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JLeslie's avatar

What do you like better: mixed nuts or all the same nuts?

Asked by JLeslie (65938points) June 21st, 2023
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Assuming the nuts are out of the shell.

I’m including peanuts even though they are technically legumes.

What’s your reason for liking one over the other?

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RocketGuy's avatar

Mixed – for the variety in every handful. That means I have to eat them one by one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Mixed for years.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Mixed only If the mix had everything that I like. So that I can can eat in the dark.

ragingloli's avatar

Mixed plus raisins and dried banana and apple pieces.

kritiper's avatar


Smashley's avatar

I like cashews brst. Eating them straight is preferable, but not affordable. Mixed nuts are nice because they are cheaper than straight cashews, but are flavorless enough to allow the cashews to come through, while giving a nice mouthfeel.

JLeslie's avatar

Wow. Almost everyone prefers mixed so far. I prefer one type in each can or bag. In the mixed nuts the flavors seem to rub off on each other. Almonds are delicious, but mix them with peanuts and the almonds seem to absorb some of the peanut flavor. I like peanuts, but they don’t hold a candle to an almond. Pecans also are a problem, because pecans shouldn’t be salted, but sometimes they are in with nuts that are better salted.

Packaged mixed nuts always have at least one nut I don’t like very much, but even if I am mixing them myself, I rather not mix nuts together.

Sadly, I can’t eat a lot of nuts, my digestive track can’t handle it.

@Smashley I love cashews. Here we can get halves and pieces at reasonable prices, but they are never cheap. I usually only buy them on sale.

@ragingloli That would be a trail mix. My mom always travels with some sort of combo of nuts and dried fruits.

Forever_Free's avatar

I prefer them solo.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Mixed. Non-salted.

You know, diversity, multiculturalism, integration. Nuts taste better when they are mixed together.
Single nut types (for example, cashews) are boring.

zenvelo's avatar

I generally prefer mixed. but mixed is always lacking in pistachios. I prefer pistachios in the shell over any other solo or mixed assortment.

@JLeslie I am inferring you are not a fan of Brazil nuts.

flutherother's avatar

Mixed, unsalted and minus the raisins. I still buy them but they have doubled in price over the last three or four years.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m allergic to a particular nut so I can never have mixed nuts or any nuts that have been shelled due to cross contamination.

janbb's avatar

All the same because WALNUTS!!

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo That is correct.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I buy mostly cashews but mixed are great if they arent 50% peanuts. I really like them all minus peanuts. And unsalted.

jca2's avatar

I like and buy bags of walnuts for baking or for mixing with yogurt and fruit for breakfast, and bags of almonds for snacking, so I’d have to say all the same is what I prefer.

I really don’t eat peanuts too often. I don’t dislike them but they have such a peanutty flavor, they’re not my favorite.

SnipSnip's avatar

I prefer only peanuts and almonds. I haven’t ever seen that mix.

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