@JLeslie – Honestly I haven’t seen much coverage at all on the news, even though it’s the worst flooding in basically forever.
@flutherother – “bad” does mean death count, but it also means property and crop destruction, making an already desperate situation that much worse. I suppose I was also wondering if anyone thought there might be repercussions for the party, or if not, then what would it take? How much mismanagement can even an authoritarian system sustain?
@LadyMarissa – well at this point it IS the people trying to save things, while the government actively breaches floodwalls and ineptly blocks rescuers who lack the appropriate documentation. I think you might find your own sense of satisfaction with the imperfect but robust systems we have in developed democracies, would be buoyed by bearing witness to how bad it can get in countries under governments of zero accountability.