Why should I, who am almost bald, pay the same for a haircut as someone with a full head of hair?
Seems unfair to me. The barber can be done with me in 5–6 minutes. A person who has a full coif will take far longer.
Should there be a sliding scale of barber charges depending on the amount of hair to be cut?
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21 Answers
Why should I, who am a woman, pay 20 times what a man does for a haircut?
If I was a friseuse, I would rather charge a flat fee for a hair cut, than meticulously record the exact time it takes me for a haircut and charge by the minute. Makes it easier for me, and erases the need for me to pay my accountant more for the additional workload.
Then of course there would be the asshole customers who start giving me shit for taking a few minutes longer (and thus them having to pay more), than I should have taken. I do not need that in my life.
And if you are almost bald and concerned about cost, just get a hair cutting machine and shave it all off.
If you are almost bald why are you worried about a haircut? Could a family member give you a little snip?
@janbb good question – I have heard that complaint from my daughters for years.
What did the barber say when you asked them?
How much do you pay for a hair cut?
It is impossible to achieve equity in the vanity market. I too am a 5 or six minute man. Prior to the pandemic, I allowed the Mexican ladies at the beauty shop to cut my hair for 12 bucks with a $3 tip, while the upscale fru fru barber shop across the street wants $35 a head. The wife cuts my hair now. I miss the Mexican ladies. They had the best gossip and pampered me wonderfully. They also had the cutest little kids you’d ever want to see running around the shop and just ripe for teasing and bedevilment.
I use to get a senior citizen’s discount.
Been doing my own hair for last 2 and a half years.
I am almost bald and, 10 or 12 years ago, started cutting my own hair with electric sheers. I simply cut it all off and go bald. I prefer it to shaving my head.
The sheers come with attachments that let’s me set the length I want to leave the hair. It works really well for various lengths.
Remington HC4250 Shortcut Pro Self-Haircut Kit, Beard Trimmer, Hair Clippers for Men (13 pieces) https://a.co/d/9uzhyyv
Great question but I agree with @janbb about the ladies’ hair cuts.
Some salons will charge more for a lady’s hair if it’s longer.
Kind of reminds me of how some dry cleaners charge more to dry clean a ladies’ blouse than the men’s shirt of a similar cut.
A friend works at a dry cleaners and said if she puts into the computer “shirt and pants” it’s cheaper than putting in a uniform (for example cop, correction officer, etcl) whereas it’s the same thing, really, just a shirt and pants.
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The people with much hair don’t necessarily need more time to get coiffed.
I, for example, have much hair, and I only get my split ends cut.
I could have the same complaint as you; I’m in the chair for maybe 15 minutes, but I pay the same as everybody else.
Now women’s prices….....
You’re asking a question that cannot be asked in a capitalist economic system. “Should” and “fair” have no place.
Barbers love their job, and by being bald, you deny them much of the enjoyment they take from cutting hair.
You shouldn’t. Cut it yourself, like I do.
I think it actually requires more skill to make thinner/thinning hair look fuller.
Unless you’re seriously on the brink of being legit bald, in which case, I’d just cut my dozen strands myself.
@elbanditoroso Manipulating your combover takes much more skill than a simple cut.
@zenvelo far too little for even a combover
I’m with @janbb.
Women are often charged more for the same haircut as a man. Instead of charging based on length or complexity, it was by gender for years. Maybe it has changed.
Dry cleaner too. Maybe that has changed now, I might not be aware.
And, women make less money on average.
You shouldn’t pay the same if you are mostly bald. What do you pay anyway? Are you married? Buy a pair of hair scissors at Walgreens (yes there is a difference) and have your wife trim your hair for free. My husband trims my hair.
It is your choice to pay it or choose somewhere else to go.
Prices are set by the organization and hair dresser/barber.
You can get it cut at a fancy salon for $200. Why do you choose to not pay that?
Pick a price range and ask for a discounted price if you feel that strongly about it.
They might be pricing on how much they want to take in per time slot. Perhaps you should search around for better pricing for the level of service you need.
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