Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you see anything wrong with this commercial transaction?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33732points) September 29th, 2022

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A guy was selling a table on Facebook and was offered sexual favors instead of cash.

Of course, no Flutherite would do this, but do you see this as a reasonable way to transact business?

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10 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

hahaha! I see absolutely nothing wrong with her offer.

Forever_Free's avatar

Hye, those things cost money! Her offer was legit. Apparently she found another table.

He will never look at that table the same way. Did he then put the rest of his furniture up for barter?

Blackberry's avatar

“13 lasting effects of the pandemic you wouldn’t believe!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well if he takes her up on it it’s legit.

flutherother's avatar

It would depend on the legs, I mean the table legs.

ragingloli's avatar

Goods in exchange for rendering services should be pretty normal in any barter economy.

gondwanalon's avatar

Depends on specific details like the value of the table and the looks and age of the woman.

One time I picked up a woman hitchhiker on a street in San Francisco for a ride in my car. She asked me to take her home. It was on my way so no problem. Then she asked me to take her to the airport in a couple hours. She offered to pay me in sex and food. Seemed too risky and weird to me so I said I’m not interred even though she looked good and otherwise acted OK.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Why not? As long as both parties are satisfied, it’s a legal contract.

JLeslie's avatar

I think it’s illegal if prostitution is illegal where they live. If it’s legal then I guess it’s ok.

In the US, technically, you are supposed to pay federal income tax on a barter transaction, but the table is likely sold at a loss, so that wouldn’t matter.

jca2's avatar

There would be no way to enforce it. If the person offering sex as their side of the barter backed out of the deal, it couldn’t be enforced.

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