January 5
How well do you understand fractions?
Asked by LostInParadise | 19 responses -
A question about the current Speaker nonsense?
Asked by filmfann | 18 responses -
Is anyone else experiencing some schadenfreude at Kevin McCarthy's woes?
Asked by janbb | 40 responses -
If you could go back in time and went to the year 30000 BC, how long would you stay alive from the moment of entering that time?
Asked by AhYem | 24 responses -
January 4
Are real estate prices negotiable?
Asked by Gracieya | 6 responses -
Woman is more than twenty years older than man wooing her; sweet, or icky?
Asked by Patty_Melt | 48 responses -
Do you think if enough people cancel their Prime memberships, Amazon will lower the cost?
Asked by jca2 | 22 responses -
January 3
Do you think our Reality is real or could it be someone's simulation?
Asked by AhYem | 27 responses -
What if I told you that Adam and Eve were Aliens and the whole story was introduced by Aliens?
Asked by AhYem | 13 responses -
What is older - the egg or the hen?
Asked by AhYem | 13 responses -
I'm considering taking a 5 or 7 day cruise this year. Any recommendations? Tips?
Asked by SABOTEUR | 31 responses -
Vape flavors banned to protect children but marijuana gummies use packaging that mimic popular candy and cereals. What's wrong with this picture?
Asked by SABOTEUR | 26 responses -
If you could turn back your time and be a dumb teenager again, would you?
Asked by RayaHope | 21 responses -
[NSFW] What do you think of men who secretly photograph women while they are naked sunbathing on the beach?
Asked by Panamera556 from iPhone | 12 responses -
Why do or don't you shop at Amazon?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 15 responses -
How many people lived on Earth 2,000 years ago? How can you explain their enormous number?
Asked by AhYem | 46 responses -
Do you set reading goals for the year?
Asked by Locke from iPhone | 11 responses -
What actually is "Bingo"?
Asked by ragingloli | 20 responses -
January 2
Can you solve this quasi-paradox? The solution is very easy actually...
Asked by AhYem | 8 responses -
What different types of birds have you eaten?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 32 responses -
Do you ever argue with yourself? And if so, who wins?
Asked by RayaHope | 16 responses -
What is the appeal of someone like Andrew Tate and other "toxic masculinity" peddlars?
Asked by Locke | 5 responses -
Have you seen the movie Tár? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
Asked by Locke | 4 responses -
January 1
Have you had a (sleeping) dream that's stayed with you for 10 years or more?
Asked by Jeruba | 24 responses -
If you went back in time and killed your grand-father or your father before you're even born, would you be alive now?
Asked by AhYem | 23 responses -
What do you think of this perplexed Maths?
Asked by AhYem | 16 responses -
What are in your opinion the biggest social obstacles during a Time travel?
Asked by AhYem | 4 responses -
Can you recommend to me your favorite lap desk?
Asked by JLeslie | 1 response -
What is the BEST thing that happened to you or that you did in 2022?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 25 responses -
Did you ever say, "I hate myself for lovin' you" ..?
Asked by RayaHope | 19 responses -
What foods do you pick out of your meals?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 26 responses -
May I wish every one a Happy New Year?
Asked by AhYem | 12 responses -
December 31
What devices do you set to maximum?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
Is this a fair price for a sealed copy of the film "Nukie"?
Asked by ragingloli | 1 response -
Inkjet or Laserjet?
Asked by Entropy | 4 responses