Social Question

WhyNow's avatar

Have an uplifting commercial?

Asked by WhyNow (2839points) September 22nd, 2022

I watch this one. Always make me feel good. I would like
to start a collection. Even short bits are welcome.

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41 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not sure if it’s uplifting but it makes me rolling in laughter every time :D

WhyNow's avatar

@ragingloli I don’t think you get the gist of my question OR
you are one sick puppy! I say the latter.

ragingloli's avatar

You will love this one then.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Otis Elevator commercials have been uplifting to me.

Zaku's avatar

I think @ragingloli wins again!

I can merely offer these:

If, like me as a child, you are a 7-Up fan, then this one: .

Or if, like me as a child (and sort of still), you’re in favor of anthropomorphic cats replacing humans, there’s this one:

If someone wants more automotive safety-consciousness, but less brutal than @ragingloli ‘s offering there’s this:

LadyMarissa's avatar

Unlike Loli’s, I’m pretty sure that you can show this one to your Mom!!

@gorillapaws I purely LOVE that commercial, but I can’t watch it without crying!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe a trailer for a Netflix show?

gorillapaws's avatar

@LadyMarissa I’m not admitting to crying, but it does seem to consistently get dusty whenever I watch it and my eyes may tear up a bit as a result…

LadyMarissa's avatar

@gorillapaws I understand. Being a silly female, I flat out BooHoo!!! When I realized which commercial it was, I almost backed off it & then I thought… I know the end so I’ll be just fineWRONG!!! A newborn just smacked by the dr couldn’t have cried any harder…Still, I LOVE watching it!!!

flutherother's avatar

An uplifting commercial is a contradiction. Commercials are designed for maximum psychological manipulation and there is nothing uplifting about that.

RayaHope's avatar

I like this commercial because the PUNS are all over the place.

WhyNow's avatar

Thank You Lady M… Yes it is coka cola but the undeniable shine of human spirit
comes thru.

@flutherother Of course! I watched this many times have bought a stick of gum.
I hate to trigger you but

Zaku's avatar

I always disliked the “I’d like to buy the world [a? of?] Coke” song, because it acted like an innocent song, but was actually suggesting mass consumption of Coke for billions of people.

As not just an anti-consumerist, but as a 7-Up fan, that still hits me as very creepy and underhanded.

ragingloli's avatar

I prefer this rendition of the song.

flutherother's avatar

@WhyNow A relationship held together with chewing gum is never going to last.

RayaHope's avatar

@ragingloli OMG!! You should come with a WARNING label…

LadyMarissa's avatar

As a Coca~Cola enthusiast, I saw a world sharing its love & hope!!! It’s from the good old hippie days when everybody was believing in free love!!! 7-Up EWWW

@RayaHope The fact that Loli posted it is your Warning Label!!! Once you’re on youtube, you’re hitting “play” at your own risk!!! Do you feel lucky??? ;-}

RayaHope's avatar

^^ 7-Up is good when you add Sloe Gin to it. She did shock me with that car commercial.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^How the hell would you know???

RayaHope's avatar

My mom drinks it sometimes and I tried it. It just tastes like cherry soda.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Oh yes, blame it on Mom!!!

RayaHope's avatar

Well, I can’t buy it, why is there something wrong with it? It’s kinda like cold medicine.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sloe Gin = Sloe gin is made with gin and sloes. Sloes are the fruit of Prunus spinosa, the blackthorn plant, a relative of the plum. Sloe gin has an alcohol content between 15 and 30 percent by volume. You say you don’t drink. NOT saying it’s wrong…just shock to hear you’re drinking!!!

RayaHope's avatar

She only lets me have a little sometimes. I didn’t even know there was much alcohol in it cause I never tasted any. It’s much like the Robitussin for colds.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sorry @WhyNow, we got sidetracked for a bit there…now back to your Q!!!

WhyNow's avatar

@flutherother Am I supposed to respond? I am still so socially awkward so
I don’t know, This chewing gum approached some artists and asked if they
could come with some ideas with music. And they get paid.

The result is a short poem about bright love not a tutorial about the proper way to
fall in love… It is a story done millions of time throughout history, this just a bit
different just to make you smile and very nicely matched to a great song sung by
Haley Reinhart.

I am really shaking my head here… what am I doing wrong. I feel you must
must always show your woke anti capitalist stance! So If I forced you to watch
I am sorry.

Or were you kidding me?

RayaHope's avatar

@WhyNow Maybe he was being sarcastic? “held together with chewing gum”

WhyNow's avatar

My Lady M… never apologize! Never back down. I feel I am doing something wrong,
I don’t know what.

I used to wonder… if we do live in a holographic universe created by some alien race
in a computer simulation, why make us suffer such pain of free will? Our history is
filled such savagery. Why didn’t they write the program to give us a hive mind?
Our life would be so much easier… no squabbles no war.

Then I fell in love and the answer seemed to be clear. We spent six glorious years
that surely caught the attention of these aliens and validated the reason they gave
free will Then she left. After much agonizing self reflection I realized I never actually
said ‘I love you.’ Six years.

How is it these ‘gum’ people say in seconds what didn’t know how to say in six years?
And now I’m endlessly bickering here instead of finishing the work after which
she will come back and be with me.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@WhyNow Everybody sees things differently. You’re seeing the “love story” where I think @flutherother was attempting to make a joke. Being the realist that I am, I began to wonder IF she was telling him that he had bad breath. Still I chose to go with your “love story” which is a MUCH happier place to be!!!

May I borrow YOUR words??? never apologize! Never back down. You’re doubting yourself waayyy too much lately. Just because somebody doesn’t see things the exact same way that you do, it does NOT necessarily make you wrong…just looking at it in a different way!!!

Obviously @Zaku didn’t appreciate my commercial in the same way I did. Do I care or find @Zaku to be wrong??? Nope…we just look at life out of different eyes & that is OK!!! Definitely NOT worth stressing over!!!

smudges's avatar

There’s so many good ones, but I loved this:

Inspired_2write's avatar

Wow didn’t expect

Forever_Free's avatar

I detest commercials.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Commercials are created by real artists that are trying to convey a messege around products, and that is to be admired in some commercials.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Inspired_2write I understand what they are and that artists make them.

I still detest them.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Understood, they are annoying inbetween a good show.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Inspired_2write yeah, they both fulfill expectation and flip expectation at the same time :D

I also love the costume design. It really matches the time period.

@Forever_Free I hate commercials too, especially when they purposefully make themselves annoying or misleading like the current mobile game ads. But you can tell when the makers put at least some love into it like the one in my link. They are the commercials that I enjoy.

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