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When's the last time you happened to find an old cd with a song that hasn't crossed your mind in a while but now you have it on repeat? What is the song?
Asked by christos99 | 16 responses -
Guitar to Piano Transposition?
Asked by blakemasnor | 20 responses -
Are you saddened at the passing of guitar great Les Paul?
Asked by marinelife | 33 responses -
Can you guys help me think of character names of a boy and girl..the boy plays guitar. and the girl plays piano?
Asked by ShipwrecksInSand | 22 responses -
Who are your favorite guitar players?
Asked by adri027 from iPhone | 47 responses -
Good songs for acoustic guitar?
Asked by littlekori | 9 responses -
In your opinion what is the greatest guitar riff of all time?
Asked by diceliving from iPhone | 35 responses -
Does anyone know the chords to this song?
Asked by GKelly13 | 7 responses -
Are you good at air guitar?
Asked by Hawkeye | 22 responses -
Happy Birthday, David Gilmour! Give us your best David Gilmour/Pink Floyd song?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
For musicians living in older apartment buildings: how and where do you practice without annoying people?
Asked by bkburbo | 8 responses -
Why does the same string always break when I tune/play my guitar?
Asked by zarnold | 22 responses -
So lots of questions have come up lately about guitars and music making in general. Anyone have a few maintenance tips for caring for their guitars?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 17 responses -
Brian May or Eric Clapton?
Asked by marinelife | 61 responses -
Why does the common playing position of most stringed instruments require more strength and dexterity from the left hand than the right?
Asked by Harp | 11 responses -
Who Is This singer/songwriter/author/artist? Who I Am.
Asked by beccalynnx | 7 responses -
What are some more modern love songs?
Asked by littlekori from iPhone | 19 responses -
What is the most addictive musical riff?
Asked by SmashTheState | 31 responses -
I am curious about "Math Rock", can you explain?
Asked by Arp | 10 responses -
What's a good song to perform at my school talent show?
Asked by CatieDalleLydon from iPhone | 8 responses -
Does anyone out there know how to play "A Thousand Tiny Pieces" by Sean Hayes on the Geetar?
Asked by kfingerman | 1 response -
How easy is it to learn bass if you already know guitar?
Asked by goose756 | 17 responses -
I'm learning to play the gee-tar and I need help (exercises) with stretching my fingers, so, that I'll be able reach those frets that a just a bit further away..Help?
Asked by Jude | 7 responses -
Opinions on Ovation guitars as a starter instrument?
Asked by majorrich | 16 responses -
What do guys think of girls that play electric guitar?
Asked by xRIPxTHEREVx | 28 responses