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flo's avatar

Who's right about the Sarah Sanders vs Red Hen restaurant news item?

Asked by flo (13313points) June 27th, 2018
108 responses
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notnotnotnot's avatar

recent thread here

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d say the restaurant if it had stopped at their door, but it didn’t.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^When I was a bouncer, I would let guys in that I had kicked out before. Just didn’t recognize them. Once I realized who they were, I’d throw them out. Likely word slowly spread throughout the restaurant, and then the decision was made.

The owner resigned. Poor Sarah lost half of a free meal. The owner lost her career….

seawulf575's avatar

Actions have consequences

flutherother's avatar

I think the restaurant should have served her. What could be achieved by not serving her? I think it is a good thing when political figures mix with ordinary people.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 to be completely truthful, the owner didn’t resign from the restaurant, she resigned from the community business committee. However, her actions have also brought down a lot of idiot protesters to her restaurant, so it is likely she will lose lots of money, if she manages to keep the restaurant at all. And all the gay employees that asked her to eject Sanders are losing money as well. I guess it was worth it, but if I were them, I wouldn’t think so.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There is no right answer. It usually pays to listen to a different point of view even if you don’t agree with it. The people who hold it are still human. Restaurant owners have the right to refuse service for any reason.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Actions have consequences.”

We’ll see…

elbanditoroso's avatar

The owner was making a simple business decision, which was her right to do. It may have been a correct decision or an incorrect decision – time will tell.

Trump was way out of line calling it dirty and ugly. He simply doesn’t know. He is / was acting like a playground bully.

marinelife's avatar

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not just a citizen. She is a prominent representative of this administration. Therefore, the protections of normal privacy do not apply to her. The restaurant owner’s action was a form of civil protest and thus free speech.

MrGrimm888's avatar

She’s also a demon….

ragingloli's avatar

Frankly, she should have called the cops and have had her arrested for trespassing.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@marinelife I assure you, the law of stalking and harassment apply as much or MORE to public officials, civil servants, LEO’s, etc…. They may sign up to help the country or people, but they don’t sign up for abuse, regardless of what some of you may think.

How any of you can defend Peter Fonda’s tweet or Maxine Waters speech is beyond the pale. But I guess hurting a few Reps kids is helping those immigrant kids in your mind….?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I only show that she resigned from a local business group, not that she is no longer in business.

mazingerz88's avatar

Rights were exercised by both sides. Right to work for a bad president and right to refuse service in your restaurant.

Depends on who you ask.

seawulf575's avatar

Interesting when I see comments that state the business owner can refuse service for any reason. What about bakers not wanting to participate in same-sex marriages? What about florists on the same reason? What if the restaurant owner wanted to refuse service to black people? Or Hispanic? Or Asian? Or even Irish?

ragingloli's avatar

That is YOUR position.

rojo's avatar

@KNOWITALL I question why we have two sets of standards, one for liberals and one for conservatives, and why are liberals held to the higher standard?
From a personal perspective, I do not like bringing the children of political figures into the fray, they are innocent bystanders, but ragging on Fonda without pointing out that Trump supporters have been just as nasty reeks of partisanship. Closed Borders, White Nation, Now We Start the Deportation

rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 Funny you should bring that up. I was thinking exactly the same thing but from the opposite perspective. Why do you give a restaurant owner grief for refusing service to a political hack and yet gloat over a baker refusing service to a gay couple?

flo's avatar

But it can’t be compared with is racism, or whatever ism they are when it’s about religion, and ethnicity, it is race and ethnicity has any relevance, does it?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (1points)
seawulf575's avatar

@rojo I can make that one very simple for you. With the baker, you are pitting religious rights against the demands of gays. With the restaurant, you are only dealing with political views. If you are willing to say that political views are good enough to refuse service, why not say the same about refusing service to blacks?

Yellowdog's avatar

@rojo The overwhelming majority, over 90%, of LEGAL immigrants are non-white. Many of them are republican. And many whites are liberals. The racism card just doesn’t fly.

MrGrimm888's avatar


rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 that is what I am saying. If refusing service to gay people is acceptable, why is refusing service because of political views not?

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo refusing to support something that is a violation of your religious freedom is the difference. I the case of the bakers, they felt they were being asked to do something that was in violation of their religious beliefs. The bakers (since there were several cases) consistently had the same viewpoint…I will gladly sell you baked goods, but will not be party to a same-sex wedding. They weren’t refusing service to gay people because they were gay, they were refusing to participate in something their religious beliefs said was wrong. In the Red Hen situation, there is no right the owner was protecting by refusing service. You might say she has the First Amendment and she does, but sitting down in her restaurant doesn’t impact her First Amendment rights. What she showed was plain old discrimination. In this case it happened to be because of the patron’s political affiliations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

IMO, religious beliefs and political beliefs are pretty much the same thing.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I would agree with you to a point. As @seawulf575 pointed out, the baker has the right not to participate in something against their religion, such as the Muslim hair thread on fluther a few weeks ago.If you wouldn’t force another religious person to violate their anti-pork or anti-cow beliefs, how is okay to violate a Christians? It’s not.

On the other hand, some christians may not feel the same way about it, which has been my point all along with this case. I’d bake the cake and leave it between them and God, which is my interpretation of scripture.

It’s getting tricky to respect everyone’s different beliefs and being able to function fully in society, while being politically correct and respecting religious and cultural beliefs. Especially when everyone is so incredibly offended about everything.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Political and religious beliefs are the same thing as far as being beliefs. The difference is that religious beliefs are protected by the Constitution. The problem with your statement is that it does one of two things: it either elevates Political views to a level of Constitutional right, which it clearly isn’t, denigrates Religious rights to being nothing which would also be in violation of the Constitution. And if you are elevating Political views to the level of Constitutional right, then I would suggest that the restaurant owner was even more wrong. She discriminated on the basis of political views. At a restaurant, a customer puts no onus on the political views of the owner. If political view was a right and the restaurant owner had refused to cater an event for an opposing view, you might have a case, but that is a lot of “ifs” that were nowhere in reality to this case. Just like with the bakers…the bakers had no problem serving gays, they just didn’t want to participate in a wedding their in their religious belief is wrong.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Yes, the Constitution says the government can’t stop someone from worshiping in whatever religion they want, or forcing one particular religion on the country, but all the rest of it protects political ideals. I’d say political ideals are treated much more thoroughly than religious stuff.

I think that if a bakery is owned by an individual, and they don’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple then fine. The couple just needs to go find another bakery. I don’t think the owner has the right to call himself a follower of Christ, though.

Same goes for a privately owned restaurant…or any small business. We had signs stating that we have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If Trump walked into my shop I’d have him out on his ear so fast his hair would turn white.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Religion is tricky though. While some christians wouldn’t participate due to their interpretation of scripture, others would and just leave it between them and God to decide who’s right and wrong. Remember politics is pretty well laid out legally, but religion is open to wide interpretation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, it is. And it often walks on a fine line between their belief, and what we would consider a federal crime. Discrimination is a federal crime. And I guess the owner of the Red Hen is as guilty as the owner of the bakery.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think that’s the point some of us were trying to make. Discrimination isn’t a good thing, regardless of who does it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But protest can be a good thing, depending on what you are protesting. Protesting a cowardly, mindless, brutal government is not the same as protesting love, just because that love comes in a form you don’t agree with.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes, protests are a GREAT thing and I highly encourage everyone to step up to the plate on changing what they can. I can never condone aggression protests however.

Think of it this way, the 35 ft exclusion zones outside abortion clinics could be extended to protests in regards to all politicians, celebrties, etc…. Even Parliament in the UK tried to pass one for protests there.

All I’m saying is some people consider it harassment, some people consider it protesting. But if you choose to protect one party in court, it can be extended to other parties easily due to precedence being set. I guess if people choose to do this, they better enjoy it while they can.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III So you have a sign in your restaurant that says you can refuse service to any one for any reason. So if I had a restaurant and wanted to keep blacks out that would be allowed by your view. Not by law, but by your view. Typically, signs like that allow the owner/manager to refuse someone service if they deem them to be disruptive. If someone walks in and they are obviously drunk and obnoxious, you can ask them to leave….that sort of thing. A person walking in with their family and sitting down to a meal, which is the point of the restaurant, does not fall into this bin. In fact, the ones that became obnoxious was the staff and the owner.

rojo's avatar

@flo it seems fairly obvious from the responses you have gotten that the answer to your question is that “right” is relative.
We cannot even agree on what is right and what is wrong.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we had this guy who started harassing us to fix his mower for $100. The “fix” was at least a $600 job. We refused to do it and we put up a sign that said we can refuse service to any one for any reason.
The asshole went so far as to take us to court. The fact that we had the sign up saved the day for us. So it DOES hold some weight in court, but I’m sure the judge also factors in the reasoning behind refusing the service. The guy was an asshole and we were just protecting ourselves.

KNOWITALL's avatar

And @Dutchess_III there will always be those who use laws with bad intentions, nothing we can do to prevent that. Perhaps there is a minority disrupting business in a negative way, does the owner have to put up with it or risk being branded a racist and having people pickett his business? Media reporting on his racism? I mean it’s a two way street.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This guy tried to use the law for bad intentions. I did some research…he’d filed something like 23 small claims in court in the last year. He didn’t win this one.

flo's avatar

I don’t know why bring up race or nationality, ethnicity, because one can’t change one’s race, gender (anatomy), height or eye color etc.

@All, Thank you.
How about @mazingerz88‘s answer: “Rights were exercised by both sides. Right to work for a bad president and right to refuse service in your restaurant.” Can’t argue with that.
And the other sense of the word “right” in my OP, “Depends on who you ask.” Can’t argue with that.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
chyna's avatar

@flo Yes, one can change one’s gender.

Yellowdog's avatar

Race, too.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

No, one cannot change their gender yet. People can have surgery and hormone treatments but it’s only an appearance change. Men cannot be made to give birth and women cannot be made to father children. You either have an x&y or an x&x. You can artificially discriminate (wrongfully) between sex and gender but nothing is going to change the genetic hand at birth. That aside there is nothing wrong with wanting to be the opposite gender and doing what it takes to change your appearance but in reality there is no real “sex change” procedure that can actually change gender. Sex and gender are the same thing BTW.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can’t change race either, although Micheal Jackson sure did try. When his children started popping up Rick made some comment about how they “Look just like him!” (I think it’s a knee-jerk, family, cultural thing where he comes from, to say that.)
I looked at him like he’d gone mad. I said, “Those kids are white, Rick! There isn’t a drop of African American blood in any of them! They aren’t his biological kids!”
We had some disagreement about that. But no matter what he does externally, he can’t manipulate his chromosomes. If they were his kids, it would most like show in some way.

flo's avatar

By the way I didn’t mean @mazingerz88‘s post is the best answer, just that it’s hard to argue.

All I meant is, one is an activity, (being the spokesperson of the Trump) and the others, things like race and gender, (like @ARE_you_kidding_me‘s great point, _You either have an x&y or an x&x.”) , height, eye color, etc. are not activities, they’re just the way people are born.
But this is not to say the Red Hen is right, because does the restaurant ask everyone else what they do for a living? And how is a restaurant different from any other business? It’s not.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (1points)
flo's avatar

…Actually I take back my “And how is a restaurant different from any other business? It’s not.” It’s kind of is different because some of the people need to eat at a restaurant, if everything else is closed, for example, as opposed to some businesses that sell only unnecessary to life items.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
marinelife's avatar

You know, I have rethought my first answer. If I believe businesses set up to serve the public should serve all the public, then it was not right for the restaurant owner to ask the Sanders family to leave. The threats that the restaurant owner has gotten since are not right either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@flo Resturaunts are not “necessary to life.” If someone has the money to eat at a restaurant, they have the money to go buy some sandwich fixins and make their own food at home.

flo's avatar

Yes, it’s discrimination based on well known ness, because there must be customers at any given time, who are against LGBT or all women or oall men, .....etc.,

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
ragingloli's avatar

I just realised that it is really no different than a Jewish restaurant denying service to Joseph Goebbels.

Yellowdog's avatar

Except the roles are reversed.

Denying service for political, ethnic, or religious reasons and starting a riot, following and harassing—actually sounds pretty dangerous that this is now happening in The States.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Trump, and the GOP, are turning this country into a different country…

It’s not America, anymore…

Yellowdog's avatar

Hating someone, harassing them in public and stirring up riots to do likewise, or blaming them for your problems and making them an easy scapegoat,does NOT mean that they are suppressing or hating YOU.

You are NOT the victim here, your voice is not silenced, nor are you the hero for the oppressed that you paint yourself to be.

Comparing yourself to the holocaust victim is particularly in poor taste, considering there are still people alive who have suffered the holocaust and lost family members in the holocaust.

Furthermore, losing an election is not the same as the country turning into something other than what it is and always has been. Hillary and Bernie Sanders both had intentions of socialism and open borders.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Uh. Excuse me, but I can blame Trump for everything he’s responsible for. I am a victim, as are conservatives (they just don’t have much common sense apparently.)
Any, and all riots, or civil unrest are direct responses to this administration’s actions. If they keep it up, expect it to get far worse. They’re not going to destroy the country and get to enjoy it too. I hope it gets to a point where they can’t go anywhere, even home, without protesters.

Who’s painting themselves as a hero, or holocaust victim?...

Yellowdog's avatar

You, for one.

Actually, you (collectively) are playing the hero of a national crises you are trying to fabricate for your benefit, desperately stirring up hate and paranoia in the nation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

And exactly how would fabricating a national crisis benefit me?...

Stirring hate, and paranoia? Wow…Just wow…

rojo's avatar

Got to agree with @MrGrimm888 here. Stirring up hate and paranoia and fear, are the trifecta of the conservative platform. Liberals get into trouble when they start acting like conservatives who, evidently, can dish it out but not take it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I was sure the irony wasn’t lost there. I wonder how many conservatives ever even heard of MS-13, before Trump fed it to them. How many knew about DACA? How many know jack shit about either, except what the conservative propaganda machine wants them to think they know?...

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not Trump’s fault he said he hoped his brain was attached to his mouth. He was a victim in that instance.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Conservatives have taken issue with the border and illegal immigration for quite some time for good reason, and Democrats have failed to correct it! Trump may not have done things correctly, by any means, but he’s trying. Kinda like Obama and the ACA, he tried, I credit him for that.

Federal law mandates that hospitals treat anyone who needs emergency care, including illegal immigrants; but the federal government only pays for the medical care of illegal immigrants who are in INS custody. When no arrest is made, hospitals and local governments are left to cover any medical costs. Those unpaid bills add up to billions every year, a fiscal crisis that has already helped drive at least one hospital out of business and several health care workers to abandon border areas.

he University of Arizona’s Center for Rural Health shows of 12 critical access hospitals in Arizona, half have negative fiscal margins.
....She said with the ACA there was the assumption that hospitals would have more insured people.

BISBEE, Ariz. — Besieged by illegal immigrants who jam its emergency room, then disappear without paying, tiny Copper Queen Community Hospital is growing desperate.
The 13-bed private facility lost $800,000 caring for migrants last year and $500,000 the year before. At this rate, hospital administrator Jim Dickson predicts, he’ll shut down in three years, leaving the town of Bisbee without a hospital.
“The more business I do, the more money I lose,” he said.
It’s the same story at other border hospitals struggling to cope with record numbers of illegal immigrants sweeping through Arizona.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . Regardless of what conservatives thought previous to Trump, I never heard any peeps about MS-13 (they’ve been on LEO radar for almost 2 decades…

I suppose you thought I made a typo. But I was referring to the “Dreamers.” Or people Trumpers call “terrible people.”

These are subjects that are used to stir the fear, and racism that already existed in the conservative camp. Almost all “information” is wildly speculative, or factually incorrect. But the Trumpers listen, and then share the propaganda, and lies whilst believing it scripture…

The ACA. Interestingly enough, lots Trump supporters have health care through the ACA. Those ignorant fools are pulling the rug out from under their own feet, cursing Obama the whole way.

Your article’s headline reads like conservative propaganda (“besieged” by illegal immigrants…), and leaves out some important facts. Methamphetamines are one of the leading causes of loss in emergency rooms, and burn units. As you may be aware, meth is made with explosive, and flammable materials, and the process can lead to explosions, or uncontrollable fires. The meth makers, are generally uninsured, and care for burns is one of the most expensive…

I would say again, if the process of becoming legal were easier, and people weren’t afraid to be automatically deported, we would have much more cooperation from illegals. Making it easier to get them potential financial aid, that would cover many medical costs. Yes, many such programs exist.

flo's avatar

Who is right, re. Sanders/ Red Hen case?

By the way, are all the waiters the owner, manager, the chef, the bus boy….LGBTQ memebers? If not , are the ones who are not all supporters of the LGBTQ? How did it end up being about LGBTQ since since Sanders doesn’t deal with only LGBTQ related things.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Dutchess_III's avatar

This had nothing to do with LGBTQ.

Yellowdog's avatar

It was an LGBTQ crew in the restaurant who voted to do this, They ran Sarah Sanders out and followed her and harassed the family even at another restaurant. It was an LGBTQ decision that Sarah Sanders was their anathema and they would not tolerate her presence or existence in the restaurant or anywhere else.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t hear any of that. I certainly haven’t heard that they followed her to another restaurant. All I heard was that they strongly disapproved of the person she worked for so they asked her to leave and she did.

Yellowdog's avatar

It was a screeching mob, and although she went home, they jeered at her family who went to another restaurant, including the owner of the Red Hen restaurant.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do have any proof of this or are you making this up?

ragingloli's avatar

No mention of that in this article:
So I am betting it is another lie.

Yellowdog's avatar

Can’t seem to post.

You seem to have a VERY abbreviated account. This incident has been discussed in depth from many perspectives. You have a very short, abbreviated story like this was an isolated incident.

ragingloli's avatar

And do you have any non-fake-news source?

Yellowdog's avatar

After White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were kicked out of a Virginia restaurant on Friday evening, the owner of the establishment followed the group and kept berating them, Mike Huckabee, Sanders’ father and the former Arkansas governor, told Fox Business on Monday.

“In fact, a little known part of this story, is that after Sarah and her husband left and the family relocated to a restaurant across the street, the owner of the Red Hen then organized an effort to go and scream at them from the sidewalk at the other restaurant,” Huckabee claimed in an interview on “The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan.”

“Finally, one of Sarah’s in-laws, who happens to be very liberal, it’s her brother-in-law, went out in the street and said, ‘Look, Sarah’s already left. She didn’t stay for obvious reasons. She’s had all she needs tonight. The rest of us are trying to have dinner. I’m a liberal. I’m not a Trump supporter. But you guys aren’t helping our cause,’” Huckabee went on to say. “So, it wasn’t just what happened in the Little Red Hen restaurant, it’s what happened ongoing by the owner of that restaurant.”

Stephanie Wilkinson, a co-owner of the establishment, told The Washington Post that she felt compelled to take a stand, citing what she called the Trump White House’s “inhumane and unethical” actions.

“I’m not a huge fan of confrontation,” Wilkinson told The Post. “I have a business, and I want the business to thrive.” But, she went on to say, “This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

“Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left,” Sanders tweeted on Saturday. “Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

“It’s an incredible thing when people in the name of their liberty want to deny someone else theirs,” Huckabee said earlier Monday. “And if you’re in the hospitality business, your number one goal is to be hospitable. The owner of that restaurant was not hospitable.”

Passersby gather to take photos in front of the Red Hen Restaurant, Saturday, June 23, 2018, in Lexington, Va. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Saturday in a tweet that she was booted from the Virginia restaurant because she works for President Donald Trump. Sanders said she was told by the owner of The Red Hen that she had to “leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left.” (AP Photo/Daniel Lin)
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave The Red Hen restaurant on Friday night. (AP)

Yellowdog's avatar

If you research this, there is lots of cell-phone footage of the incident. It is certainly NOT fake.

It was a screaming, screeching protest that bordered on violence.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @ragingloli. I agree. It was a low key protest. No screeching, no screaming, no angry mobs. Anyone who says there were is just passing on inflammatory rumors.

And it had nothing at all to do with LGBTQ. It had, more than anything, to do with Trump’s heartless immigration policies that split families up at the border.

ragingloli's avatar

Then I am sure you will have no problem linking just one of those alleged videos.

Dutchess_III's avatar

See Snopes.

“In an effort to find corroboration for Huckabee’s claims of a picket against the Sanders family, we contacted by phone several businesses located within one or two blocks of the Red Hen. Some of them declined to comment on anything relating to the incident at the Red Hen, but all three of those who did speak to us said they were not aware of any picket, protest, or disturbance on East Washington Street or nearby North Main Street on the evening of 22 June 2018.”

“Two of the individuals with whom we spoke said they were personally working on the night of the incident but did not see or hear any picket, protest, or commotion on the street, despite Huckabee’s claim that the alleged incident involved “yelling and screaming.” Another employee of a nearby business, who wished to remain anonymous, told us: “It’s a very small town, so if something like that had happened, I would know.”

Yellowdog's avatar

The Fake Footage I saw must have been staged, using the same people and places and a few actors to act like protesters and screechers.

Who knows what’s real with our ability to manipulate imagery and data and CGI

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Why do you want me to post things so you can dismiss them? I don’t get it, I even used non-Rep sources like Mother Jones!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog Yes, you have to be pretty discerning to get to the truth. It’s really not hard, but you have to be willing to accept that maybe what you’re reading or seeing is a lie, no matter how much you wish it was real.

ragingloli's avatar

Other trumpists were vandalising and sending death threats to the wrong restaurants, despite being reminded repeatedly that they were targeting the wrong place.
So, the chances of the thing you claim to have seen, not being what you want it to be?
Prrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeettttttttty substantial.

rojo's avatar

^^^^ The next step is to send a gunman in to stop the pro-abortion baby laundering being done in the back room.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . I was pointing out the massive omission about meth. It’s extremely relevant, and important to clarify that it is not factual to claim that because of illegals, hospitals are shutting down. That’s just a oversimplified, flat out lie.

You should try reading articles about all the illegals who died of treatable issues, because they were afraid to be deported. You won’t find much though, because such things go widely unreported.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Based on hundreds of articles and records and legal documents, I’m going with the facts I have.

ragingloli's avatar

Of which I am sure you read at least 1.

MrGrimm888's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

“Hundreds” of articles? Got me there. I usually just have like 5 or 6, before I proclaim something I consider fact…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Could you share one or two of those articles with us @KNOWITALL?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Derrrrr, you are so rude and ignorant. For real.

@MrGrimm Feel free to post a link, I don’t find any related to the closed/closing hospitals. We’ve known the stats about illegal drugs via the border for a long time though, I’m not disputing that.

@Dutchess_III I shared three above, should be enough.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Finally found it. Your link was referring to border hospitals. Hospitals on the Mexican border. Not all hospitals.
And the solution is easy. Simply turn them away at the door. Refuse to treat them. Tell the woman in labor to go behind a Quik Trip. Tell the parents of the child with 105 fever to just find a hydrant and run cold water over him.
Trump should be able to sign an executive order making that legal.

ragingloli's avatar

No. That is just my no-nonsense Germanness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

PS. In spite of 5 minutes worth of searching I only found one article that you shared. Not 3 @KNOWITALL.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli I work with a very nice German woman every day and have for 15 years. No nonsense is far different than rudeness.

@Dutchess_III American die of treatable diseases every day, too, so what’s your point? So Trump will do what Obama did, try to fix it maybe, and maybe it will work or maybe it won’t.

PS I shared excerpts from three, maybe I didn’t post the link. What are you wanting links to anyway? This whole conversation with Grimm was about border hospitals closing due to lack of payment of any kind. I posted a link and two other article excerpts to prove otherwise and that wasn’t good enough so he dismissed my research and moved on to say it’s about meth. I know there’s a drug/ meth problem on the border already and my research did not show a correlation between hospitals closing and meth, which I told him.

I’m happy to post links when I have time and feel it’s worth my effort. Many of you do not make it worth my effort when you casually dismiss facts as incorrect with no counter links. So, sorry not sorry.

ragingloli's avatar

She is no true German, then.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You were the one who tried to say illegal immigrants were causing hospitals to go under. My point is, there is a simple solution for that. Just turn them away. Only treat those who can prove that they can pay.

flutherother's avatar

Here is Dr Daniel Derson Head of the Center of Rural Health at the University of Arizona describing the challenges facing healthcare providers in rural Arizona. He does not mention immigration at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@flutherother… your link just sent me to the top of this thread…

KNOWITALL's avatar

Guys, let’s not debate immigration again….this was between Grimm and me.

He said this:
I wonder how many conservatives ever even heard of MS-13, before Trump fed it to them. How many knew about DACA?

I replied, posted links, then he changed to meth. Done and over with.

@Dutchess_III Okay, turn them away like they do to us and our fellow Americans, fine with me. If our elderly, kids and vets can’t get treated, should illegals? Let’s not lose perspective giving stuff away now.

@flutherother Yep, link doesn’t work.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Our elderly, kids and vets CAN be treated. It’s the law. A hospital has to treat everyone regardless of their ability to pay. That happens to include all human beings. Don’t know what Mexico’s laws are regarding treatment. Why would anyone go to Mexico to go to the hospital anyway?

flutherother's avatar

This is the link I tried to post

Dutchess_III's avatar

Interesting. What is the answer to that @flutherother? I know we have a hospital here that is teetering, but I’m not sure why.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s probably because so many people can’t afford health insurance. I think universal health care AND bringing hospital costs within the realm of normal would help a lot.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Even if you can afford insurance, you can’t afford to use it.

My friend had to go to bank before the hospital would even schedule her surgery date. So she had to wait an extra month, in a lot of pain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. It is a problem. And it needs to be fixed. But that is not the immigrant’s fault. It’s the fault of our economy and our government.

flutherother's avatar

@Dutchess_III Dr Derksen thought the main problem was payments not coming through from Medicare and Medicaid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I had medicare (?) during one brief point in my adult life, the dentists were very loath to take me on as a patient because the payments took SO LONG.

flo's avatar

It is about Trump transgender and military
“Wilkinson said her decision to deny Sanders service was due, in part, to the fact that the Red Hen employs members of the LGBT community. These employees were upset that Sanders had defended Trump’s decision to ban transgender citizens from the military.”

And from:

“Some of the Red Hen’s staffers are members of the LGBT community. As the Post noted, Wilkinson and her staff were aware that Sanders had been in favor of Trump’s proposal to ban transgender people from serving in the military.”

“She asked her team if they were uncomfortable with serving Sanders. “Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave,” Wilkinson said she told her staff, per the Post. “They said ‘yes.’ ””

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . No. You started talking about the ACA. I had mentioned DACA. Then , I disputed your factually incorrect posts about immigrants being responsible for closing ERs.

I did not change anything to meth. You changed the conversation to the ACA. I responded…

Your points omitted a huge variable in uninsured medical costs.

And no. You brought up no evidence of conservative “knowledge” of MS-13, or the “Dreamers,” which was my original point. A point that I maintain is only on the conservative radar because Trump has lied, and misrepresented facts about both, to inflame his base. And, as usual, they fall for whatever nonsense he feeds them…

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