I have to think about it to make sure I get it right. So… I too set times a minute or 15 off.
Also, if available, I use the 24 hour clock option.
Here’s a mind bender. I have a Weekender set-back thermostat for my heating system. It has 4 settings per day with two modes: weekend for 2 days, and week day for 5 days.
Great. You can set it to have different times for 5 week days when you get up early and the 2 days of the week when you get up late. Sleep in on Sat and Sunday and get up early Monday through Friday. BUT I want to stay up late on Friday and Saturday, not Saturday and Sunday. Sunday I need to go to bed early. Oh what to do?
How did I fix it? I set my clock 12 hours earlier so it is the wrong AM or PM and half the time, the wrong day. Then I set my desired times. Friday night is now weekend night and Sunday night is now a week day night. The mornings line up exactly as desired. Perfect.
And that is why I can definitely say: “I am a mental case!”