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Do you have a silly family name for an everyday item?
Asked by ibstubro | 31 responses -
Do you think that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford will resign to seek higher office?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses -
How can one change from being a smart ass and to be just smart?
Asked by talljasperman | 14 responses -
If Lady Gaga can dress the way she wants then can I have the freedom to not comb my hair and brush my teeth and call it a style?
Asked by talljasperman | 18 responses -
What makes your heart burn?
Asked by ibstubro | 22 responses -
Roll call. Who's funny?
Asked by Jonesn4burgers | 174 responses -
If you do find yourself sleepwalking, where would you most likely end up going?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 15 responses -
Where did these Fluther inside jokes come from?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 39 responses -
Do you have any " Humor of the day" stories to share this morning?
Asked by Coloma | 17 responses -
Argh! It's right on the tip of my tongue. What is that word?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 32 responses -
A Fluther poem that accurately reflects your time here, would go something like...?
Asked by ucme | 23 responses -
How do I write that I would like to be a house husband on Match.com?
Asked by talljasperman | 19 responses -
How can one tell if they are being kept?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
~ How can one become rich sleeping all day and lying prone watching t.v.?
Asked by talljasperman | 26 responses -
What's your favorite Monty Python sketch or line?
Asked by DWW25921 | 66 responses -
Is Germany due for another attempt to invade the world?
Asked by talljasperman | 24 responses -
(NSFW) what are the bases in relationships?
Asked by talljasperman | 15 responses -
Do you have any funny store signs to share?
Asked by talljasperman | 13 responses -
What's the silliest thing you've ever done, said or witnessed?
Asked by DWW25921 | 13 responses -
Would this freak you out?
Asked by flip86 | 21 responses -
What would you tell yourself?
Asked by antimatter | 25 responses -
How do you feel about bow ties?
Asked by jordym84 | 24 responses -
Tyrants/Dictators: Who had the funniest accent & who would've been the best stand-up comic?
Asked by ucme | 14 responses -
Do you know any fictional characters who needs a good backpfeifengesicht?
Asked by talljasperman | 20 responses -
What are the TV shows you remember as being the funniest?
Asked by ucme | 85 responses