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Anybody out there who is as excited about The Avengers movie opening this week as I am?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 47 responses -
What superpower would you want, and would you be a hero or a villain?
Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield | 9 responses -
What would have happened if Wolverine, or any superhero (before they became known) applied to a military recruiting office and filled out an application properly?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
What did you think of the movie "Watchmen", and do you agree with this article?
Asked by filmfann | 10 responses -
If you could pick the next "Super Hero" movie what would it be?
Asked by ctferrarajr | 42 responses -
Who is your favorite superhero?
Asked by theredjawa | 17 responses -
If you could be your own super hero, who would you be?
Asked by FGS | 23 responses -
Scientifically or genetically speaking, is it possible to gain "super/powers"?
Asked by Tbag | 8 responses -
Marvel or DC comics?
Asked by Jay484 | 22 responses -
What is your interpretation of "Donnie Darko"?
Asked by shrubbery | 26 responses -
Which superhero (in your opinion) has the best/worst costume?
Asked by ucme | 26 responses -
[Fluff time] If you could will to life any super hero or villain who would that be and why?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Would you rather have the power to be invisible and teleport at will or the power to read minds and fly?
Asked by Tbag | 36 responses -
If you have superpowers and decides to be a superhero, would you tell the world or hide your identity?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
What would be the proper political and legal ramifications of superpowers?
Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield | 15 responses -
Which is your favourite quote from a superhero movie?
Asked by imrainmaker | 12 responses -
How did Dr. Doom and Mr. Fantastic end up super smart?
Asked by talljasperman | 3 responses -
If Batman doesn't have powers, why is he considered a superhero?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 17 responses -
What superheros/supervillains have intelligence as a main attribute or power?
Asked by talljasperman | 22 responses -
Would Dr. Phil McGraw make a great Professor Charles Francis Xavier in real life or as an actor in a Marvel X-men movie?
Asked by 03082187977 | 2 responses -
Is batman a super hero?
Asked by Jay484 | 19 responses -
If you get to have Superman’s powers for a year what are the things you would do that really matter?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 11 responses -
If you were a Marvel comic superhero, who would it be and why?
Asked by elman25 from iPhone | 11 responses -
Is Superman the perfect super hero?
Asked by alossforwords | 65 responses -
Where can I find a list of superhero/supervillan's birthday's on the same article?
Asked by talljasperman | 2 responses