She said she needed the makeup to look pretty for me.
I told her that was what the beer was for.
I don’t think she’s coming back. ”

YARNLADY's avatar

I always enjoy this one

harple's avatar

@flutherother Eek, that’s clever stuff! You might also like this

@poisonedantidote Just goes to show how comedy is always just on the edge of tragedy! And the thing is it’s believable that an advertiser would do something just like that! You might like this sick ad (not recommended to anyone else!)

Lol @JilltheTooth ! Love it! Another one for you :-)

One back for you, @smilingheart1!
My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.
My wife asked, ‘Do you know her?’
‘Yes,’ I sighed, ‘She’s my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn’t been sober since.’
‘My God!’ says my wife, ‘who would think that a person could go on celebrating that long?’

harple's avatar

@YARNLADY not on a parr with yours, but here’s a gift back for you

@talljasperman oh wow, that’s wickedly good! So good in fact, that nothing I could find could compare, so here’s something at the other end of the spectrum!

@CardAngel You are my new hero! This wiki link is for you…

@iphigeneia Love it! You may find the Eurovision Song Contest amusing! (Further pointless grading for amusement!)

poisonedantidote's avatar

@6rant6 It’s not funny, nothing about it is funny, but the reaction of people who get offended makes it funny. To me, people being offended is funny and amusing, the more offensive something is the harder I laugh imagining the reaction of those who don’t like it.

6rant6's avatar

@poisonedantidote Maybe I didn’t pay enough attention to get offended.

harple's avatar

Keep it nice, gentlemen, this is a “put a smile on someone’s face” question :-)
@6rant6 The way I saw it, I think the humour in @poisonedantidote‘s video wasn’t in the C word, but rather that it wasn’t the cancer-awareness ad it appeared to be at that point, it really was an ad for tennis balls. Sick humour, and a comment on large corporations for sure.

6rant6's avatar

@harple It’s clear I didn’t pay enough attention.

mangeons's avatar

This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while!

harple's avatar

@mangeons – is it safe?....

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