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What made 2009 special to you?
Asked by Ailia | 115 responses -
Is it better to ask a new question or use necromancy on a very old question?
Asked by keobooks | 17 responses -
Do you share my view that this little site is surprisingly remarkable?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 51 responses -
How would this question be handled on Fluther?
Asked by Dr_C | 38 responses -
Do your trust your fellow flutherites (in what they say)? Do you believe that they are being honest?
Asked by Jude | 134 responses -
What is the final boss of Fluther?
Asked by TexasDude | 60 responses -
Have you seen today's Fluther blog post? If not, will you please read it now?
Asked by augustlan | 75 responses -
I don't mean to keep ragging on Facebook, but will you hear me out?
Asked by Berserker | 35 responses -
Who would like to join me in congratulating Shilolo for reaching 10k?
Asked by Dr_C | 77 responses -
Why do most of the people on Fluther now seem to have such short fuses and itchy trigger fingers?
Asked by Sakata | 176 responses -
I love Fluther and the interaction with different people, but why the flame game?
Asked by comity | 93 responses -
Has the creation of new awards influenced the way you fluther?
Asked by Dr_C | 89 responses -
How should the Collective respond to the potential admission of a felony on our website?
Asked by TexasDude | 62 responses -
Who's gonna let us guys know when you die (read on!)?
Asked by harple | 36 responses -
Would you like say hello to the other Jellies on Fluther? Of course you would!
Asked by troubleinharlem | 59 responses -
Looking back, how has the "wis.dm migration" ended up?
Asked by J0E | 111 responses -
Well, it's been good jellies, but I've decived to delete my Fluther account. Your thoughts?
Asked by erichw1504 | 50 responses -
Who just "Chopped" his way into the 10k Mansion?
Asked by Dr_C | 63 responses -
East Coast jellies, check in here!
Asked by SuperMouse | 82 responses -
How do we form such strong attachments to people on the internet?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 26 responses -
How has internet social networking helped you in the real world?
Asked by Blueroses | 14 responses -
How do you gain access to "Verizon Surround"?
Asked by redsfan1324 | 7 responses -
What happens to your facebook account when you die?
Asked by RareDenver | 23 responses -
How in blazes do you keep track of your passwords?
Asked by bookish1 | 26 responses -
What are some of your favorite hidden gems of the internet?
Asked by jsammons | 37 responses