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Where can I find guitar music (sheet music) for free?
Asked by nir17 | 6 responses -
I'm going to start over from the beginning guitar. Pick or No Pick?
Asked by majorrich | 10 responses -
Do you know any good, free, online guitar lessons?
Asked by holiwi | 6 responses -
Can you suggest a good bass amp (specs in details)
Asked by wds2 | 5 responses -
Is bass guitar difficult to learn?
Asked by Joker94 | 13 responses -
What does dreadnought guitar mean?
Asked by whitecarnations | 7 responses -
What guitar/bass effects should i look into buying?
Asked by killerkadoogen | 6 responses -
Guitarists: Do you use your capo for both acoustic and electric?
Asked by whitetigress | 13 responses -
How can I make jewellery out of my old guitar strings?
Asked by Tennis5tar | 2 responses -
Does anyone have any music by Linda Worster? Or know how to find it?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 6 responses -
Have you taken guitar lessons online?
Asked by imrainmaker | 8 responses -
What are some good guitar chord progressions?
Asked by CatieDalleLydon from iPhone | 6 responses -
Guitar Madness - how to play (and sing) "Our House"?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 2 responses -
Popular guitar songs?
Asked by MetroGnome217 | 16 responses -
What are some good songs (for acoustic/classical guitar)?
Asked by nromstadt | 9 responses -
Boring question #14: Why is “elevator music” discounted as music?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 7 responses -
How similar is playing the ukulele to playing the mandolin?
Asked by melanie81 | 15 responses -
Can you help me find some positive, upbeat contemporary songs?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 12 responses -
Why are American guitars typically more valuable than guitars made from different nations?
Asked by whitecarnations | 7 responses -
Help a girl out. Could you please post a random song lyric (include the singer/band), it's for a car driving game?
Asked by Mama_Cakes2 | 21 responses -
Any good moderately easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar?
Asked by Yehekai | 7 responses -
How can I stop the vibration or sound proof my bass/drums/other instruments in my basement without spending a ton of money?
Asked by evolverevolve | 12 responses -
Am I allowed to bring a guitar onto a flight?
Asked by ShipwrecksInSand | 9 responses -
What similiar tracks do you know of? (details inside).
Asked by MilkyWay | 16 responses -
Music people, what are your thoughts on this kids' singing?
Asked by Jude | 10 responses