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Have you ever snuck up on a cat while it is sneaking up on a bird?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 6 responses -
Can you cheer me up with some inspiring/funny/feel-good stories?
Asked by Frankie | 11 responses -
What have you broken while out in public?
Asked by awomanscorned | 35 responses -
How can one change from being a smart ass and to be just smart?
Asked by talljasperman | 14 responses -
Can anyone help me learn more knock-knock jokes?
Asked by TLRobinson from iPhone | 36 responses -
Do you ever watch YouTube videos that are so over your head that you hope something will sink in?
Asked by RayaHope | 32 responses -
Is it OK to laugh at your jokes every now and then?
Asked by Blackberry | 33 responses -
What are the advantages and disadvantages of asking the same question in both general and social?
Asked by wundayatta | 33 responses -
Silly question no. 44 - Who would win the battle, you or your villainous version?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 27 responses -
What TV shows and movies did you think were really funny?
Asked by jca | 17 responses -
Do you have and funny or insightful political quotes?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 16 responses -
Of all the new Fluther greeting messages, which are your current favourites [see details]?
Asked by ucme | 12 responses -
If _____ were an acronym, what would be its meaning?
Asked by erichw1504 | 12 responses -
Heard any groaner jokes lately?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 47 responses -
What are some things that you don't use even though they are meant for your use?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 22 responses -
Have your hips ever lied?
Asked by RayaHope | 24 responses -
Absurd Political Humor to Make Sara Laugh?
Asked by delirium | 12 responses -
What professions would be absurd to automate?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 23 responses -
What was your ostentatious display of wealth as a young adult?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 16 responses -
A line from a movie that made you laugh, lately?
Asked by zensky | 22 responses -
What are some of the funniest things you've said or heard when talking on the phone?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 13 responses -
Possibly [ NSFW ] What do you feel like doing when you have just showered, relaxed and no worries in the world whatsoever?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 23 responses -
What cartoon or fictional character would you date?
Asked by talljasperman | 19 responses -
Who is this Mary Ann down by the seaside sifting sand?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
What is your method of dealing with people (that you can't avoid) that consistently act like adult children?
Asked by Unbroken | 15 responses