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What is your favorite politcal joke?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 35 responses -
How would you describe your driving ability in three words or less?
Asked by erichw1504 | 72 responses -
Can you fill in the blank, "I think I'm wasting too much time ___________?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 32 responses -
What could be the most "drunk" question you can ask?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 34 responses -
Why do newcasts make light of serious news?
Asked by kruger_d | 5 responses -
What if Bigfoot was a Wookie?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
Does God want to smite people who spam him with prayers?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 18 responses -
How do you keep the "bastards from grinding you down"?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
Care to share a few favorite fun fart factoids?
Asked by ibstubro | 42 responses -
Do you ever go back and search for the old humorous or "classic" Fluther threads just because you need a good chuckle?
Asked by adreamofautumn | 16 responses -
If you are the smartest human being in an Earth-like planet, how would that world differ from ours?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 18 responses -
Do you have any hilarious but embarrassing moments you enjoy remembering?
Asked by Sunny2 | 28 responses -
NSFW - What will you say to help God with this problem?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
Who wants to play the five-worded chain game? 4th Edition?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 511 responses -
What comic strips do you find funny?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 15 responses -
Who else is looking forward to February 15?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 14 responses -
Are you uncomfortable having the remote control pointed at you?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 37 responses -
Does getting out of bed count as a push up and a sit up?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
Is it normal to become slightly psychotic after binge listening to Evenesence?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
Do men have healing hands too? (NSFW)
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 11 responses -
If you could improve, or reduce, any one statistic by 5% what would you choose?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
Do you have any bizarre air plane stories to share?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 16 responses -
Has the Holy See ever participated in the Olympics?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
How many reincarnations does the Dalai Lama have to go through before he gets the power to shoot lightning out of his hands like a Jedi/Sith?
Asked by talljasperman | 20 responses -
Is it possible to know what the requirements for getting the last 6 awards are?
Asked by AshlynM | 9 responses