General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

What sort of decorative item could you put in this bottle?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) May 6th, 2013


It will go on a shelf. I was thinking of polished stones of some sort.

Like this

Or this. I love Malachite.

Any other ideas?

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58 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

An homunculus.
I am sure you can find a rubber fetus somewhere.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh that would make a beautiful planter. I even have the plants for it.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

lol, oh, loli!

ragingloli's avatar

It is the first thing that popped into my head. That old and wavy looking bottle is ideal for an alchemy display.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ragingloli That’s creepy, but strangely intriguing.

CWOTUS's avatar

A ship, of course.

gailcalled's avatar

Your collection of precious gems? Or the pretty stones that you find, from time to time, on the shores of that lake I see in some of your photos. Your own collection is more fun than purchased ones.

Or fill it with water and several, single-stemmed flowers, like tulips, irises, peonies or a perfect rose.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

IF you put stones or marbles in the bottle be careful, it looks like a very thin and fragile bottle. I broke a larger one, like the one you have.

Pachy's avatar

My choice would be to put nothing inside to detract from its surface and shape. I have a smiliar bottle on display I keep empty.

Seek's avatar

How about some of those squishy water beads, and have a growing plant?

DigitalBlue's avatar

I sincerely love @ragingloli‘s idea. Now I want a rubber fetus in a jar.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@DigitalBlue That’s sick. But I liked it too.

DigitalBlue's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I love morbid. Morbid and medical is even better. I can’t really see @Mama_Cakes with a fetus in a jar, though. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@DigitalBlue I could see her going that far. But I’d bet she hides it on occasion. It’s right on the edge.
@Seek_Kolinahr Glad to see your chipper self back.

Seek's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Thanks, hon. Working on it. ^_^

Sunny2's avatar

I’d keep it empty and put it when sun rays could pass through it. It’s a lovely shape doesn’t really need anything in it. If you must, try colored water that would reflect one of the colors in the room.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have a bottle like that. I filled the bottom with bright blue stones (you could use those decorative marbles, too) then put some pretty, silk flowers in it, mostly light blues, yellows, and lavenders.

You could also do alternating rows of colored stones and pretty seashells.

gailcalled's avatar

I have occasionally used food coloring to make a pretty colored water to put in decorative clear containers, such as a cut-glass cruet with no stopper and an old oil lamp.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That is a COOL bottle! Where’d you get it?
I saw a aretsy fartsy TV program once where the gal put colored rocks in , filled it with water, then floated a flower in it.
I, personally, like the different colored rocks, rather than just the green ones. Maybe shells and sand or something? Can I have that bottle?!

I agree with @Sunny2. Maybe just fill it with colored water and put it in front of a window?

Headhurts's avatar

Some pretty stones would look really nice.

Inspired_2write's avatar

A terrarium with stones around the plant.
A beach scene ( place bottle on its side) add stones,toy ships etc

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ll bet the guy in this response could give you an idea. Of course, you’d need alcohol. (I would imagine, “so does he.”)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Sand art in a bottle if artistically inclinded.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where did you pick it up from @Mama_Cakes?

Jeruba's avatar

If it were mine, I would probably fill it to about one-third with small colored glass pebbles of a single color or mixed; maybe the clear iridescent ones, with a few of the pale blue and pale green ones mixed in.

I love malachite too, but I don’t think that choice in this application would compliment either the jar or the stones very well. I have a small arrangement of single polished malachite chunks, each worthy of admiration in its own right. I think a large quantity of them would detract from one another and not set off the vase so well either. Something that lets light pass through seems most attractive to me.

@gailcalled, I’ve done the same thing with beautiful (but empty, alas) perfume bottles.

augustlan's avatar

I collect a variety of little things, so I’d put one of my collections in it. For me, it’d probably be either marbles (real old-school marbles) or small printers blocks. Some other collections I think would look cool:

Skeleton keys
A mix of natural elements (stones, shells, leaves, twigs, sand, feathers)
Dried petals from special floral arrangements

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Great ideas, everyone. Thank-you!

augustlan's avatar

Ooh, an air plant would work, too.

Bellatrix's avatar

Beautiful bottle. I like the idea of coloured sands. Or tiny, tiny pebbles. Or perhaps beautiful buttons you collect.

Buttonstc's avatar


If you love morbid and medical, put this on your travel itinerary. You’ll be in seventh heaven.

Letterman once had the Director on his show years ago. Interesting, to say the least.

.Here is one pilgrim’s account:


Dutchess_III's avatar

Buttons would be cool.

Buttonstc's avatar

I used to live in Philly and its definitely not for those who are of faint heart or weak stomach :)

Once was quite enough for me :)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Since I am an interior decorator, of course I either have to start with the bottle and finish the room or start the room and finish with the bottle. Either way your bottle (from Etsy? I just discovered that website and I love it! The things on are so unique. I am actually waiting on a pair of earrings as we speak!) filled with anything in the perfect room can be a great focal piece. It obviously depends on what can fit in the opening. I love the rocks. Where would you put it? Since I am in a dark place right now I would fill the thing with some rocks and place a bunch of these bird skulls on the top.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

On a floating shelf.

This one.

Picture it empty to start with. I’m not sure what else is going to go up there.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

A little sidetracked and I found myself looking at stuff like this.

Bellatrix's avatar

Do you love pebbles or sand, buttons, what makes you excited @Mama_Cakes?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I decided to go with beach glass that I’ve collected (various shades of blue, green and white). I’ve been filling it up and it looks good. Goes with the colors that I have in my living room.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

As zenzen would say, “Pics or it didn’t happen!”

Mama_Cakes's avatar

When I get home. :)

Mama_Cakes's avatar

The rest of my beach glass is at my partner’s. I have enough to go half way up the bottle.


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Now you need another bottle at your partner’s place.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Haha. I’ll be bringing that beach glass home and filling up this bottle. Not sure that if I’m putting it on a shelf, but I do love that I now have a place to put my beach glass, and it looks awfully pretty in the sunlight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Love it! Maybe we could all donate? Send random pretty pretties to @Mama_Cakes. :) It could be her Fluther Bottle.

WestRiverrat's avatar

If you were really ambitious you could find a Djinn to put in your bottle.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I Dream of Jeannie.

ragingloli's avatar

A wish is a wish, now bend over.

Jeruba's avatar

Lovely, @Mama_Cakes.

I have a balloon bowl with some pieces of pebble-smooth beach glass in it. I tossed the glass in a little light oil (like sewing machine oil) to coat the chunks. That keeps them looking moist and shiny, as if they were wet, really bringing out the color.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Ooh, I love that idea!

Bellatrix's avatar

I love the idea of beach glass! I definitely want to see a pic.

I just saw a bottle in a peer’s office and it was filled with pebbles. It looked lovely.

RareDenver's avatar

@Jeruba when I was a wee lad I did the same with a large piece of sandstone I found. It looked fantastic with amazing striped patterns when wet but when dry it was kinda dull. My solution, paint it with my mothers clear nail varnish!

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