Social Question

tups's avatar

What is your job/occupation?

Asked by tups (6737points) August 22nd, 2013
52 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I am just curious.

I am a student.

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marinelife's avatar

I am a writer/editor.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am an engineer/physicist and business owner.

zenvelo's avatar

I write trading rules for a national securities exchange for submission to the SEC, whenever we want to tweak our trading system or our fees.

mrentropy's avatar

I certify NAS/SAN devices with VMWare, Citrix XenServer, and (sort of) MS Hyper-V.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I am a graduate student and adjunct professor. I teach classes on philosophy and argumentative writing.

muppetish's avatar

At the moment, I do not have a job. However, I am working on a writing project alongside two professors from my university and a group of writers. My deadlines are January and a second one in August. It won’t be published for two years, but will do wonders for my CV.

I am also working on applications for PhD programs and plan to move in a year. It’s a crazy in-between year for me, but I’m rolling with the punches right now.

ucme's avatar

Locksmith & part time sarcastic bastard.

Blondesjon's avatar

I supervise the machine shop for a company that builds seed and feed bins.

ragingloli's avatar

Vice Admiral and starship commander in Starfleet.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Dog trainer

gondwanalon's avatar

Medical Technologist, CLS (ASCP-cm)

Jenniehowell's avatar

I am a Virtual Assistant. In the moments where I don’t have work that I do online I will sometimes get a 2nd or “backup” job.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’m in the empire business

Katniss's avatar

I’m lame. I work at Staples. lol

Blackberry's avatar

I do weather forecasting in the navy. When pilots schedule flights, we forecast the weather for their route of flight. We also forecast weather for specified major military airports.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I mix radio spots & commercials via computer. You’d recognize the name.

sparrowfeed's avatar


Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Blondesjon tread lightly…

Paradox25's avatar

Electrician, electronic technician, welder and wannabe philosopher.

FutureMemory's avatar

Live-in caregiver. Not something I would recommend to anyone. I haven’t had more than 6 hours off (other than sleeping) in over 3 years.

Thinking about going back to school to become a RN.

gailcalled's avatar

Former astronomical researcher, French teacher and Director of College Placement at an independent day school.

Post-retirement; Volunteer PR writer for local fine and studio arts academy and quilt maker.

janbb's avatar

College librarian

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I am a PhD student and I am an adjunct instructor for several college courses and I work as a quantitative reasoning fellow at a local college.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t work now, but previously I worked in retail, manager, buyer, and for the vendors. I also sold real estate for a few years.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Registered nurse.

josie's avatar

If I told you, you would think I was bullshitting you.

JLeslie's avatar

@josie do tell.

dabbler's avatar

Parrot wrangler, blues harp and theremin player. ...oh, the part for a paycheck ? processing programmer.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Undergrad student.

Former restaurant server, medical office receptionist, cashier, and bank teller.

Future probation and parole agent, I hope.

Four months to graduation!

Brian1946's avatar

I was a communications technician for Pac Bell/AT&T/SBC until I retired 10 years ago.
Now I’m a plaintiff in a corporate fraud suit and an occasional polling place clerk.


What rank and rate are you?
I was in the USN for four years and made it all the way up to the exalted R&R of MMFN (E3 Machinist Mate).

cookieman's avatar

I am a graphic designer and photographer. I also teach college and am currently the director of the design department.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^—And the horder of chocolate chips.-

Tachys's avatar

I am an insurance claim manager. Not the evil kind.

cookieman's avatar

@gailcalled: Yes, but sadly I do not get paid for that.

augustlan's avatar

I’m a website manager, an editor, an administrative assistant, and a landlord.

FutureMemory's avatar

@josie If I told you, you would think I was bullshitting you.

Lawyer for the NAACP?

ucme's avatar

Obama’s life coach.

FutureMemory's avatar

White House speech writer?

ucme's avatar

Director of blaxploitation movies…no, wait!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@dabller Parrott wrangler? Oh do tell!! I’m a bird mom.

cookieman's avatar

@josie: If I told you, you would think I was bullshitting you.

Fluffer for gay porn movies?

Ooh, maybe you’re being literal… proctologist for cattle??

Blackberry's avatar

@Brian1946 I’m an Aerographer’s Mate and I’m an E-5. I make some great money for a 27 year old, but I do fantasize constantly about being a regular person and having a regular life. I just want to feel happy and free again, but I would feel stupid for throwing away job security that billions of people would love.

I just feel really “empty” sometimes. I’ve had deployments and moving ruin relationships and this 8 years has jaded some because I know who I used to be and I know what I’ve “become”. I’m still a happy person, but the military just chips away over time and you don’t realize it until you’ve been in for awhile.

You know how it is, but I’m sure that’s every job for a lot of us. We should just be happy with what we have. I don’t know, it’s just something I feel “in my heart”, wanting to not be in. I don’t care if I have to work in retail for years while going to school, you know? I just want to feel something different.

jca's avatar

At present, I am a union representative.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (5points)
Berserker's avatar

Occupation; asshole.

Job; pillaging.

dabbler's avatar

@KNOWITALL ref: Parrot Wrangler, I have a charming 23-yr old Amazon hen. We adopted her over four years ago. She’s our surrogate child, we spoil her as much as possible. She’s usually cooperative but can decide to be a handful on occasion, and I seem to be the one most able to handle her. I make her toys to destroy and give her showers regularly. (I no professional parrot handling experience, or much experience with other birds, but I spend so much time with this one I feel qualified for the position!)

Incoherency_'s avatar


Does she sometimes verbalize her refusal to cooperate on those occasions?

Has she ever said something to you like, “I already had a shower, you wingless dork!” ;-)

ragingloli's avatar

whenever I read “parrot wrangler”, the picture in my mind is homer simpson strangling a parrot.

dabbler's avatar

She likes the shower, and makes all sorts of cheery sounds while in it.
She doesn’t say many words but does have a clear lexicon of sounds including upset and distress, but also happy.

mrentropy's avatar

My African grey hates water. Getting her to take a shower or a bath is an exercise.

kavita000's avatar

I am a software Engineer. I have just completed my B.Tech in computer science.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@dabbler That is awesome! My greencheeked conure will jump in the shower sometimes, but prefers her own ‘sink’ batch or spray shower in her room. I also have a beautiful old cockatiel that was probably abused, he’s 13 and hates hands, so I don’t have him clipped and now he’s very sweet.

Recently my conure’s been saying “love you” back, so cute!!

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